Les meilleurs addons pour wow en 2021

The 45 best addons for world of warcraft


Q: The addon won’t load or crashes.

A: There can be a lot of reasons for this. Try the following debugging steps:

  1. Look in your Guild Wars 2 installation folder for a file named .
  2. If it exists, look inside the log file for details on what might be going wrong. If you cannot find anything, also look if there are files of the format . If those exist, the addon is loading but crashing at some point. Zip up the files and provide upload them somewhere safe, then open an issue.
  3. If it does not exist, look for a file named .
  4. If it does not exist, your addon loader is not installed correctly. Head over to the addon loader project for support.
  5. Inside the log file, look for the line «Loaded gw2radial». If it is not present, the addon loader cannot load the addon correctly. Make sure you have installed the d3d wrapper addon and look at the other log messages for information on what might be going wrong.

Q: What is the «show in center» keybind used for?

A: It’s a convenience feature for Action Camera users. When using Action Camera, the cursor is hidden and replaced with a targeting reticule fixed in the middle of the screen. Since that means the radial menu would appear all over the place, that keybind can be used to make it show up in the middle of the screen instead. As a bonus, it’ll recenter the mouse to the middle of the radial menu so it’s as easy as possible to select a mount and it’ll show a temporary cursor so you know exactly where you’re pointing.

Unfortunately, I can’t make this automatic (i.e. switching to that mode when Action Camera is enabled) without hooking game functions, which would then require this become closed source again to avoid cheaters using it. On top of that, I’d be far more likely to break the EULA, so I’m afraid it’s off limits without an official API.

Q: Can you make it so selecting a mount while already mounted will directly swap to the new mount?

No. I talked with ArenaNet devs about this and they’ve decided that the can of worms it could potentially open is not worth it. Unfortunately, you’ll need to separately unmount then select the new mount you want to use. This will not change unless ArenaNet’s policy on addons changes.

Q: Can I use this code for my project?

A: Absolutely! This whole repository is MIT licensed, so everything here is up for grabs. I would of course appreciate a small note or crediting if you do end up using something, but none of that is required.

Best addons to download in Guild Wars 2


Yes, you read that right, Tac0. Short for Tactical Overlay, this is a must have for both new and experienced players alike. Highlighting everything from important points on the map to helping you navigate through jumping puzzles like the infamous Antre of Adjournment, we really can’t recommend this addon highly enough.

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Tac0 is not available using the GW2 client, but can be downloaded here.


ArcDPS is the best tool to monitor your outgoing damage, healing, and boon time, which is essential to growing as a player. In addition to that, they also save records of your past fights, letting you track your progress over time.

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arcDPS is available via the GW2 Addon Manager.

GW2 Hook

Tyria already looks pretty damn beautiful, right? What if it could look even better? GW2 Hook does just that, giving the game’s visuals a fresh lick of paint. Allowing you to increase clarity and color intensity, this mod will be an essential coming into the jade-infested vistas of End of Dragons.

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GW2 Hook is not available using the GW2 client, but can be downloaded here.


Sick and tired of fumbling around trying to switch mounts in Path of Fire? GW2radial has you covered. Allowing quick access to a wheel menu full of slots to drag different creatures into, you’ll be able to flick between your favorites with ease.

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GW2radial is available via the GW2 Addon Manager.

The radial mount menu is a Godsend.


While its purpose isn’t clear from the onset, trust us when we say that D912pxy will quickly become one of your favorite addons. Switching your Guild Wars 2 client from Direct X 9 to Direct X 12, this handy program gives you a massive FPS boost – perfect for Raids, Dungeons, and the all-new Strike Missions.

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D912pxy is available via the GW2 Addon Manager.

Immersive Combat Mode

The last one on this list may not be a ‘must’ for a lot of players, but it’s one of our personal favorite addons. Immersive Combat Mode cleans up the interface and gives the game an interesting RPG feel, this is one we recommend taking for a spin.

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Being one of the older addons, Immersive Combat Mode is not on the Guild Wars 2 Addon Manager, and instead can be picked up here.

So that’s how to install addons in Guild Wars 2, as well as which ones we’d recommend plugging into your game. Looking to become Tyria’s next hero? Be sure to check out our Guild Wars 2 guides:

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Is Guild Wars 2 free to play? | Antre of Adjournment guide | How many people play Guild Wars 2?

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Best Ease of Life WoW Addons

6. World Quest Tracker

Another one of the addons for WoW that does exactly what it says on the tin, World Quests in WoW are daily quests.

World Quests were introduced in Legion and can offer some pretty great rewards so they’re often worth chasing.

Unfortunately, Blizzard hasn’t done a great job of allowing players to track them, and the game’s outdated map UI doesn’t help.

World Quest Tracker adds a custom tracker so that you can manage which quests are relevant to your goals.

The Quest icon is changed in zone maps and now lists the rewards. The quest you are tracking is then shown on our fly map so that you can easily reach them.

Finally, the addon records your World Quest statistics- which you’ve done, rewards earned on all characters.

If you like to focus on World Quest then the World Quest tracker is the addon you need.

7. Azeroth Auto Pilot

In any MMO it’s always super exciting to level up your first character to the level cap.

It can still be fun to do it with your second character. But the more alt characters you have, the more of a chore the leveling grind becomes. 

Azeroth Auto Pilot takes away some of that grind by automating tons of little things. Firstly you’ll get an arrow that will guide you from quest to quest in the most efficient route possible.

It then automates things like chatting to NPC’s, interacting with objects, etc.  You’ll still have to play the game, this isn’t a bot, but it does speed things up significantly and allows you to multitask.

When it comes to addons for WoW designed to save time this is the best.

8. All the Things

Are you a completionist intent on completing all the content available in one of the biggest, longest-running games ever made? Then you’re going to need All the Things.

This addon keeps track of things like achievements, rare kills, pets, treasures, and items you’ve collected and then identifies everything you haven’t managed to collect yet. 

It then shows you these in an incredibly simple interface and provides extra tooltip info on the things you still need to collect. For example the drop rate of an item and where şt can be found.

Whenever you collect something new you’ll be alerted through an audio cue to keep you motivated. It’s a great way to let you know you’re making progress.

If you’re a completionist then All the Things should be near the top of your addons list.

9. Rarity

If you’ve ever played an MMO like WoW before, you’ll be familiar with the idea of drop rates.

We’ve all spent countless hours killing the same MOB over and over again in a futile attempt to get its rarest drop. Rarity seeks to help you in this often fruitless endeavor.

Rarity is the addon for people who like to know the odds. For each item, it will tell you how likely it is to drop, tell you how long you’ve been wasting your time, and will tell you if you’ve been lucky or unlucky so far.

Basically, this addon is great for telling you if you should just give up now or if you have a good chance of getting the drop if you just try for a little longer.

Note that rarity has its limitations. It doesn’t play very well with group-based mobs or enemies that drop nothing. It’ll only register a kill if they drop coins, otherwise, it won’t.

This can skew the numbers. Really though you’re going to be using this for rare drops, not just a few coins. 

10. HandyNotes

As mentioned earlier, WoW’s map is fine but it’s not the best. It does a decent job of highlighting the most important areas but that’s about all.

Handy Notes lets you annotate your map with your points of interest. Found a good area for farming an item? Save it. Secret entrance? Save it. Just a super scenic area you like? Save it.

Even better, there are published collections of HandyNotes that allow you to track down things like treasure chests in Azeroth, rare creatures, and easter eggs.

To get started you’ll need to download HandyNotes first and then any of these collections as separate addons.

Much like All the Things, this is one of the better WoW mods for any completionists out there.

11. Rarescanner

Hunting down rare enemies can be stressful.

Knowing that a brief lapse in concentration could mean missing an enemy you’ve been hunting for hours can be anxiety-inducing.

Fear not, Rarescanner will make sure that no rare monster will ever escape your clutches.

Any time you come close to a rare monster, item, or event Rarescanner will warn you via a loud sound and a visual prompt.

The visual prompt is particularly useful as it shows the name of the rare and its loot pool. If you want to chase it, click the prompt and a skull will appear over the mob, singling it out for death. 

GW2 lacks dedicated healers

Despite its many flaws, GW2’s dedicated healer class does not seem to have a very large impact on the game’s meta. This is partially due to the fact that healers do not have dedicated player classes, and instead rely on ring sets which grant healing abilities. In addition, players using healing abilities may attract aggro from enemies. Moreover, some enemy types have the ability to heal cohorts, such as Tiny Witch Doctors. In addition, there is no visual indicator of whether or not a player is healing, which may be frustrating if a person is in the middle of a game.

While GW2 does have dedicated healers, they are far too rare to find in the game’s PvP matches. Due to this, many players will have trouble finding one to fill this role in the game. This is not surprising, since a tank is likely to be the only character wearing a robe. And because no profession can be a healer, this can make a tank feel useless, which is an extremely bad thing. Luckily, there are still other, better options.


Опытные игроки знают, как проверить свои финансовые ресурсы. Для этого достаточно зайти в панельку персонажа и переключиться на вкладку самого кошелька. Манипуляции просты. В этом окне вы обнаружите вашу валюту, распределенную в специальной табличке. Помимо этого пути, на вкладку кошелька можно попасть, кликнув по маленькому плюсику, расположенному в нижней части вашего инвентаря. Этот путь открывает еще одно окно, но, к сожалению, ни один из данных путей не делает систему пользования простой и понятной игроку. Поэтому было решено, переместить соединить панель кошелька с окном инвентаря. Если нажать на +, то кошелек заменит режим инвентаря, а не откроется повторно.

Полезные советы по настройке пользовательского интерфейса в Gw2

1. Настройте расположение элементов интерфейса. Вы можете изменить расположение различных элементов интерфейса, таких как миникарта, панели действий и окна персонажа. Это позволит вам сделать интерфейс более удобным и соответствующим вашим потребностям.

2. Выберите подходящий размер текста. Настройка размера текста в игре позволяет сделать его более читаемым и удобным для вас. Вы можете увеличить размер текста, если имеете проблемы с его восприятием или уменьшить его, чтобы освободить больше места на экране.

3. Используйте сочетания клавиш для быстрого доступа к функциям. Вы можете присвоить сочетания клавиш различным функциям, таким как использование предметов, использование способностей или переключение между окнами. Это позволит вам быстро выполнять действия в игре и повысит вашу эффективность.

4. Персонализируйте цветовую схему интерфейса. Вы можете изменить цвета различных элементов интерфейса, чтобы сделать их более приятными для вас. Вы можете выбрать цвета, которые соответствуют вашим предпочтениям или создают определенную атмосферу в игре.

5. Используйте дополнительные аддоны для настройки интерфейса. Существуют различные аддоны, которые позволяют настроить пользовательский интерфейс еще более детально. Некоторые аддоны могут добавлять новые функции, изменять стиль интерфейса или делать его более информативным.

6. Измените размер и вид иконок навыков. Вы можете настроить размер и вид иконок навыков, чтобы они соответствовали вашим потребностям и предпочтениям. Более крупные иконки могут быть более удобными для нажатия, а различные стили иконок могут сделать интерфейс более стильным и уникальным.

Следуя этим полезным советам, вы сможете настроить пользовательский интерфейс в игре Gw2 таким образом, чтобы он максимально соответствовал вашим предпочтениям и удобству игры.

Коды на оружие ближнего боя


  1. Находясь в игре, введите комбинацию клавиш BMARVINB – активируется режим MARVIN (должна появиться соответствующая надпись).
  2. Нажмите Клавишу F2 – откроется консоль.
  3. Введите в консоли insert ItMw_2h_Pal_Sword и нажмите Enter – чит активируется.

Код из примера создаст перед героем Двуручный меч Паладина.

Код предмета Название предмета
ItMw_1h_Vlk_Dagger Кинжал
ItMw_1H_Mace_L_01 Кочерга
ItMw_1h_Bau_Axe Серп
ItMw_1h_Vlk_Mace Трость
ItMw_1H_Mace_L_03 Дубина
ItMw_1h_Bau_Mace Тяжелый сук
ItMw_1h_Vlk_Axe Топор
ItMw_1H_Mace_L_04 Молот Кузнеца
ItMw_ShortSword1 Короткий меч Ополчения
ItMw_Nagelknueppel Палица с шипами
ItMw_1H_Sword_L_03 Волчий нож
ItMw_ShortSword2 Грубый короткий меч
ItMw_Sense Малая коса
ItMw_1h_Vlk_Sword Шпага
ItMw_1h_Nov_Mace Боевой посох
ItMw_2h_Bau_Axe Топор дровосека
ItMw_2H_Axe_L_01 Кирка
ItMw_1h_MISC_Sword Ржавый меч
ItMw_1h_Misc_Axe Ржавый топор
ItMw_2H_Sword_M_01 Ржавый двуручный меч
ItMw_1h_Mil_Sword Грубый палаш
ItMw_1h_Sld_Axe Грубый топор
ItMw_1h_Sld_Sword Грубый меч
ItMw_2h_Sld_Axe Грубый боевой топор
ItMw_2h_Sld_Sword Грубый двуручный меч
ItMw_1h_Pal_Sword Меч Паладина
ItMw_2h_Pal_Sword Двуручный меч Паладина
ItMw_2H_OrcAxe_01 Легкий топор Орков
ItMw_2H_OrcAxe_02 Средний топор Орков
ItMw_2H_OrcAxe_03 Тяжелый топор Орков
ItMw_2H_OrcAxe_04 Брутальный топор Орков
ItMw_2H_OrcSword_01 Меч ящера
ItMw_2H_OrcSword_02 Военный меч орков
ItMw_Nagelkeule Булава
ItMw_ShortSword4 Волчий зуб
ItMw_Kriegskeule Военная дубина
ItMw_Richtstab Посох судьи
ItMw_ShortSword5 Изысканный короткий меч
ItMw_Kriegshammer1 Военный молот
ItMw_Hellebarde Аллебарда
ItMw_Nagelkeule2 Тяжелая булава
ItMw_Schiffsaxt Корабельный топор
ItMw_Piratensaebel Пиратская абордажная сабля
ItMw_Schwert Грубый длинный меч
ItMw_1H_Common_01 Меч
ItMw_Stabkeule Посох Священника
ItMw_Zweihaender1 Легкий двуручный меч
ItMw_Steinbrecher Дробитель камней
ItMw_Spicker Крушитель черепов
ItMw_Streitaxt1 Легкий боевой топор
ItMw_Schwert1 Изысканный меч
ItMw_Schwert2 Длинный меч
ItMw_Doppelaxt Двойной топор
ItMw_Bartaxt Бердыш
ItMw_Morgenstern Утренняя звезда
ItMw_Schwert3 Грубый полуторный меч
ItMw_Schwert4 Изысканный длинный меч
ItMw_1H_Special_01 Длинный рудный меч
ItMw_2H_Special_01 Двуручный рудный меч
ItMw_1H_Special_02 Полуторный рудный меч
ItMw_2H_Special_02 Тяжелый двуручный рудный меч
ItMw_1H_Special_03 Боевой клинок Орков
ItMw_2H_Special_03 Тяжелый рудный боевой клинок орков
ItMw_1H_Special_04 Рудный клинок Убийца драконов
ItMw_2H_Special_04 Большой рудный клинок Убийца драконов
ItMw_Rapier Рапира
ItMw_Rubinklinge Рубиновый клинок
ItMw_Streitkolben Булава
ItMw_Zweihaender2 Двуручный меч
ItMw_Runenschwert Рунный меч
ItMw_Rabenschnabel Клюв ворона
ItMw_Schwert5 Изысканный полуторный меч
ItMw_Inquisitor Инквизитор
ItMw_Streitaxt2 Боевой топор
ItMw_Zweihaender3 Клич ярости
ItMw_ElBastardo Эль Бастард
ItMw_Kriegshammer2 Тяжелый Военный молот
ItMw_Meisterdegen Шпага мастера
ItMw_Folteraxt Топор палача
ItMw_Orkschlaechter Убийца орков
ItMw_Zweihaender4 Тяжелый двуручный меч
ItMw_Schlachtaxt Военный топор
ItMw_Krummschwert Абордажная сабля
ItMw_Barbarenstreitaxt Боевой топор Варваров
ItMw_Sturmbringer Несущий бурю
ItMw_Berserkeraxt Топор берсеркера
ItMw_Drachenschneide Гроза Драконов
ItMw_1H_Blessed_01 Грубый рудный клинок
ItMw_1H_Blessed_02 Освященный рудный клинок
ItMw_1H_Blessed_03 Гнев Инноса
ItMw_2H_Blessed_01 Грубый рудный клинок
ItMw_2H_Blessed_02 Меч ордена
ItMw_2H_Blessed_03 Святой Палач
ItMw_Addon_Stab01 Посох Мага
ItMw_Addon_Stab02 Магический посох
ItMw_Addon_Stab03 Посох Воды
ItMw_Addon_Stab04 Посох Ультара
ItMw_Addon_Hacker_1h_01 Мачете
ItMw_Addon_Hacker_1h_02 Старое мачете
ItMw_Addon_Hacker_2h_01 Гигантское мачете
ItMw_Addon_Hacker_2h_02 Старое гигантское мачете
ItMw_Addon_Keule_1h_01 Слуга ветра
ItMw_Addon_Keule_2h_01 Слуга бури
ItMw_ADDON_KEULE_1H_03 Орочья дубина
ItMw_FrancisDagger_Mis Хороший кинжал
ItMw_RangerStaff_Addon Посох Кольца воды
ItMw_Addon_PIR2hAxe Крушитель досок
ItMw_Addon_PIR2hSword Абордажная сабля
ItMw_Addon_PIR1hAxe Абордажная пика
ItMw_Addon_PIR1hSword Абордажный нож
ItMw_Addon_BanditTrader Рапира бандитов
ItMw_Addon_Betty Бетти
ItMw_BeliarWeapon_1H_01 Коготь Белиара одноручный (значение от 01 до 20 – мощность)
ItMw_BeliarWeapon_2H_01 Коготь Белиара двуручный (значение от 01 до 20 – мощность)

Other elements[edit]

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In addition to the panels listed above which are available by activating icons on the menu bar there are other temporary information and interaction windows.


Mousing over a skill icon in the user interface reveals a tooltip that describes what the skill does when it is activated. The information displayed in the tooltip is updated as the character’s attributes and traits are changed. The blue text in the tooltip indicates the effects of the skill that are currently modified or enabled by traits.

Best WoW Addons for UI

1. Bagnon

So the inventory system in WoW pretty much sucks. To be fair poor inventory design and inventory management is a blight upon the majority of RPGs and MMOs, not just WoW.

By default, your WoW inventory is made up of separate bags. Want to find a specific item? Have fun sifting through those bags.

Why not just have one big inventory with filters to find specific items. Well, that’s Bagnon for you. 

Bagnon is one of the more comprehensive addons for WoW when it comes to inventory management. It starts by replacing those irritating bags with one big inventory screen.

You can use this to view all your items, even if they’re in the bank or if they belong to one of your alt characters. Like many RPGs, item icons have a color based on their rarity making it easy to find your best items.

You can then use the sort items option to arrange your items by type. Finally, most useful you can use the search function to find specific items.

2. Bartender 4

One of the most common complaints players have when it comes to WoW is its hot bars. They’re small, lack helpful information and there are next to no options when it comes to customization.

In short, they’re pretty outdated when compared to more modern MMOs. This is where Bartender 4 comes into play, one of the most downloaded addons for WoW. 

Bartender 4 allows you to take complete control of 10 action bars. You can customize their position on screen, size and even make them transparent. Any WoW player will tell you it doesn’t take long to fill up your default Hotbar so Bartender 4 is one of the must-have WoW mods. 

Once you’ve gotten used to the add-on there are more advanced features like the ability to program macros that can adapt your hotbars.

3. ElvUI

ElvUI is the big dog when it comes to total conversion WoW addons. This baby completely redesigns your UI from the bottom up.

The new design is sleek and modern and greatly improves readability. On the flip side, you lose the classic fantasy flavor of the default UI for something with much less “character”.

This sacrifice is well worth it though. The coolest thing about ElvUI is that you can tailor its UI to your needs.  It comes with an in-game startup process that can be used to select class-specific setups of the UI.

These setups emphasize parts of the UI that are most relevant to your character.

On top of all this, there are a whole host of other features to play around with, many of which cut out the need for other addons altogether.  This all makes ElvUI one of the most customizable addons for WoW out there.

ElvUI is not perfect, however.

It can be a pain to install and update for a start. Most addon managers don’t play well with ElvUI so you’ll likely be doing any installation and updates yourself.

Not a huge problem, but something to be aware of if you’re not particularly techy.

ElvUI also has problems playing nice with a lot of other addons. You’ll need to install ElvUI first and then install any further addons and check for stability issues.

Even with its faults, ElvUI is still seen as one of the best WoW addons around.

4. Dynamic Cam

Dynamic Cam is all about making your WoW experience a little bit more cinematic and a little bit more visually exciting.

It is one of the few WoW UI addons aimed at fixing the camera. It does this by playing around with the game’s third-person camera.

The biggest way it does this is by giving you an over-the-shoulder point of view, much like God of War to make character actions more exciting.

It also focuses the camera on enemies and NPCs during interaction for a more cinematic, focused feel.

Besides this, the add-on comes with a ton more camera options so that you can tailor-make your own experience.

If you’re interested in streaming WoW this could be a nice way to make you stand out. Or it’s just nice not having to play around with the camera manually all the time.

5. MoveAnything

So, MoveAnything allows you to move anything.

Shocker right?

Jokes aside, MoveAnything is a super useful tool that gives you the ability to move any part of WoW’s default UI wherever you like.

You can move your Hotbar, quest list, Portrait, minimap, and anything else you can think of. If you’re tired of looking at the same old UI year in, year out then this is a good choice to spice things up a little.

If all you want to do is move around the UI then MoveAnything is one of the top WoW addons for you.

If you want to create your own preset or use an existing one

the .zip from above.

to your GuildWars 2 installation directory.

the zip in this folder in order to merge /bin64

you want to have the full ReShade shader

to https://github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders

or download” — > Download as a zip.

the two folder from this .zip in addons/Gw2Hook/,
so you have addons/Gw2Hook /Shaders
and addons/Gw2Hook /Textures.

should delete individual textures and shaders that
you won’t use, as they will increase loading time.

the game

ReShade’s UI with Shift-F2

you want to use a custom preset, copy it in addons/Gw2Hook/Presets.

the instruction, select your preset or create your own.

can place additional Shaders (.fx) in the /Shaders folder. You can add a preset by pasting it
in the addons/Gw2Hook/Presets folder and select it with the
+ button on the UI.


ReShade normal functions (UI, Shaders,

network monitoring.

·Shaders are applied before the game draw the HUD.

·ReShade UI is drawn on top of the game’s HUD.

fog intensity.

bloom from post-processing.

sun ray size from post-processing.

preset with map or region.



Release 1.2.0

·Rebased on latest ReShade’s version.

·Improved performances.

·Removed occasional stutter.

·Changing fog distance don’t cause stutter anymore.

·Removed the sun shader edit, was often ugly, and at best meh.

·Dut to the change in ReShade, code that prevented shaders from reloading is removed, you should now use Performance Mode.

·Shader’s injection point can now be changed in setting, use it only if you know what you’re doing !

Release 1.1.0

·Modified with the help of Chris Cleary to be
TOS compliant.

·Changed folder structures, files are now
stored in /addons/Gw2Hook/

·Fog distance is locked to 1 when entering a
competitive map.

·Fog distance can now be changed in real-time.

·Added Auto preset selection option, that
allow to use specific preset in specific map or region.

·Removed the lightmap
hook for now, will be added back when it will be usefull.

·Fixed a bug that affected performance in
some instances.

Release 1.0.8

·Improved performance and stability.

Release 1.0.7

·Added tab for Gw2 specific settings.

·Fixed bug with Skip UI setting.

·Improved depthbuffer

Release 1.0.5

fixed reshade version error with ReShade’s shaderpack

Release 1.0.4

·Bugfix: UI
skip setting save correctly.

Release 1.0.3

·Added a toggle option for UI skip.

·Various bugfix.

Release 1.0.2

·Changing map don’t force effects

·Reduced splash UI size.

Improved lightmap stability.

Release 1.0.0

·First release.

Beta 2.2.0

·Improved injection method to be able to draw
PostFX in any buffer.

·Improved injection point, now icons are

·Added Light map to useable buffer from shader.

Beta 2.0.0

·Added an option to remove bloom from Gw2

·Added an option to force the sun ray to be
max sized, using Gw2 post-processing.

·Full code cleanup.

Beta 1.9.0

·Added a fog intensity slider.

·Fixed new character selection screen.

Beta 1.8.0

·Added a “Reduced” option for

·Added few preconfigured shaders
file to the archive.

Beta 1.7.1

Hide the HUD in-game will not prevent FX to be drawn.

Beta 1.7.0

·Added toggle option for the fog (under

·Improved injection, names are skipped.

Beta 1.6.0

·Improved performances.

Beta 1.5.0

·FX now ignores the HUD (CreateVertexShader and SetVertexShader hook).

·Removed network check.

·Removed unused DirectX 10+ components.

·Changed default UI color.

Beta 1.0.0

·Added CreatePixelShader hook that edit on the fly
pixel shader to remove the fog.


Be aware that this is a side
project, I’m a student and will not be able to spend too much time
supporting this tool.

Reddit Grenbur

InGame Grenbur / Orthros.5913

Addons de combat


Cet addon est minuscule mais Ô combien efficace. En gros, il ajoute du texte à vos icônes de barres d’action pour mieux voir les temps de recharge de vos sorts et compétences. Et il y a quelques superbes options de personnalisation, comme pouvoir déterminer à quel stade le compte à rebours commence à afficher les fractions de secondes (si vous voulez être vraiment précis dans l’utilisation de vos sorts). Mais OmniCC est le genre d’addon qui ne fait qu’une petit chose, et le fait vraiment bien.

Details! Damage Meter

Details! Damage Meter est un calculateur de DPS (alias kiki ou kikimeter) graphique qui vous montre combien vous et tous les membres de votre équipe faites de dégâts par seconde en lisant tous les logs de combat. Si vous jouez une spécialisation dégâts, je ne peux assez appuyer l’importance d’un tel addon. Il ne vous aidera pas simplement à améliorer votre jeu, ses outils optionnels sont extrêmement pratiques, il peut par exemple vous montrer les talents choisis par vos coéquipiers, ainsi que leur ilevel.

Omen Threat Meter

Vous pourriez croire que seul le tank a besoin de connaître l’aggro d’un monstre, mais c’est parfaitement faux. Omen Threat Meter aide également les DPS et soigneurs en leur montrant l’aggro relative de chaque coéquipier sur le monstre ciblé. Ainsi, vous saurez si vous risquez de reprendre l’aggro au tank, ou, si par malheur le tank venait à mourir, qui sera sa prochaine cible. Dans les raids et donjons de haut niveau, ce genre d’information est inestimable.

WeakAuras 2

De loin le plus complexe des addons de cette liste, Weak Auras 2 est un framework qui vous permet d’afficher des éléments graphiques spéciaux à l’écran pour indiquer les buffs, débuffs et autres effets de statut importants, plutôt que de vous bombarder d’encore plus de chiffres et de pourcentages. Les options de personnalisation de cet addon sont énormes, de l’utilisation de sons personnalisés à des indices visuels spécifiques à votre classe.

Le truc génial par rapport à Weak Auras 2 est que si vous n’avez pas la motivation de tout paramétrer vous même, il vous suffit d’importer les templates d’autres joueurs. Voici un site web mettant à disposition une colossale liste de scripts pour Weak Auras 2 que vous pouvez utiliser à volonté.

[ ] set overlay keybind [Q] set overlay keybind (center locked)

mount keybinds:
griffon <- needs to be reenabled every restart

Heres a copy of all files in C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2\addons\mounts


reset_cursor_on_locked_keybind = true
lock_camera_when_overlayed = true

mount_wheel =
mount_wheel_locked = 81
mount_0 = 17, 97
mount_1 = 17, 98
mount_2 = 17, 99
mount_3 = 17, 100
mount_4 = 17, 101, 102
mount_5 =




personal notes:
This addon is awesome, thank you for making it. tell me if i can help with anything.

How are Guilds Wars 2 mods used?

If you are really interested in delving into the world of Guilds Wars 2 mods , we must start by teaching you the most basic of them. This is what we mean by the correct way to install them.

Although there are many forms on the web, here we bring you one that is highly recommended. You just have to follow the steps that we will list below:

  • The first thing you should do is download the GW2 Addon Manager from this link.
  • After installing it, you should run it.
  • Once in it, select the mod you want to install and transfer it to the Manager folder.
  • Now, from within the program, choose any Guilds Wars 2 mods you want to use and submit it to the game.
  • Here you will have to choose the address where you have GWII installed.
  • Finally, run the game and enjoy.
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: