Рарники и сокровища в зерет мортисе

Карта мира valheim: биомы, сокровища и сиды

Выполняйте локальные задания

Локальные задания — это лучший источник военных ресурсов, как и в Легионе. За более простые локальные задания можно получить от 30 до 45 военных ресурсов, чего достаточно для начала большинства миссий. За более сложные локальные задания, в том числе с заданиями в подземельях, обычно можно получить от 100 до 200 военных ресурсов.

Вы ограничены доступностью таких квестов, но если вы регулярно выполняете локальные квесты, за которые даются военные ресурсы, вы, скорее всего, обнаружите, что ваш тайник заканчивается только после одного из дорогостоящих улучшений. В течение 24 часов вы, как правило, сможете заработать от 300 до 500 военных ресурсов, выполнив все доступные локальные задания, дающие их.

Вы можете использовать список локальных заданий дополнения, чтобы отслеживать текущие активные локальные задания и их награды.

Best WoW Map Addons

19. TomTom

If you’re of a certain age you can probably remember TomTom sat-nav. It’s what everyone’s Dad had stuck to the dashboard before GoogleMaps and in-built satnav became standard. 

Well, the TomTom addon is a handy sat-nav tool for WoW, because who doesn’t hate getting lost.

Just type in a set of coordinates, or select a spot on the map, and TomTom will give you a handy green arrow to follow.

Especially useful, as soon as you die TomTom will provide you with directions back to your body.

20. SexyMap

Looking to spice up your map UI? Give Sexymap a try.

Don’t worry, it’s nothing inappropriate. 

SexyMap replaces the boring old default minimap with some more stylized presets like Emerald Dream and Elemental Fury.

The add-on won’t revolutionize your experience but it will make it a little easier on the eyes.

21. MBB Reborn

The more add-ons you have, the more cluttered your minimap is going to become. This şs because so many of these addons are used to track things like resource points, enemy locations, etc.

MBB reborn is a super helpful add-on that negates this problem. It takes all these new, addon-related buttons and hides them away behind one single button. 

When you need to deal with an addon, click the button and they’re all lşsted nice and neat.

If there’s one add-on button you use more than the rest don’t worry. You can use Ctrl+Right Click on that specific addon to have it displayed on the minimap.

Addons are great and MBB is just a super useful tool to help them work together and keep your screen free of clutter.

There is an absolute ton of addons for WoW and this list barely scratches the surface. Instead, we’ve just listed the most useful that we’ve so far.

Most of these addons have downloads that reach into the millions so you know they are safe to download and will more than likely play well together unless stated specifically. 

You should always be careful when downloading WoW addons and only do so though from trusted sources.

The best thing about these WoW mods is that none of them are cast as cheating by WoW so your account is safe. Even better, none of them really give you an unfair advantage so using them is guilt-free.

The best Wow add ons are all about making your life easier and encouraging teamwork.

Выполняйте еженедельные задания фронта, когда ваша фракция контролирует нагорье Арати.

Фронты, новая функция с Битва за Азерот, кажутся несколько запутанными на первый взгляд, но в целом все довольно просто. Когда противоборствующая фракция захватит Арати, ваша фракция начнет собирать припасы, чтобы внести свой вклад в военные действия. Появится куча еженедельных квестов для сдачи профессий, и выполнение этих квестов будет способствовать военным усилиям вашей фракции, наградной репутации и силе артефакта. К сожалению, нет военных ресурсов.

Как только ваша фракция достигнет 100% вклада, будет запущен фронт, и контроль перейдет от контролирующей фракции к атакующей.

Когда ваша фракция будет контролировать Нагорье Арати, вы получите доступ к нескольким заданиям, предлагаемым на базе вашей фракции в Арати. которое можно выполнить один раз за цикл. Это означает, что после того, как вы выполнили эти квесты, вы не сможете выполнять их снова на персонаже, пока управление не перейдет к вражеской фракции. Что положит начало новым военным усилиям. Впоследствии запуск еще одного фронта. А затем контроль возвращается к вашей фракции.

Смена контролирующей фракции может занять до недели, так как она полностью основана на вкладах игроков. Вы можете рассчитывать на выполнение этих квестов всего несколько раз в месяц.Эти квесты предлагают простые задания по убийству мобов, такие как «Убить 20 огров клана Тяжелого Кулака в Нагорье Арати», и наградить изрядным запасом в 200 военных ресурсов за каждое. Просто выполняйте эти квесты всякий раз, когда ваша фракция контролирует Нагорье Арати.

Best WoW Addons For Making Money

17. GatherMate 2

GatherMate 2 is one of the top WoW addons for the more industrious players out there.

If you spend a lot of your game time gathering resources for crafting or for making money in the auction house then you’ll want to look at GatherMate.

The addon drops a little indicator on your map and minimap every time you gather a resource. This means when you revisit an area you’ll be able to work out the most efficient route for gathering resources.

Or if you have a favorite resource gathering area you can find the areas where resources are the most plentiful and avoid the scarcer areas.

GatherMate 2 is one of the best WoW addons for increasing your resource gathering efficiency.

18. Auctioneer

Wanna make some serious coin but find the auction house intimidating? You need Auctioneer.

Auctioneer is a great addon for streamlining the auction house and keeping track of market trends.

Auctioneer appraises your items and then gives you a competitive price that will undercut other sellers selling the same thing.

Besides this, Auctioneer makes becoming an Auction House tycoon even easier by tracking your biddings, postings, and mail.

This makes it much easier to keep on top of multiple listings at once. Once you get the hang of it you’ll be turning a profit in no time!

When it comes to making money, Auctioneer is most definitely one of the best WoW addons around.

Best Ease of Life WoW Addons

6. World Quest Tracker

Another one of the addons for WoW that does exactly what it says on the tin, World Quests in WoW are daily quests.

World Quests were introduced in Legion and can offer some pretty great rewards so they’re often worth chasing.

Unfortunately, Blizzard hasn’t done a great job of allowing players to track them, and the game’s outdated map UI doesn’t help.

World Quest Tracker adds a custom tracker so that you can manage which quests are relevant to your goals.

The Quest icon is changed in zone maps and now lists the rewards. The quest you are tracking is then shown on our fly map so that you can easily reach them.

Finally, the addon records your World Quest statistics- which you’ve done, rewards earned on all characters.

If you like to focus on World Quest then the World Quest tracker is the addon you need.

7. Azeroth Auto Pilot

In any MMO it’s always super exciting to level up your first character to the level cap.

It can still be fun to do it with your second character. But the more alt characters you have, the more of a chore the leveling grind becomes. 

Azeroth Auto Pilot takes away some of that grind by automating tons of little things. Firstly you’ll get an arrow that will guide you from quest to quest in the most efficient route possible.

It then automates things like chatting to NPC’s, interacting with objects, etc.  You’ll still have to play the game, this isn’t a bot, but it does speed things up significantly and allows you to multitask.

When it comes to addons for WoW designed to save time this is the best.

8. All the Things

Are you a completionist intent on completing all the content available in one of the biggest, longest-running games ever made? Then you’re going to need All the Things.

This addon keeps track of things like achievements, rare kills, pets, treasures, and items you’ve collected and then identifies everything you haven’t managed to collect yet. 

It then shows you these in an incredibly simple interface and provides extra tooltip info on the things you still need to collect. For example the drop rate of an item and where şt can be found.

Whenever you collect something new you’ll be alerted through an audio cue to keep you motivated. It’s a great way to let you know you’re making progress.

If you’re a completionist then All the Things should be near the top of your addons list.

9. Rarity

If you’ve ever played an MMO like WoW before, you’ll be familiar with the idea of drop rates.

We’ve all spent countless hours killing the same MOB over and over again in a futile attempt to get its rarest drop. Rarity seeks to help you in this often fruitless endeavor.

Rarity is the addon for people who like to know the odds. For each item, it will tell you how likely it is to drop, tell you how long you’ve been wasting your time, and will tell you if you’ve been lucky or unlucky so far.

Basically, this addon is great for telling you if you should just give up now or if you have a good chance of getting the drop if you just try for a little longer.

Note that rarity has its limitations. It doesn’t play very well with group-based mobs or enemies that drop nothing. It’ll only register a kill if they drop coins, otherwise, it won’t.

This can skew the numbers. Really though you’re going to be using this for rare drops, not just a few coins. 

10. HandyNotes

As mentioned earlier, WoW’s map is fine but it’s not the best. It does a decent job of highlighting the most important areas but that’s about all.

Handy Notes lets you annotate your map with your points of interest. Found a good area for farming an item? Save it. Secret entrance? Save it. Just a super scenic area you like? Save it.

Even better, there are published collections of HandyNotes that allow you to track down things like treasure chests in Azeroth, rare creatures, and easter eggs.

To get started you’ll need to download HandyNotes first and then any of these collections as separate addons.

Much like All the Things, this is one of the better WoW mods for any completionists out there.

11. Rarescanner

Hunting down rare enemies can be stressful.

Knowing that a brief lapse in concentration could mean missing an enemy you’ve been hunting for hours can be anxiety-inducing.

Fear not, Rarescanner will make sure that no rare monster will ever escape your clutches.

Any time you come close to a rare monster, item, or event Rarescanner will warn you via a loud sound and a visual prompt.

The visual prompt is particularly useful as it shows the name of the rare and its loot pool. If you want to chase it, click the prompt and a skull will appear over the mob, singling it out for death. 

Starting Zones

To get started, we’ll take a look at the starting zones and the chests that can be acquired within them.

Dun Morogh

In the Dwarven and Gnome starting zone of Dun Morogh, check in the southwestern part of the map, in the most southwestern part of the Coldridge Valley for one version of the Battered Chest.  Look for the other version scattered throughout the rest of the main part of the zone.

Elwynn Forest

In the starting lands of the humans, look pretty much all over.  One version of the Battered Chest is predominantly found in the very early parts of the zone, near Northshire Abby, while the other can be found throughout Elwynn.


Within the boughs of the great tree Teldrassil resides both the Night Elven Capitol of Darnassus, as well as the Night Elf Starting Village of Shadowglen.  Again, as in Elwynn Forest, both versions of the Battered Chest can be found here.  The first can be found exclusively in Shadowglen, while the other is encountered throughout the zone.


Orc and Troll players can find many of these chests at Terrigrade Keep, as well as the canyon northeast of Razor Hill.  Be wary in the canyon though, as the harpies there are numerous and can sometimes swarm and overwhelm unprepared players.


The Battered Chests in Mulgore, tend to be around the outskirts of the zones, often in caves, or other tucked away places.  There are quite a few of them, but they are scattered all around.

Tirisfal Glades

Like Elwynn Forest and Teldrassil, the starting zone for the Forsaken has two types of Battered Chests to find.  One is found exclusively in Deathknell and the crypt there.  Another is found more widespread throughout the zone.  Be very careful when hunting for chests in Agamand Mills, as it is very easy to find oneself completely outnumbered by the Scourge here.

Low to Mid Level Zones: 10 – 35

In these zones you will find both higher level versions of the Battered Chest, as well as several versions of the Solid Chest.


In Ashenvale, look for Battered Chests almost exclusively in the northeast section of the map, but be careful.  Some of the most powerful mobs in the zone spawn in the Zoram Strand.  You’ll find two types of Solid Chests as well, one version throughout the middle of the map  and the other mostly on the Eastern parts of the zone, near Splintertree Post and Horde territory.

The Barrens

There are both types of Battered Chests in The Barrens.  One seems to appear almost in each of the four corners of the zone and one that can be found scattered all over the Northern Barrens, especially in the areas northeast and southwest of the Crossroads:  Always be wary in the barrens, as the level of mobs can change swiftly and suddenly, as you traverse the zone.  You’ll also find some Solid Chests here as well that can be found in the most southwestern corner of the map.


Darkshore is another zone that is home to two types of Battered Chests, but is also a zone that lacks abundant significant dangers.  Both types seem to be scattered all over the zone.

Hillsbrad Foothills

In the foothills, you will find two types of Solid chests, one type is found off the coast near Azureload Mine and near the farm swarming with gnolls, the other type can only be found within Durnhold Keep.

Loch Modan

Another zone that is home to two chest types of the same name, Loch Modan is home to many Battered Chests.  One kind is found exclusively on the Western side of the zone, whilst the other kind is found only in the East.  Be especially careful in all of the Eastern parts of Loch Modan, especially in the Northeast where the Mo’grosh Ogre Clan resides.  These Ogres are the highest level mobs in the zone and have been known to be a bit much, even for a player of their level.

Redridge Mountains

Almost all of the Battered Chests that can be found in this zone are found north of the Alliance town of Lakeshire.  The rest of the zone, especially the eastern most section, is filled with Solid Chests.  Be wary throughout Redridge, as the Gnolls and Blackrock Orcs here are abundant and like to stealth and wait for the unprepared traveler.

Silverpine Forest

In the Silverpine forest, there are two types of Battered Chests.  One type can be found only on, or around Fenris Isle, while the second is scattered throughout the zone.

Stonetalon Mountains

This somewhat higher level zone is home to only one type of Battered Chest and it can be found plentifully in Windshear Mine, but they also appear in the very center of the zone and where the zone meets The Barrens.  Be on guard for the Shredders in the crag, as they have been known to wipe out whole groups of adventurers.  In the southwestern most portion of the map, in a sub zone called the Charred Vale, players will also find a somewhat large cluster of Solid Chests as well.

Thousand Needles

In the vast gorge of Thousand Needles, you’ll find just one type of Solid Chest, which is scattered on the north and south edges of the northwestern side of the canyon lands.


The Alliance zone of Westfall is home to two types of Battered Chests.  One is found only in the most south eastern part of the zone map, the other can be found all over the zone, but especially in Jangolode Mine and the Gold Coast Quarry.

The Wetlands

The Wetlands hold two types of Solid Chests, one type is found scattered throughout the western part of the zone, but especially within the swamp delta (https://classic.wowhead.com/object=2850/solid-chest), while the second type can be found in the northern and south western peaks.

Откройте для себя спрятанные сундуки с сокровищами

Битва за Азерот зоны также содержат спрятанные сундуки с сокровищами, которые появляются в случайных местах.Хотя эти сундуки нельзя отследить по конкретным координатам, вы сможете увидеть любые близлежащие сундуки на своей мини-карте в виде серого значка сундука с сокровищами. Как только вы доберетесь до этого места, вы сможете обнаружить сокровище, глядя на слабое пурпурное свечение, исходящее из контейнера.

Эти контейнеры обычно содержат небольшой запас военных ресурсов, а также некоторые предметы хлама от торговцев. Количество военных ресурсов, которые вы можете заработать, собирая из этих сундуков, может быть довольно ничтожным (от пяти до двадцати пяти за сундук), но если вы находитесь в этом районе и видите один поблизости, вы можете также взять его.

Собирайте сокровища для конкретных зон

Каждая новая зона в Битва за Азерот содержит десять скрытых сокровищ, функция, добавленная с Туманы пандарии. Эти сокровища можно найти в фиксированных местах в зонах и областях, которые легко отслеживать с помощью дополнений. Эти сокровища можно разграбить только один раз. После того, как вы соберете все доступные ресурсы в зоне, вы не сможете получить дополнительные военные ресурсы из этого источника.

Вы можете отслеживать, какие сокровища вы уже обнаружили, проверив категорию «Битва за Азерот» в достижениях «Исследование» и проверив соответствующие достижения (например, «Сокровища Зулдазара»).

Вы можете использовать Rarescanner, чтобы отмечать местоположения всех сокровищ для конкретных зон на своей карте, или плагин HandyNotes Battle for Azeroth Treasures.

Mid Level Zones: 30 – 50

Within these zones you’ll find almost exclusively Solid Chests of various types.

Alterac Mountains

Two types of Solid Chests can be found in Alterac, one almost exclusively inside the town of Strahnbrad, but also scattered within the mountains,  the other predominantly within the Ruins of Alterac, and scattered north of the snow covered zone.

Arathi Highlands

In the Arathi Highlands there are two versions of Solid Chests.  One of them can be found either within the Witherbark Troll Village, or on the farm just northeast of the Great Gate, while the other version can be found predominantly within Stromgarde Keep, but also at several other locations throughout the zone, including off the coast, under the water.


Of the two types of Solid Chests that can be found in the Badlands, one of them can only be found far to the Southwest of the zone, near Dustbelch Grotto.  The other type can be found scattered in several locations throughout the zone, but are clustered somewhat within Angor Fortress.


The barren landscape of Desolace contains two different types of Solid Chests.  One type can be found predominantly in the northeast and within Thunderaxe Fortress, the other in the southwest, especially within the Valley of Spears.

Duskwallow Marsh

The two types of Solid Chests in Duskwallow are pretty straightforward to find.  One type is found mostly in the South, while the other is found almost exclusively to the North.

The Hinterlands

Find one version of the Solid Chest at the Altar of Zul and the troll ruins to the west of it, and find the other version throughout the Troll City of Jintha’ Alor and the Eastern portion of the map.

Stranglethorn Vale

There are three versions of the Solid Chest in Stranglethorn Vale.  Two of them can be found in the North part of the zone, especially just to the north of the entrance to Zul’Gurub.  The third type is scattered throughout the southern part of the jungle, especially within the troll ruins East of the Arena.

Swamp of Sorrows

The pickins are slim in the Swamp of Sorrows, but you can still find some treasure chests here.  One version of the Solid Chest can be found scattered along the Eastern coast, while another can be found exclusively within the Fallow Sanctuary.


There are only about three places to find Solid Chests in Tanaris.  One version of the chest is found in a huge cluster, just to the north of the Caverns of Time and east of Gadgetzan.  Another version can be found in two separate clusters, one just to the West of the Caverns of Time, the other, far to the East, North of the Gate to Uldum.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: