About Overlord
Overlord is a Japanese light novel series written by Kugane Maruyama and illustrated by so-bin. A manga adaptation by Satoshi Ōshio, with art by Hugin Miyama, began serialization in Kadokawa Shoten’s manga magazine Comp Ace
In the year 2138, Yggdrasil, a popular online game, is quietly shut down one day in the booming era of virtual reality.
However, one player named Momonga decides not to log out. Momonga is transformed into his skeletal avatar as the most powerful wizard.
The New World changes drastically with NPCs feeling emotion and Momonga smelling things, unlike in the game. Having no parents, friends, or place in society, Momonga strives to take over the new world the game has become.
Sometimes we include links to online retail stores and/or online campaigns. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go here.
Characters and Relics of Chaos are summoned together in the same pool, Banners will have different rate-ups.
From left to right : Daily single pull (30 Stones), Single pull(50 Stones), Ten Pull(500 Stones)
Daily pull requires Paid Stones (not the ones earned in-game)
Standard Pool
Rarity | Characters | Relics of Chaos |
5* | 2% | 3% |
4* | 5% | 10% |
3* | 40% | 40% |
Type/Attribute (Color) | Title | Name | Rate |
Attack | Death Advocate | Momonga | 0.117647% |
Support | Superintendent | Albedo | 0.2353% |
Support | 3rd Floor Guardian | Shalltear | 0.2353% |
Attack | 5th Floor Guardian | Cocytus | 0.2353% |
Support | 6th Floor Guardian | Aura | 0.2353% |
Healer | 6th Floor Guardian | Mare | 0.2353% |
Attack | 7th Floor Guardian | Demiurge | 0.2353% |
Tank | Head Butler | Sebas | 0.2353% |
Support | Treasure Guardian | Pandora’s Actor | 0.2353% |
Release Banner
No Relics Rate up
Rarity | Characters | Relics of Chaos |
5* | 3% | 3% |
4* | 5% | 10% |
3* | 39% | 40% |
Type/Attribute (Color) | Title | Name | Rate |
Attack | Death Advocate | Momonga | 0.117647% |
Support | Superintendent | Albedo | 0.2353% |
Support | 3rd Floor Guardian | Shalltear | 0.5686% |
Attack | 5th Floor Guardian | Cocytus | 0.2353% |
Support | 6th Floor Guardian | Aura | 0.5686% |
Healer | 6th Floor Guardian | Mare | 0.5686% |
Attack | 7th Floor Guardian | Demiurge | 0.2353% |
Tank | Head Butler | Sebas | 0.2353% |
Support | Treasure Guardian | Pandora’s Actor | 0.2353% |
Варианты концовок, как их получить
Злобность героя определяется его поступками От нее зависит судьба мира. Герой на протяжении всей игры может принимать решения — совершать благие или злые дела. Концовка может быть:
- умеренно-злая;
- беспощадно-кровожадная.
Есть сюжетный выбор, от которого зависит превращение героя в Исчадие Зла. Высокий уровень злобности имеет ряд плюсов:
- увеличение мощности атаки;
- появление «шипастой» брони;
- наличие кровавой дымки;
- усиление заклинаний.
В зависимости от злобности судьба мира «Оверлорд» может быть следующей:
- до 30% — Повелитель благосклонно относится к людям.
- от 30% до 50% — Темнолесье объято пламенем, его жители спасаются бегством.
- от 50% до 60% — Небесная обитель горит, люди в ужасе разбегаются.
- от 60% до 100% — наступает Царство Ада и Ужаса.
Также важно выбрать госпожу. Роуз — добрая девушка, которая принесет уют в башню
Она увеличивает шанс на хорошую концовку. Елена — злая сестра.
Игра «Оверлорд»
О преимуществах темной стороны силы
Overlord воплотил в себе все наши самые темные фантазии. Это Dungeon Keeper от первого лица, это симулятор локального Саурона, это возможность, извините за выражение, дать в морду главному архетипу всех хоббитов сразу. В душе Overlord — это, конечно, экшен-RPG, но внешне игра прикидывается относительно открытой ролевой игрой.
Гоблины рождаются радостно, весело и шумно. Еще радостнее они жертвуют жизнью за господина.
Разбуженный ото сна злой лорд (то есть вы) проживает в высоком замке, оборудованном различными развлекательными центрами. Здесь можно тешить гоблинов-зрителей поединками на арене, узнать много о каждом виде миньонов в своеобразной галерее, делать покупки и просто отдыхать. Замок станет вашим домом — после каждого квеста сюда необходимо телепортироваться.
Дома, кстати, ждет хозяйка, которая заставит украшать башню брутальным декором: флагами, каменными химерами, шипами. Кроме нее, в замке для развлечения господина издавна живет шут-миньон в колпаке с бубенчиками. Поначалу его едкие шутки будут касаться и вас («Наша спящая красавица проснулась!»), но после пары пинков он быстро поймет, где его место, и по завершении каждого удачного рейда будет декламировать ваш новый титул («Спаситель прекрасной девы!», «Лидер метателей огня!»).
Есть здесь и аналоги злого советчика из Black & White — гоблин Гнарл. Именно он воскресил Оверлорда, чтобы навести ужас на королевство. Гнарл тоже будет жить с вами, давая ценные советы по управлению армией и домоводству. То есть в Overlord есть и дом, и (фактически) семья.
Доброго советчика в Overlord нет и быть попросту не может, и хотя Гнарл постоянно пытается склонить вас на темную сторону, нараспев ехидничая о том, как хорошо быть плохим, Overlord — не настолько антисоциальная игра, какой ее рекламировали. Подобно герою советского мультфильма «Самый маленький гном», Темный Властелин будет спасать несчастных селян от обнаглевших хоббитов, а угнетенных эльфов — от алчных гномов.
Да, можно убивать мирных жителей и грабить поселения, но это происходит только по вашей инициативе, поэтому лозунг «Быть плохим или очень плохим» тут не слишком уместен. Overlord — это скорее Fable в пародийных декорациях.
Телепорт — основное средство передвижения между локациями — явно заимствован из знаменитого симулятора героя, визуальный стиль тоже узнаваем. Кроме того, в Overlord чувствуется крепкий консольный привкус: управление заточено под геймпад (хотя нельзя сказать, что оно неудобно), а сохраняться можно только на чекпойнтах-телепортах.
Nazarick Revival Plan – Start!
From March 1st, complete battles and collect events Pt.
Help the Pleiades to investigate the mysterious rift inside Nazarick.
According to the total acquired event Pt., get special rewards.
Furthermore, they will be a global point ranking to earn rank limited rewards.
○ Event guidelines:
3/1 (Friday) 15: 00 ~ 3/11 (Monday) 14: 59 JST
【Ranking result display period】
3/12 (Tue) 15: 00 ~ 3/13 (Thu) 14: 59 JST
【Event Summary】
You can earn points by clearing the event story battles.
Also by advancing the story, Multiplayer compatible quests will unlock.
Then you can collect pt efficiently in cooperation with other players.
【Reward Distribution Period】
Point reward: during the event.
When it reaches the prescribed point total, it is sent to the present box.
Ranking reward: after announcing the ranking results.
It will also be sent to the gift box.
【Example of Rewards】
Relics of chaos “Between the collapsed throne”
Relics of chaos “Enhanced Goods · Large”
Ticket “★ 4 or more summon tickets”
100,000 Gold coins.
※ Please understand beforehand that Event start and end time may be changed without notice.
Новый чумовой порядок
Гнев йети по версии Overlord 2 выглядит следующим образом. |
Пока Славная империя железным кулаком устанавливает новый мировой порядок, на задворках цивилизации, в уютном заснеженном городке Нордберг, где круглый год празднуют Новый год, живет никому не известный отпрыск Оверлорда (от какой именно жены он родился, не уточняется). Живет он вместе с приемными родителями и сестрой Кельдой ровно до того дня, пока бдительные соседи не выдают его властям как еще одного колдуна-преступника. Отпрыска под стражей ведут в столицу Империи для «приведения в нужную форму». То есть на казнь. Но по дороге на конвой нападает шальной отряд диких гоблинов. Они отбивают у стражей нашего героя и сразу признают в нем своего нового господина.
Итак, на сей раз у Оверлорда есть предыстория, его война обоснована местью. Темной башни, как уже известно, больше нет, поэтому штаб нужно отстраивать заново. Новая обитель Оверлорда располагается под землей и называется Neverworld. На вид это все та же башня, только перевернутая с ног на голову, произрастает она сверху вниз, а сами разработчики зовут ее Сталактитом зла.
Как и прежде, здесь предстоит разминаться перед миссиями, но теперь ваше жилище и полигон для испытаний наполнится объектами гоблинской (не путать с Дмитрием Пучковым) культуры. Конечно, появятся новые помещения — например, гоблинское кладбище, где мы сможем воскрешать павших бойцов.
Ну и собственно о гоблинах. К сожалению, первоначальная информация о том, что новых видов не добавят, подтвердилась. Справляться с врагами вновь придется при помощи бурых, красных, зеленых и синих приспешников. В качестве компенсации разработчики делают упор на средства передвижения. «Оверлорд не распускает нюни и не делает различий между разными созданиями! Любого зверя в мире игры можно использовать в качестве живой силы», — Леннарт бросает вызов защитникам животных. В прошлой части мы безнаказанно скакали на овцах, в сиквеле им на смену приходят морозоустойчивые тюлени.
- It was fairly common for even level 100 players to not own a single divine-class item.
- It was very common in YGGDRASIL for experienced players to team up with newbie players to powerlevel them, as well as partying up with non-combatant crafter party members to run around.
- It seems that the Slane Theocracy and Platinum Dragon Lord holds a monopoly on the legacies left by the past players and their ancient relics.
- Noticeably, Ainz has already taken into clear consideration that players had arrived in the New World centuries ago before he did.
- It has been confirmed by Ainz that even in the New World, one can not pass level 100 once it has been reached.
- In YGGDRASIL, once players reached high levels, they could use a variety of spells and skills to conceal their entire party and infiltrate together.
- A top-class player could not only deflect a boss’s attacks without harm but even respond with a counterattack of their own. For instance, Touch Me is one of those very few players who could do that.
- The only ones in the New World who knew about the existence of players are the Platinum Dragon Lord, Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, members of the Thirteen Heroes, and the Slane Theocracy.
- In the Web Novel, many ordinary DMMO-RPG players chose to specialize in using buffs and attacking.
- In the New World, Momon defined Player as a term for people with dark-hair who hailed from the south.
- Although unspecified how or why, but the Dragon Emperor was stated to have had a hand in summoning the first players into the New World and the continued transportation of Players hundreds and perhaps thousands of years after his death.
- This conclusion was first implied by Cure Elim Los Malvar during the events of the Overlord Bonus Volume, where he referred to Suzuki Satoru as «Filth of the Dragon Emperor.»
- And again by his own son, Tsaindorcus Vaision during his duel against Pandora’s Actor (disguised as Ainz Ooal Gown) during the events of Overlord Volume 14.
- It doesn’t explain why the Players’ minds are dragged along too; when the game shut down, it should have restored them to their bodies. Players that are inhuman like Ainz begin losing their humanity as they no longer have human bodies; Ainz CAN feel emotions, but some kind of dampened kicks in when it’s extreme.
Strengthening quests
These appear during specific time windows during the day :
Material | CET | EST | PST | JST |
Level-up | 02:00-03:00 | 21:00-22:00 | 18:00-19:00 | 10:00- 11:00 |
Limit break | 04:00-05:00 | 23:00-24:00 | 20:00-21:00 | 12.00- 13:00 |
Level-up | 08:00-09:00 | 03:00-04:00 | 00:00-01:00 | 16:00- 17:00 |
Limit break | 11:00-12:00 | 06:00-07:00 | 03:00-04:00 | 19:00- 20:00 |
Level-up | 12:00-13:00 | 07:00-08:00 | 04:00-05:00 | 20:00- 21:00 |
Limit break | 15:00-16:00 | 10:00-11:00 | 07:00-08:00 | 23:00- 24:00 |
The level-up material quests follow a 4-way rotation :
Character level-up Stones -> Skill level-up parchment -> Relics of Chaos -> Gold -> …..
The limit break material quests follow a 5-way rotation :
Power Type -> Technique Type -> Speed Type -> Wisdom Type -> Mind Type -> …..
JST | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
10:00- 11:00 | Gold | Relics | Gold | Character | Relics | Skill | Gold |
12.00- 13:00 | Mind | Speed | Power | Wisdom | Technique | Mind | Speed |
16:00- 17:00 | Character | Gold | Skill | Gold | Character | Relics | Skill |
19:00- 20:00 | Power | Wisdom | Technique | Mind | Speed | Power | Wisdom |
20:00- 21:00 | Skill | Character | Relics | Skill | Gold | Character | Relics |
23:00- 24:00 | Technique | Mind | Speed | Power | Wisdom | Technique | Mind |
Download the game from JP store
This game checks where you download the apk, thus making 3rd party website (QooApp, ApkPure, ….) unusable (for now).
In order to download it effectively, you need a JP account.
For that you will need a VPN to tunnel your connection through Japan.
While you are connected through VPN to the Japanese Internet, you will have to create a Google/Apple account.
Finally while still being in Japan, go to the store under this new account and download the App. If you can’t find it, use your browser to find it. If it says that the App is not available in your country, the account you created wasn’t recognised as Japanese.
After the game has been downloaded and installed, you can sever the connection with the VPN, the App will launch nonetheless and work normally.
- Overlord Volume 10 Intermission
- Overlord Volume 07 Intermission
- Overlord Blu-ray 06 Special: Prologue (2nd Half)
- Overlord Blu-ray 04 Special: Prologue (1st Half)
- Overlord Volume 11 Chapter 5: Frost Dragon Lord
- Overlord Volume 06 Chapter 10: The Greatest Trump Card
- Overlord Volume 03 Chapter 2: True Vampire
- Overlord Volume 07 Chapter 2: Butterfly Entangled in a Spider’s Web
- Overlord Volume 10 Chapter 2: The Re-Estize Kingdom
- Overlord Volume 02 Chapter 1: The Two Adventurers
- Overlord Volume 07 Chapter 4: A Handful of Hope
- Overlord Volume 05 Chapter 2: Blue Roses
- Overlord Volume 03 Chapter 3: Confusion and Understanding
- Overlord Bonus Volume Chapter 2: The Two Set Off
- Overlord Volume 10 Chapter 3: The Baharuth Empire
- Overlord X Golem Barbarian Crossover Story
Those are given by Albedo in her quality of Superintendent.
There is 3 types of missions that can give various rewards.
- デイリー Daily missions
- ウイークリー Weekly missions
- 階級別 Special missions
Daily Missions :
- Clear all Dailies, 1 Chaos Stone
- Enhance one Relic of Chaos, 1 Relic (2*)
- Clear 3 quests : 1 level-up stone
- Collect one Chaos Seed : 1 enhancement material
Weekly Missions :
- Clear all Weeklies
- Perform 1 summon
- Buy from the Pleiades daily shop
- Collect 10 Chaos Seeds
- Clear 3 Multiplayer battles
- Clear 3 daily Single Quests
- Clear 3 Strengthen Quests
- Enhance Relics of Chaos 7 times
Copper Missions
- Clear one Single Quest
- Collect one Chaos Seed
- Buy once from the Pleiades shop
- Change your Achievement Title
- Clear one Multiplayer quest
- Enhance a Chaos Relic 1 time
- Enhance a Chaos Relic 3 times
- Enhance one skill
- Enhance character level 1 time
- Enhance character level 3 times
- Support one Friend
- Clear all the copper Missions
Iron Missions
- Reach Player lvl 10
- The sum of your character’s level reach 60
- Use skills 50 times
- Possess at least 5 relics of chaos
- Have 2 friends
- Clear chapter 3 episode 5
- Play 5 days
- Have a skill lvl 20
- Clear 20 quests
- Limit break one character
- Sell a chaos relic
- Reach affection lvl 2 ←- 5* Locked atm (Sebas and PA also don’t have affection)
- Clear all the Iron Missions
Silver Missions
- Reach Player level 20
- Login total 10 Days
- The sum of your characters level reaches 80
- Limit break 2 characters
- Have one skill level 30
- Use 100 offensive skills
- Use 100 support skills
- Reach affection level 4
- Clear 30 Quests
- Support Friends 30 times
- Have 5 Friends
- Enhance 10 Relics of Chaos
- Clear all the Silver missions.
Players are gamers that use their game avatars to play in the virtual world, YGGDRASIL from behind a type of console known as the Neural Nano-Interface. For some unexplained reason, a number of players from YGGDRASIL have seemingly been transported to the New World at different periods in time. Though their exact player name is not always known like «Surshana,» they can still be labeled as such with an alias or title be it «God of Death» and his group called the «Six Great Gods.» The reason behind a player’s nickname was due to their renowned legacy passed down in the New World through history or legends. Because of that, there were a particular group of players in the far-off past who are coined with the name «Eight Greed Kings» because of their own greed.
In the New World, the existence of players are only known to a select few ranging from one’s descendants, countries to their adversaries. Even those who know the term «player» fail to understand the true meaning behind the name and its identity. The players from YGGDRASIL have embedded themselves in the New World throughout history, inspiring legends and myths about their godly powers. The existence of a particular tier level of spells is also connected to players who made their presence known by a few New World Inhabitants. Thanks to the Eight Greed Kings and Six Great Gods, Evileye is aware of the existence of the 10th tier while the Slane Theocracy’s Cardinals believes Super-Tier Spells to be the 11th tier.
Moreover, players are often regarded in the New World as not only legendary figures to people’s view but as gods by other religious factions that were founded to worship them. The players would sometimes play a major role in changing the New World’s history through every so forth and then once a century. What those players usually brought with them are a new system of magic, ideas, and items from YGGDRASIL to renovate the New World under their standard. Thus, Tier Magic brought forth about technological and social change to most inhabitants’ way of life as modern Magic Casters. They would also commonly arrived in the scene of disastrous events like the annihilation of the human race as the weakest race, and Demon Gods Unrest.
Six hundred years ago, the Six Great Gods were supposedly the first group of players that introduced the system of Tier Magic. What followed after these players’ arrival were the second group of players known as the Eight Greed Kings. This group led to the near annihilation of the Dragon Lords, leaving very few of them alive to this day such as the Platinum Dragon Lord. Two hundred years earlier prior to the present time, there were two players among the Thirteen Heroes, who even went on to become an inspiring role model for the next generation of new adventurers to follow after. It was due to the exploits of their tales of defeating the Evil Deities and saving the world from destruction.
4* Relics
(Credit to Gamewith and @Atero)
Unreachable Feelings Stat: HP & ATK
Passive: Magical Skills’ ATK Up
Mental StabilizationStat: DEF & HPPassive: Sealing Resistance Up
Battle Maid Under the Moon
Stat: ATKPassive: Magical DEF Up
Human Meat for DietStat: HP & SpeedPassive: Physical DEF Up
Extreme Magic InvocationStat: ATK & Speed
Passive: Critical Rate Up
Lady of AffectationStat: DEFPassive: Petrification Resistance Up
Wise King of the ForestStat: HPPassive: Physical ATK Up
A Blow of Certain DeathStat: All StatPassive: Physical Skills’ ATK Up
Multiple EnhancementStat: Speed
Passive: Evasion Rate Up
Beast TamerStat: DEF & SpeedPassive: Sleep Resistance Up
The Sword of Inevitable HitStat: ATK & DEFPassive: Accuracy Up
The Maids’ Older SisterStat: HP & DEFPassive: Paralyzation Resistance Up
Crown of Wisdom
Stat: ATK & SpeedPassive: Magical Skills’ ATK Up
Maid Costumes are Decisive WeaponsStat: All StatPassive: Magical ATK Up
Cute Automatic DollStat: ATK & SpeedPassive: Poison Resistance Up
An Innocent Caretaker
Stat: HP & DEFPassive: Sealing Resistance Up
Due to the inhuman power wielded by the players, the New World inhabitants believe them to be people, who have awaken godlike power from within themselves. Possessing the bodies and equipment of their avatar, players possess overwhelming powers and abilities that make them essentially walking natural disasters. In some instances, they were those like the Slane Theocracy, who worshiped them as gods or else the Six Great Gods precisely. Various players like them have even intermingled with New World natives, producing descendants who inherit their bloodline and trait. In the Theocracy, the offspring of the Six Great Gods’ was known as God-kins. However, descendants inheriting the bloodline of other kinds of players are termed in a different way. Evileye regarded players as a special race in the New World.
Along the way, Players were also the ones responsible for introducing many magical advances and real-world items like the katana to the New World. A group of players like the Eight Greed Kings had items that are capable of greatly improving a person’s magical skills. The player term ‘leveling up’ from YGGDRASIL has been distorted to ‘lair-bellup’ by New World inhabitants.
Furthermore, the players were the ones, who transformed human society into becoming a dominant race. They have also made the native inhabitants in the New World less reliant on using neither Wild Magic or Runecraft and more reliant towards Tier Magic instead as it was introduced by the Six Great Gods. The Eight Greed Kings are said to be ones, who have managed to increasingly spread the existence of Tier Magic further into the New World. A player’s legacy left by them in the New World are their equipment and other items that became a center of everyday use for many adventurers. These ancient relics like the Nameless Book of Spells, for example, is said to be worth a country alone.
Overlord reviews and comments
- Reviews4
- Comments
Newest first
Very underrated. A fun world with quirky characters that is fun to mess around in
Loved playing the bad guy, loved the mechanics of the minions, loved the humor, also a big fan of the world and ambiance in general.
Translated byMicrosoft from French
It’s good to be bad Overlord puts us in the shoes of a evil Lord who takes back the reindeer of his Kingdom after being defeated by great heroes. Armed with your sword, your gauntlet of Overlord and an army of minions ready to serve you, you have the task of reclaiming your Kingdom, giving back to your turn its appearance of yesteryear and killing the famous heroes who put you in the cemetery. But behind this quest to the absolute evil, a threatening shadow remains on your shoulders.
My army Vice the main asset of the game is its gameplay, revolving around the army management, a bit like Pikmin. You have the possibility to take minions of each kind that you unlock as and when the game, each with its peculiarity: the Browns type loudly, the reds throw embers remotely, the Greens can become invisible and perform discrete attacks and the blue can swim in the water and ressucted the corpse of a dead servant. Limited to a few minions at the beginning of the game, you will unlock objects to increase its size, for your enjoyment. The minions equip themselves with what they find, sometimes on enemies, sometimes in barrels, increasing their strength or resistance. But this is not always enough, because the strategy prevails in this game, forcing you to pay attention to where your minions are and how they will react when approaching an enemy. A sometimes daunting challenge on sometimes rough maneuverability, which can quickly become frustrating. But it remains that once this side of the game mastered, the pleasure is well present.
Through fire and flames your character itself is not useless. Indeed, in addition to its weapons and armor increasing its capacity (life, Mana, regeneration or size of armies, and I pass), you have spell that you unlock little by little, with each of the abilities that will make the difference during the battles. You can also, as the game progresses, unlock new weapons and armor in which to sacrifice your weakest minions to get a nice stat increase.
In the darkest hours the story itself is cliched, but does not suffer any real problem, all set in a wacky fantasy world as one would expect from a game of this genre. Your character follows the course of history while seeming to be involved in it through alignment decisions: will you opt for a magnianimated dictator, or for an implacable tyrant? You will have the opportunity to perform actions that will determine your alignment (decimate the population, forgive the betrayal of your followers, commit genocide, etc.) and will change the appearance of your turn, making it immaculate or bathed in corruption. And if the story in itself is not particularly fascinating, the end twist has pleased me, offering a sequence of friendly combat, admittedly difficult, but curiously satisfactory.
In summary: Note: 8.5/10 the most: Overlord to a good gameplay, a very pleasant story with characters high in color and above all, a system of evolution fluid and allowing a good grip.
The less: one will regret a lack of precision in the system of control of the armies, which offer large frustration, and the AI of the minions who sometimes die in a stupid way.
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This was a really fun tactical puzzle game. A lot like Pikmin, but with dark sense of humour. You play as the evil overlord, but not one that’s sadistic. Based on a lot of fantasy tropes.
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Общая информация об игре Overlord
Сделанная в жанре action/adventure, для 2007 года игра обладала высокими графическими характеристиками. Геймплей от третьего лица. Чтобы управлять отдельными персонажами, нужно подобрать правильную стратегию прохождения Overlord. Основная цель — избавиться от семи могущественных боссов и получить абсолютный контроль над всеми землями. У главного героя есть помощники — существа, похожие на гремлинов.
Главный герой «Оверлорда»
Поскольку игра Overlord была презентована в 2007 году, то у нее невысокие системные требования:
- ОС: Windows XP;
- процессор Intel или AMD с частотой не меньше 2,4 ГГц;
- видеокарта должна иметь 64 Мб памяти и поддерживать версию DirectX не ниже 9;
- свободное место на жестком диске не меньше 5 Гб.
Но для комфортной игры на высоких графических характеристиках компьютер должен соответствовать таким параметрам:
- ОС: Windows 7/8/10 64 bit;
- процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo;
- видеокарта с объемом памяти не менее 256 Мб, поддерживающая DirectX 10;
- свободное место на жестком диске не меньше 5 Гб.
Важно! Была разработана версия «Оверлорд» для MacOS. Создан также дистрибутив для Linux
Время прохождения игры Overlord зависит от выбранного уровня сложности. Если выбрать легкий и не отвлекаться на побочные миссии, то пройти игру получится за 13 часов. На среднем уровне придется потратить 18 часов, а если полностью исследовать локации на самой высокой сложности — примерно 24 часа. Если установлено дополнение Overlord: Raising Hell, прохождение увеличивается до 32 часов.
Призыв красных миньонов
5* Characters
Attack Type
Skill 1: Darkness Sphere, MP 3 – ST Magical Attack Skill 2: Self-Enhancement: Dark Attacks, MP 2 – increase Dark damage
Skill 3: Negative Burst, MP 6 – AoE Magical Attack
Secret move: Fallen Down, AoE Magical Attack
Support Type
Skill 1: Skill Boost, MP 2 – ST Increase skill damage
Skill 2: Poison Mist, MP 7 – AoE Magical Attack and inflicts
Skill 3: Succubus Eyes, MP 6 – AoE Decrease defense and inflicts
Secret move: Devil’s Wings, AoE Physical Attack
Attack Type
Skill 1: Maximize Magic MP 2 – increase Magical damage
Skill 2: Self-Enhancement: Flame Attacks MP 2 – increase damage
Skill 3: Hell Flame MP 3 – ST Magical Attack
Secret move: Sodom’s fire and brimstone, AoE Magical Attack
Shalltear Bloodfallen
Support type
Skill 1: Resist Break +, MP 2 – ST Decrease Magical resistance
Skill 2: Paralyze, MP 5 – ST Magical Attack and inflict
Skill 3: Implosion, MP 5 – ST Magical Attack and Decrease defense
Secret move : Vermillion Nova, ST Magical Attack
Support type
Skill 1: Petrification, MP 5 – ST Magical Attack and inflicts
Skill 2: Beast killing, MP 3 – ST Physical Attack with increased damage against
Skill 3: Sigh, MP 3 – ST Decrease physical attack and speed
Secret move : Rain Arrow, AoE Physical Attack
Healer type
Skill 1: Dragon Earth, MP 3 – ST Magical Attack
Skill 2: Resistance+, MP 2 – ST Buff Magic damage reduction
Skill 3: Mass middle cure wounds, MP 6 – AoE HP recovery
Secret move : Yggdrasill collection, AoE HP recovery
Attack type
Skill 1: Demi-human Killing, MP 3 – ST Physical Attack with increased damage against Demi-human
Skill 2: Self-Enhancement: Wind MP 2 – increase damage
Skill 3: Cutting Wind MP 5 – ST Physical Attack
Secret move : Acala’s sword, AoE Physical Attack
Tank type
Skill 1: Human killing, MP 3 – ST Physical Attack with increased damage against
Skill 2: Magical Seal, MP 5 – ST Physical Attack that inflicts
Skill 3: Self hardening, MP 3 – Reduce incoming damage, draws enemies attacks
Secret move :Percussion aerodynamics, ST Physical Attack
Pandora’s Actor
Support type
Skill 1: Weakness +, MP 3 – ST Reduce Attack, Defense and Speed
Skill 2: Dark, MP 5 – ST element Magical Attack
Skill 3: Polish Item, MP 3 – AoE Increase Attack and Speed, Decrease incoming damage
Secret move : Item fetichism, AoE Physical Attack
Play with up to 4 other players.
Item drops for clearing quests increase when there are more players.
Players taking part in multiplayer mode do not expend stamina, only the host do.
If you set the room to “Private”, a 4-digit password will be created. Share it to your friends to play together.
Host room
You can check the stats of the players that joined, however it’s not possible to kick them.
You can see in real time what actions the other players selected in the top-left corner of the screen.
If you want/need, you can use emotes to communicate :
From left to right :
- Hi よろしく
- OK オーケー
- Thanks ありがとう
- Sorry ごめん
- That’s impressive ! さすが!
- Leave it to me ! 任せろ!
- Help ! ピンチ!
- I want support サポート求む
- Let’s use a secret move 奥義狙おう
- Let’s defend this turn 一旦守ろう
Похожие игры
- Города и Рыцари — средневековое дополнение для игры Колонизаторы. Развивайте свои деревни до столиц и стройте замки, вместе деревянных хижин.
- Манчкин — ролевая карточная игра, в которой вы сможете развить своего бойца и победить всех противников на арене. Добывайте лучшие доспехи и создавайте для себя мощное оружие.
- Подземелье — настольная игра, в которой участники отправятся к гробнице древнего создания, чтобы спасти мир от надвигающейся угрозы. Победит только самый смелый боец.
- Замес — настольная игра про эпическую битву в космических просторах. Поучаствуйте войне, в которой динозавры сражаются бок о бок с волшебниками и зомби.
Приятной игры!
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