Plater nameplates: world of warcraft (wow) addon spotlight

Best nameplate addon in world of warcraft (wow) - arcane intellect

Addon Spotlight: Plater Nameplates

29 related questions found

How do I enable Kui nameplates ElvUI?

DIsable the ElvUI nameplates in the ElvUI section. Go to addons section — uncheck enable for KUI nameplates, then enable again and then log in.

How do you make Kui nameplates not fade?

Check the «allow Kui Nameplates to modify CVars» option under /knp > CVars, then check «disable scaling» and «disable fading.»

How do I disable ElvUI health bar?

Please add an » Enable» option to UnitFrames > <Unit> > Health just like on the power bar tabs. Every other element of the unit frames frame can be disabled except the health bar.

How do I move my health bar in wow?

  1. Type /move,
  2. Scroll down to find the relevant frame (like say “Unit: Player”) in the list. …
  3. Next to it you’ll see 2 empty checkboxes, enable the first one to get access to a “Mover”.
  4. Now you should see a little “mover” window with arrow buttons to move the thing (ignore that).

How do I turn off friendly nameplates on ElvUI?

There is an option in the ElvUI nameplate — general section to hide blizzard nameplates. Use this option if you don’t want to see the blizzard nameplates in dungeons.

What are nameplates in wow?

As you fight enemies, the nameplate will show you what percent of their health they have left.

  • Nameplate addons can show the percent health remaining for enemies.
  • Spotlighting causes nameplates to glow when you hover over them.
  • ThreatPlates addon quest indicator in World of Warcraft.

How do I turn off friendly nameplates?

All NameplatesPress «Esc» and select «Interface» from the menu, followed by «Names.» You’ll be presented with a list of options you can check or un-check, including guild names, titles, and the names of friendly and hostile players and their pets. Un-check everything you don’t want to see, then click «Okay.»

How do you set up NeatPlates?

Use the command, ‘/NeatPlates’ or ‘/np’ as a shortcut to the interface panel for Neat Plates. On that panel, you’ll be able to select from a list of available themes. The theme you choose will affect both appearance and features. Use the command, ‘/hub’ to configure the mechanics of those included themes.

What is the Blue Bar in wow?

If a player’s health bar is blue, it means they’re a GM or otherwise on Blizzard’s payroll. If you gank them, you can loot their corpses for special gear that only GMs have access to, which will give you GM powers.

How do I turn off Blizzard resource bar?

you can disable this bar as follows:

  1. Press Esc and click on the “Interface” button to go to the Interface Menu.
  2. Click on the Submenu “Names”
  3. Uncheck “Personal Resource Display” under “Unit Nameplates”

How do you show health percentage on Elvui?

Go to ./elvui, unit frames, player frame, select health, and where it says health or something replace it with percent. there isn’t an option for that on the elvui custom interface. though on the normal game interface which you can access to from pressing escape there is that option which is ticked for me.

How do I move my nameplate in wow?

Nameplates are the small HP bar that appear over the heads of characters/NPCs/mobs which replace the name/guild tag when you press the «V», «Shift V» or «Alt V» keybind.

How do you make a nameplate stack Plater?

You can make your nameplates stack by clicking the “Stacking nameplates” checkbox in the first column. This will make it so your nameplates don’t overlap, which is essential when fighting several enemies.

How do Threat plates work?

Threat Plates (Classic) supports Real Mob Health, an addon that records damage taken by a mob. This is used to estimate its max health when in combat and stores it for better accuracy in the future. Without it, all units will show with 100 HP health as WoW Classic does not provide accurate HP information via its API.

How can you change your name in WoW Classic?

Customize Your Gameplay

  1. Select your character. Log in to World of Warcraft and visit the Shop on the character select screen to purchase this product.
  2. Choose a name. You’ll be prompted for a new name and if the new name is available, you’ll be able to complete your purchase.
  3. That’s it! You’re done!

Where are wow screenshots saved?

To locate your screenshots on Windows, go to OS C: > Program Files (x86) > World of Warcraft > _retail_ > Screenshots . If you have used the Windows and Print Screen key combination to take your screenshot, go to OS C: > Users > > Pictures > Screenshots . You’ll find all your screenshots right there.

How do I move my Blizzard unit frames?

Quickest way to modify a frame — Go into Keybindings, scroll down to MoveAnything and bind a key to «Move Frame — Safe». They key you bound now toggles a mover on the topmost frame underneath your mouse cursor.

Which nameplate addon should you use?

With every factor scored and reviewed, it is time to add it all up. According to the FACTS score, the overall winner and best nameplate addon, with a score of 46, was… ThreatPlates!

ThreatPlates came out on top with a score of 46!

ThreatPlates was closely followed by Plater and NeatPlates, which both posted a score of 44. Kui scored a 42, followed by TidyPlates and ElvUI at 41 and 40, respectively.

ThreatPlates came out on top due to its balance across each category. It is lightweight, easy to set up, and has a robust set of features included.

If you are using these scores to choose an addon to try, I would think about what is most important. For the most powerful features and customization, you should choose Plater.

If you are looking for something that is easy to manage, TidyPlates or NeatPlates might be more your speed.

If you are already using ElvUI for the rest of your UI, it might make sense to stick with it for nameplates.

If you have a moment to stick around, feel free to check out my list of the Best Addons in World of Warcraft!


Finding a rare item drop is immensely satisfying, but often it can be quite frustrating, too. The Rarity addon for WoW acknowledges that you want to know what the odds are of getting a good drop, tracking how many times you’ve tried to obtain everything from mounts to toys and battle pets.

In each case, it tells you how likely you are to obtain the item, tracks how long you’ve been trying, and determines how lucky you’ve been so far. No longer do you have to question whether you’re actually making progress. You’ll have a proper idea of your chances through statistical analysis. Basically, it’ll keep you sane.

Due to a change in the way Warcraft handles looting, Rarity does poorly at tracking items that drop from mobs that come in groups or drop nothing at all. If they drop gold, you’ll get the correct count; if they don’t, that ‘attempt’ won’t register.) Still, it’s a useful tool.

Сумки и инвентарь

Soulbind Cache Opener

С помощью данного аддона вам больше не придется искать в сумках сундучки с наградами за выполнение Призывов или от вашего Медиума. На экране появятся иконки со всеми имеющимися у вас наградами, по нажатию на иконку все материалы окажутся у вас в инвентаре.

Anima Shortage

Фарм и подсчет требуемой Анимы для различных заданий у ковенантов стал головной болью для многих игроков. Этот аддон призван упростить вашу задачу. В разделе Валюта, наведя курсор на текущее количество Анимы, вы также сможете увидеть, сколько всего данного ресурса на данный момент есть у вас в сумках.


Очень популярный и полезный аддон для группировки сумок. Складывает все ваши сумки в одну, позволяет произвести поиск предметов в инвентаре, выполнить сортировку. Конечная задача аддона — помочь максимально быстро и эффективно работать с сумками в инвентаре и банке.


Аддон позволяет посмотреть инвентарь сразу всех персонажей в игровом мире. Как и Bagnon, имеет много настроек для управления инвентарем.


Позволяет удобно просматривать информацию о всех персонажах учетной записи, а именно: кол-во золота на каждом из них, токены, различные валюты, прокачанные профессии и т.п.


Scrap продает всё ваше барахло из сумок, когда вы посещаете торговца, Имеет преимущества перед похожими аддонами:

  • Интуитивно понятный и простой интерфейс
  • Использует умный и динамический список нежелательных предметов
  • Имеет внутриигровые руководства для быстрого обучения
  • Может автоматически ремонтировать экипировку


Setup is the last factor I looked at. I wanted to know how easy it was for someone new to the addon to get started.

Installing the addons is easy and can be done with an addon manager. If you don’t know how to use an addon manager or install addons, check out my Addon Installation Guide.

Once you have installed the addons, they should all work out-of-the-box. Unfortunately, some require more setup to get the most out of them.

If you are new to nameplate addons, TidyPlates and NeatPlates provide the most user-friendly starting point. Their menus are easy to navigate, and changing styles with themes is straightforward. Setting up Kui and Threat Plates is also pretty easy as well.

On the other hand, setting Plater up to leverage its features is much more complex and intimidating. Fortunately, you can get some help with setting up Plater by downloading other players’ profiles.

I would say a similar thing about setting up ElvUI for the first time as well. It is pretty intimidating, but you can find profiles to help.

Given the varying difficulty in setup, I scored the addons like this:

  • ElvUI — 7
  • KuiNameplates — 9
  • Neatplates — 10
  • Plater — 6
  • TidyPlates — 10
  • ThreatPlates  — 9

How to use Plater

To get started, you will first need to install Plater. You can do this manually by downloading it from CurseForge or through an addon manager like WowUp. If you need a more detailed guide on how to install addons, check out my article here.

Once installed, you can open the plater options by typing /plater in your chatbox. You can adjust the size of this window by moving the scale slider in the top left.

As a pro-tip, you can also right-click on any of the sliders in the Plater options, type a number in, and press enter.

General Settings tab

HP bar size

The first tab in the options is for general settings. Anything you change here will apply to all of your nameplates. In the bottom left, you can change the sliders to adjust the width and height of your health bars.

You can adjust the “Fine Tune Scale” slider under the Level and Strata tab to change your nameplates’ overall scale, including the cast bar.

Turn on stacking nameplates

Another important setting back on the general settings tab is the stacking option. You can make your nameplates stack by clicking the “Stacking nameplates” checkbox in the first column. This will make it so your nameplates don’t overlap, which is essential when fighting several enemies.

Occluded units and transparency – hide units behind walls

I also recommend that you check the box titled “Use Blizzard’s nameplate alpha.” This will apply transparency to enemies that are hidden behind walls and keep your UI cleaner. Changing the “Occluded Unit Multiplier” will adjust the transparency. I typically like to set it to around 0.2 or 20%.

You can also change the overall transparency for all nameplates with the 3rd column on the general tab under “Alpha Amount by Frame –Enemy” and “Alpha Amount by Frame –Friendly.”

Add combo points to your target

The last major setting on the general tab in retail is “Show Resources on Target.” When you enable this, it will add combo points and other resources to your target’s nameplate. If you use Plater in TBC, you need to turn combo points on by selecting “Modding” and enabling the combo points mod.

Settings by unit type – move NPC name text

In addition to the general settings tab, you can use the Personal Bar, Enemy NPC, Enemy Player, Friendly Npc, and Friendly Players settings to customize health bars further. For example, if you select “Enemy NPC,” you can change the size of the bars with the sliders at the top of the 2nd column.

This will override the width and height you chose on the general settings tab.

You can also change the appearance and location of the text on the nameplates. To adjust the enemy name settings, you change the options under “Npc Name text.” Switching the anchor dropdown will move the location of the name.

There are a handful of options here to play around with so go to town!

Buffs and Debuffs

Alright, let’s move on and talk about buff and debuff icons. By default, buffs and debuffs rest on top of the healthbar. You can click on the “Buff Settings” tab to see their current location. If you want to move where the buffs show up, you can change the offset values in that same tab at the top of the 2nd column.

If you enabled combo points earlier, you might want to change their location. You can do this pretty quickly under the “Personal Bar” tab by changing the “Y Offset on Target” and “Offset if Buff is Shown” values in the bottom right.

Add special buff icons to the side of your nameplates

One of the other nice things about the buff icons in Plater is the ability to set special buffs. This will cause crowd control, debuffs, or any aura you choose to appear on the side of a frame. To set it up, click on “Buff Special” and then enter the name of what you want to track in the Add Special Aura box.

In this example, I put druid Sunfire in, and you can see that it moved the icon from the top to the side.

As a shortcut, you can also add special buffs under the “Buff list” tab. This will show all of the buffs or debuffs you have encountered recently, so you can scroll through the list and click “Add” to create a new special buff.

Customize your castbars

There are a lot of other customizations you can make to your nameplates. You can navigate through a list of spells under “Cast colors” to change the color of cast bars based on spell names. This can be a great way to highlight dangerous attacks and ones that need interrupting.

You can also adjust the size and colors of your cast bars overall with the “Cast Bar” settings.

I recommend that you click the “Toggle Cast Bar Test” when trying to make changes. That just makes it easier to see what each option does. I don’t do much adjusting on my cast bars or things like NPC colors, but they are fun options to play around with.



SimulationCraft позволяет провести симуляцию боя персонажа, получить результаты, а затем загрузить их в специальные сервисы для вычисления максимального ДПС/ХПС и других метрик при текущем наборе талантов и эквипа.


Pawn поможет вам выбрать лучшее снаряжение и подсказать, какой предмет экипировки больше всего подходит для вашей специализации. Аддон поможет вам решить, лучше ли использовать плащ с искусностью 100 или же с критом 80 и тому подобное.


Дополнение к функционалу сайта askmrrobot. Есть возможность импорта/экспорта данных, для дальнейшей загрузки их на сервис. Таким образом, вы сможете выжать максимум из своего персонажа, верно расставить приоритеты, выбрать лучшую экипировку из имеющейся и узнать, какой шмот заполучить, чтобы усилить персонажа.

Аддоны для Рейдов и подземелий в WoW Shadowlands 9.1

DBM – один из обязательных аддонов для рейдеров/ключников. Он информирует игроков о применяемых боссами и мобами умениях во время боя, помогает избежать гибели персонажа в определенных ситуациях и в целом значительно облегчает прохождение рейдов и подземелий.


Recount ведет боевую статистику и позволяет оценить эффективность того или иного участника группы, измерить личный ХПС и ДПС. Он полезен как для лидеров рейда, так и для простых игроков, которые хотят получить больше информации о нанесенном ими уроне или исходящем исцелении.


BigWigs Bossmods – отслеживает умения боссов в рейдах Shadowlands и оповещает о них игрока. Его особенность в том, что он может отправлять уведомления о ходе текущего боя другим участникам рейда, даже если у них не установлен такой же аддон.

LittleWigs – представляет собой плагин для BigWigs. Он расширяет возможности аддона, и теперь игрок может получать оповещения о способностях боссов во время боя в подземельях. Уведомления также рассылаются другим участникам группы в текстовом формате.

Raider.IO Mythic Plus – аддон, показывающий, сколько подземелий с ключами прошел тот или иной игрок и какой у него прогресс в актуальных рейдах. Эта информация будет полезна для отбора кандидатов в группу для покорения PvE-контента.

RCLootCouncil – RCLootCouncil дает возможность РЛ-у грамотно распределить добычу среди участников рейда, а также сохранить информацию о том, кто и какой лут получил. Чтобы аддон нормально функционировал, он должен быть у всех членов группы.

GTFO – универсальный аддон, который подходит как PvE-шерам, так и поклонникам PvP контента. Он информирует о попадании в зону АОЕ-способностей и показывает, кто сагрил противника. Кроме того, у него имеется функция оповещений игроков с ролью «Танк».

HealBot Continued – один из самых полезных аддонов для лекарей. В список его возможностей входит автодиспел дебафов, облегчение выхиливания членов рейдовой группы, отображение положительных бафов и времени до их рассеивания.


Должен быть у каждого коллекционера рейдовых достижений. Он показывает, какие ачивки еще не получены в конкретном рейде, а также подсказывает, что нужно сделать, чтобы получить интересующее достижение.

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) — BC & Vanilla/Classic mods – незаменимый аддон для фанатов WoW Classic и дополнения The Burning Crusade. Он предупреждает о смене фаз боя с боссами и их умениях, что делает прохождение PvE-контента более комфортным.

DBM-Interrupts – показывает, сколько осталось времени до отката прерванного противником умения. Он имеет множество настроек, например, выставление таймеров для отслеживания кулданов прерванных скиллов. Его можно использовать как в PvE, так и в PvP.

VuhDo – достойная альтернатива аддону HealBot Continued. Он меняет стандартные фреймы на удобные панели, чем облегчает процесс отслеживания состояния здоровья союзников, а также дает возможность запрограммировать кнопки мышки на макросы или определенные умения. 

MaxDps Rotation Helper

MaxDps – аддон, помогающий игроку повысить свой ДПС путем подсвечивания скиллов на панели умений, которые нужно прожимать в определенный момент. Дополнительно он информирует о состоянии бафов и дебафов как на вас, так и на противнике.


I used each of the addons with their default settings for testing as I did mythic plus, daily quests, and Torghast runs. Based on default settings alone, I liked the look and function of Kui and ThreatPlates best. That is just my opinion, and you might have a different preference, especially if you have made changes to the default settings.

In addition to using the addons, I want to see how lightweight each one was. To be accurate, I turned off all other addons, including all non-nameplate features in ElvUI. What I found was that Kui was the most lightweight. Plater and ElvUI were the heaviest of the addons, as both consumed more CPU than Kui, TidyPlates, ThreatPlates, and NeatPlates combined.

KuiNameplates is the most lightweight nameplate addon.

For many players, you won’t need to worry about how lightweight these addons are. However, if you are playing on an older computer or find that your frame rates are dropping while playing, it may be worth trying an addon that uses less CPU.

Based on my testing, I awarded the addons the following scores:

  • ElvUI — 7
  • KuiNameplates — 10
  • Neatplates — 8
  • Plater — 8
  • TidyPlates — 9
  • ThreatPlates  — 9
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: