Макрос для обмена баджей льда

Что такое куча

Find Buff Name[]

Smart buff recognition requires knowledge of the icon name of the appropriate buff, which may differ from the spell name significantly. The script below lists all buffs currently affecting your target, and these names can be used to modify a smart buffing script for better flexibility.

/script i=1; while UnitBuff("target",i)~=nil do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitBuff("target",i));
i=i+1; end

Alternatively, this script taken from the Queriable buff effects page also lists debuffs present on your target.

/script function m(s) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(s); end for i=1,16 do s=UnitBuff("target", i); if(s)
then m("B "..i..": "..s); end s=UnitDebuff("target", i); if(s) then m("D "..i..": "..s); end end

Help Tank Character[]

If you are in a group and fighting a larger group of enemies, and your group tank character is already fighting an enemy, you may not want to attack one which did not have Aggro yet. Select your group tank via key and execute the following macro.

/assist %t 
/script AttackTarget();

If you’re a beginning macro user the above is ok, Better to skip the ‘F’ key
and type in the player name in the above. Not sure the AttackTarget();
is safe. But that’s getting into Tactics, so see the Instance Grouping Guide Main Assist page.

A more advanced method of this is to pre-select a player as the «main assist» and have your macro assist that player throughout the duration of the party. The simple method is to replace %t with the name of that player and edit your macro when needed.

Main assist also works for everyday group play, but editing a macro and typing in a player’s name may not be possible in all situations. If you are willing to sacrifice two macros and action bar slots, you can automate things with the following two macros:

---- Set Main Assist ----
/script LeaderPlayerName = UnitName("target") or UnitName("party1") or "";
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("######## Set main assist to: " .. LeaderPlayerName);
---- Assist Main Assist Player ----
/script AssistByName(LeaderPlayerName or UnitName("party1") or UnitName("player"));
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("######## Assisting ".. LeaderPlayerName .. " with target " .. (UnitName("target") or "NO TARGET"));

Use the «Set» macro when you have your main assist player selected and want to switch your assist macro to use that player. If no player is selected and you are in a party, the first other party member will be selected. If you are not in a party and not target is selected, you will assist yourself, which is somewhat redundant, but harmless.

To save macro and action bar space, you can combine the two macros in the following script. To set the main assist player, hold down the control key while activating this macro. The version that fits into a 255 character macro is given below and it is somewhat obfuscated:

/script p=PAsi or»»u=UnitName;t=»target»c=IsControlKeyDown()if(c)then p=u(t)or u(«party1»)or»»else AssistByName(p)end;DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(«######## «..(c and(«Set assist: «..p)or(«Assisting «..p..» with «..(u(t)or»NO TARGET»))))PAsi=p

Here’s the same script with extra spacing and punctuation added for clarity:

 ---- Main Assist Utility (Version 1.0.1 by Tiga) ----
p=PAsi or"";

if(c) then
  p=u(t) or u("party1") or ""

DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("######## "..
    (c and
        ("Set assist: "..p)
        ("Assisting "..p.." with "..(u(t) or "NO TARGET"))));


Kill totems[]

This can be used to destroy any totem, and is obviously designed for druids. Naturally you can change the last line to which is especially good for someone with a wand. Whether it will fit in the same macro or not, I’m not certain, but you might also want to add lines to target Dark Iron Dwarf mines as well. I can’t think of anything else like it. The following is from Talashandy, cited by Alex .

/target Totem
/cast Moonfire(Rank 1)

Here is a bit more programmy way of doing the same thing. Remember to remove the lines breaks.

/script u=UnitName;
for i = 1,10,1 do TargetNearestEnemy()
if (not UnitCanAttack("player",t))then 
if ((s(u(t),"Totem") or s(u(t),"Ward")) and not s(UnitCreatureType(t),"Human")) then 

Use a Bandage[]

Post-Patch 2.0
It is no longer necessary to reference consumables directly from bag and bag slot numbers. All that is required is for you to provide the name of the item by either manually typing it or linking it (Shift+Click).

  1. If you Click the macro while holding down the ALT key, you will bandage yourself.
  2. If you Click the macro while holding down the CTRL key, you will bandage your pet.
  3. If you Click the macro by it self, you will bandage a friendly target.
/use  Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use  Heavy Runecloth Bandage
/use  Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Pre-Patch 2.0

/script UseAction(ActionID, 0, 1); 
/script if( SpellIsTargeting() ) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end 

Bandage must be placed in the action bar at the slot given by ActionID. ActionID is a number from 1 to 120. Slot1-ActionBar1 is ActionID1, Slot12 is ActionID12, Slot1-ActionBar2 is ActionID13 and so on up to Slot12 of ActionBar10. This will bandage your target, or yourself if your current target is not a friendly target.

Here’s a different version courtesy of post by Sarf on the forums. This one will always self-bandage, even if you have a friendly player targeted. It will also re-target your original target. Note that this must all be on one line, its just split up for readability:

/script p="player";t="target";if(not UnitCanAttack(t, p))then ot=UnitName(t);TargetUnit(p);else ot=nil;end;UseAction(ActionID);if(SpellIsTargeting())then SpellTargetUnit(p);end if(ot) then TargetByName(ot);end

Following is another example of self bandaging that does not use scripting. THIS WILL WORK FOR COSMOS USERS ONLY. Shift-clicking on the bandage (or other item in inventory) while editing your macro will insert its name into your macro. Placing the «target» command after the «use» command maintains your primary target and also maintains your combo points for that target if you’re a Rogue.

/use Heavy Linen Bandage
/target player
/script for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b) do if (string.find(GetContainerItemLink(b,s) or " ", "Heavy Runecloth Bandage")) then TargetUnit("player"); UseContainerItem(b,s, onSelf); TargetUnit("playertarget") b=4 break end end end

Note: As of WoW UI version 1300, when you use the /target command use player not «player» to target yourself. Script command /target does NOT require Cosmos mod, but the /use command does.

You may experience problems with the script above, because it uses non-standard commands. If you place your Heavy bandage in the second ActionBar slot 5 you can use this small macro to use the bandage on your self. This works regardless of whether Cosmos (or any other mod) is installed.

/script TargetUnit("player");
/script UseAction(17);

You have to use 17, because it is 2nd Actionbar and 5th slot ((2-1)*12+5=17).

Reference ActionID’s:

Actionbar                  Slot number  
       1:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
       2:   13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24
       3:   25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36
       4:   37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48
       5:   49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60
       6:   61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72

6. Using items and trinkets Macro

The command
for using an item is /use.

Like /cast,
its simplest form takes the name of the item you want to use: /use Green

/use <inventory slot>

This form
of use allows you to use an item in the specified slot. Example:

/use 13

This command
will use your Trinket 1. See also InventorySlotId for lists of the
slot numbers below:

ammo = 0head = 1neck = 2shoulder = 3body = 4 (shirt)chest = 5

waist = 6legs = 7feet = 8wrist= 9hand = 10finger1 = 11 finger2 = 12

trinket 1 =
13trinket 2 = 14back = 15mainhand = 16offhand = 17

Equipping items Macro

There are
three commands for equipping items: /equip, /equipslot, and /equipset.

simply takes an item name and will equip it to the default slot as if you had
right-clicked it in one of your bags.

takes an inventory slot ID and an item name, and equips the item to
the specified slot.

Example :

  • /equip
    Honed Voidaxe
  • /equipslot
    14 Carrot on a Stick

8. Pet control Macro

mentioned in the spell casting section, you can use /cast to cast your pet’s
abilities by name.

  • /petattack
    , sends your pet to attack your target.
  • /petfollow
    , causes your pet to follow you, cancelling its attack if necessary.
  • /petstay ,
    causes your pet to hold at its current location until given another command.
  • /petmoveto
    , click on the ground at a location and your pet will move there.
  • /petpassive,
    /petdefensive , sets the reaction mode of your pet just like the buttons on
    your pet bar.
  • /petautocaston,
    /petautocastoff, these commands manipulate the auto-cast of a given pet spell.
    The first will always turn auto-cast on, and the second will turn it off. Example:
  • /petautocaston
  • /petautocastoff

4. Casting spells Macro : /cast

/cast, the most common command you will see in macros. The /cast command allows
you to cast any spell from your (or your pet’s) spell book by name.

Shadow Word: Pain

This macro
will cast Shadow Word: Pain on your target.

The action
bar code recognizes the spell and will show cooldown and range
feedback on the icon. In fact, if you choose the question mark icon I mentioned
earlier, the action bar will even show the icon for SW.

Cast sequence macro

Many times,
you will find yourself casting a series of spells or use certain items in the
same order on pretty much any mob you fight. To make this job a bit easier, we
have the /castsequence command.

takes a list of spells and/or items separated by commas. These follow the same
rules as /cast and /use. This means you can interchange spell names, item
names, item IDs, inventory slots, and bag slot combinations. If the spell or
item is used successfully, the sequence will move to the next entry. You
must repeatedly activate the macro to use all the spells in the sequence. Once
you use the last entry in the list, it will reset to the beginning. Example:

Immolate, Corruption, Bane of Agony, Siphon Life

This might
be something you would use for a Warlock’s opening attack. Note, however, that
if Immolate fails to cast for some reason (out of mana, not in range, silenced,
etc.), the sequence will remain at that point. Because of this, you cannot use
a /castsequence to make a spammable macro like:

Overpower, Execute, Mortal Strike

Interrupt a casted spell

was touched on briefly in other contexts but its main use, as you might guess,
is used to stop another spell cast that’s in progress. This is useful for
making «panic buttons» that interrupt whatever you’re doing at the
moment in favor of something more important. 

Макрос для обмена баджей льда

1. Макрос выхода из пати (если вы ливнули с пати последним и у вас забагался пп)/script LeaveParty()

2. Макрос покупки большого количества предметов в раз (помогает при обмене баджей на аналогичные), где «Эмблема героизма» — покупаемый вами предмет, а 255 нужное вам количество (больше 300 поставить нельзя), макрос нужно вводить при открытом окне торговли на странице с покупаемым объектом./script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end buy («Эмблема героизма»,255)Очень полезная вещь для покупки камней за триумф, это делается в несколько этапов: В Даларане находим здание «Серебряный Анклав» там вендоров «за эмблемы триумфа», «за эмблемы доблести», «за эмблемы героизма», обмениваем поочередно там свой триумф, за последние эмблемы героизма покупаем камушки (там же) око зула-10, аметрин-10, страхолит-10, величественный циркон-20, царский янтарь-20, багровый рубин-20.

3. Этот макрос активирует режим АФК и извещает написавших вам ЛС заранее заготовленную фразу (например ушел по делам)/afk любой текст

4. Скрипт для ДК и Локов, вызывающий панель пета (не подходит для хантов)/script PetAbandon()

5. Макрос для перезагрузки игрового интерфейса/reload

6. Макрос на полную перезагрузку всех аддонов и интерфейса/run local f = CreateFrame(«frame»,nil, UIParent); f:SetScript(«OnUpdate», CombatLogClearEntries);

7. Макрос на спешивание с маунта/dismount

8. Рес на ОЛО, если не добраться до тела-духа пешочком:.start или/g .start


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Наши инженеры сайта уехали, заняты восстановлением Гномрегана, и они наконец откатываются! Пожалуйста, следите за своим шагом, пока паровые машины бороздят страницы в течение следующих нескольких недель, чтобы обновить контент, чтобы сделать его подходящим для Warlords of Draenor.Благодарим вас за терпение, пока мы работаем над обновлением всех макросов, и благодарим вас за посещение Macro-WoW.com!

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Я не могу играть так много, как раньше, поэтому для меня важно иметь возможность зарабатывать золото, когда я не могу играть, а затем использовать это золото для покупки снаряжения, когда я вернусь в игру. На пути к миллиону золота я разместил множество аукционов с…

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Команды, поддерживающие опции

#show — показывает иконку чего-либо (например, #show Свет небес) без подсказки

#showtooltip — показывает иконку вместе с подсказкой

/assist — помощь цели

/cancelaura — отмена бафа

/cancelform — отмена облика

/cast — начинает заклинание

/castrandom — случайное заклинание из списка

/castsequence — порядок заклинаний

/changeactionbar — свитч панелей

/clearfocus — очистить фокус (равносильно /focus без таргета)

/cleartarget — очистить цель

/click — нажать кнопку

/dismount — спешиться

/equip — экипировать вещь(-и)

/equipslot — экипировать вещь в определенную ячейку

/equipset — экипировать набор

/focus — фокус

/petagressive — агрессивный питомец

/petattack — атака питомца

/petautocastoff — выключает “авто” использование спелла питомца

/petautocaston — включает “авто”

/petdefensive — защитная стойка питомца (стандартная; атакуют хозяина — атакует питомец)

/petfollow — питомец следует за хозяином

/petpassive — пассивный питомец

/petstay — питомец стоит на месте

/startattack — начинает автоматическую атаку

/stopattack — останавливает автоматическую атаку

/stopcasting — прекращает заклинание

/stopmacro — прекращает работу макроса (как правило, при определенном условии)

/swapactionbar — свап панелей

/target — выбор цели

/targetenemy — выбор враждебной цели

/targetfriend — выбор дружелюбной цели

/targetlasttarget — выбор предыдущей цели

/targetparty — цель группы с номером

/targetraid — цель рейда

/use — использовать

/usetalents — использовать ветку талантов под номером

/userandom — использовать случайно

Example Advanced Macros

Universal 5-man /invite macro

Invites all 5 Characters in a 5-man Set
/invite {SLOT1}
/invite {SLOT2}
/invite {SLOT3}
/invite {SLOT4}
/invite {SLOT5}

Universal up-to-5-man /invite macro

This version has conditions to a) not invite current character, and b) not invite if the slot is empty (which it can’t be when exported, but for example…) or the Character Set doesn’t have that many slots
!if ("slot 1" and character is not "slot 1") /invite {SLOT1}
!if ("slot 2" and character is not "slot 2") /invite {SLOT2}
!if ("slot 3" and character is not "slot 3") /invite {SLOT3}
!if ("slot 4" and character is not "slot 4") /invite {SLOT4}
!if ("slot 5" and character is not "slot 5") /invite {SLOT5}

Combined multi-class attack macro

I made up different attacks, you’d probably want your own
!if (character is in "shamans") /cast Lightning Bolt
!elseif (character is in "deathknights") /startattack
!also /cast Icy Touch
!elseif (character is in "paladins") /startattack
!elseif (character is in "rogues") /startattack
!also /cast Sinister Strike
!elseif (character is in "druids") /cast Wrath
This will resolve to the following


/cast Lightning Bolt


/cast Icy Touch




/cast Sinister Strike


/cast Wrath

Global Tell Variable[]

If you have multiple scripts that send tells («Sheeping Lynk», «Heal Lynk», etc.) it may be useful to have each script reference a global variable that is changed by a single script. Kind of a click once, change em all scenario.

This script sets a global variable PR (Party/Raid) to an appropriate channel based on raid, party or solo membership.

  1. Just click the script to set a global variable that can be referenced by other scripts.

Line breaks (carriage returns or <Enter>) have been added for legibility only. When copied into WoW, make sure the script is one line only.

/script if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then PR = "Raid";  elseif (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) 
then PR = "Party"; else PR = "Say"; end;

In your scripts, transpose «Say», «Raid», «Party» for PR.

/script SendChatMessage("Lynk is a noob",PR);

Lynk — Gilneas

Assist Main Tank/Main Assist[]

Pre-Patch 2.0
This script sets your Main Tank or Main Assist for assists and assists the MT/MA all-in-one.

  1. If no MT/MA has been set and you Click the script, you will receive a message stating so «Set MT Noob!».
  2. If you click the script while holding down the Alt key, you will receive a message stating the MT/MA has been set: «MT Set: «.
  3. If you have set your MT/MA and click the script, you will target your MT/MA’s target.

(This macro should be on one line.)

/script if (IsAltKeyDown() and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then MT=UnitName("target");
DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('MT Set: '); elseif (MT ~= nil) then AssistByName(MT);
else DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('Set MT Noob!'); end;

Lynk — Gilneas

Post-Patch 2.0

  1. If no Focus (MT/MA) has been set and the macro is Clicked, you will receive a UI message stating «Unknown Unit.»
  2. If you click the macro while holding down the ALT key, your target will receive a white glow around their picture frame.
  3. If you have set your Focus and just Click the macro, you will assist the MT/MA and target his or her target.
/assist focus

Lynk — Gilneas

2. Controlling button feedback and the question mark icon ( ?) with #showtooltip

By default,
WoW uses the first spell or item that appears in a macro to show cooldown,
range, and availability feedback on the button, and to pick which icon to
display when you use the question mark icon. Take our multi-spell macro from
earlier as an example:

  • /use
    Talisman of Ephemeral Power
  • /cast
    Arcane Power
  • /cast
    Presence of Mind
  • /cast

With this
macro, WoW chooses Arcane Power for the feedback. However, this is probably not
what you really want. The main point of this spell is to cast Pyroblast.

You can
make the button behave as if Pyroblast were the first spell by adding the
following line to the top of the macro:


If you used
the question mark icon for the macro, the button will even have the icon of
Pyroblast without any extra effort on your part.

Dynamic macros

Dynamic Macros are those that include variables. Variables are resolved at the time the ISBoxer Addon is generated, when you Export to Inner Space. Any of the pre-defined variables can be used anywhere in your Macro, and will be replaced for the final Macro with the desired value. For example, if you place the text {CHARACTER} in your Macro, it will be replaced with the name of the Character it is executed on, e.g.:

/say Hi, my name is {CHARACTER}

… might translate to:

/say Hi, my name is Bob


/say Hi, my name is Alice

… depending on the name of the Character.

List of Variables

The following is a complete list of available variables:

  • {SLOT} will be replaced with the current Slot number, e.g. 1
  • {SLOTS} will be replaced with the number of Slots assigned to the current Character Set, e.g. 5
  • {SLOT#} where # is a number, e.g. {SLOT1}, will be replaced with the name of the Character in that Slot, e.g. Alice
  • {CHARACTER} will be replaced with the current Character name, e.g. Alice
  • {CHARACTERSET} will be replaced with the current Character Set name, e.g. Team Bob and Alice
  • {FTL} will be replaced with FTL conditionals as defined by the Character Set, e.g. ToonA;ToonB
  • {MYFTL} will be replaced with FTL conditionals as defined by the Character Set for the current Slot, e.g.
  • {FTL#} where # is a number, e.g. {FTL1}, will be replaced with FTL conditionals as defined by the Character Set for that Slot, e.g.
  • {ASSISTHOTCHARACTER} will be replaced with /assist {FTL} or /assist focus, depending on whether FTL is enabled for the Mapped Key
  • {TARGETHOTCHARACTER} will be replaced with /targetexact {FTL} or /target focus, depending on whether FTL is enabled for the Mapped Key
  • {SET#} where # is a number, e.g. {SET1}, will be replaced with a linked Character Set name. SET1 is the main Character Set, SET2 is the first in the main Character Set’s Also Launch list, SET3 is the second, and so on
  • {SET#SLOT#} where # are numbers, e.g. {SET1SLOT1}, will be replaced with the name of the Character in that Slot in the specified Character Set (as described above)
  • {SET#FTL#} where # are numbers, e.g. {SET1FTL1}, will be replaced with FTL conditionals as defined by that Character Set (as described above) for that Slot

Variables are case sensitive — they must be in upper case as shown.

Быстрый обмен валюты?

Выше упомянутый макрос верный, но это тройная работа. Забыли упомянуть главный ньюанс — обмен баджей можно проводить в другом месте.

Место расположения этого NPC гляньте через бд — https://db.ezwow.org/?npc=35790

В таком случае понадобится один макрос:

Авторизуйтесь для ответа в теме

#1 82bipaze

Собственно решил прокачать твинка и столкнулся с аддским неудобством в покупке твинкошмота, а точнее его получения:

Для получения эмблем героизма с эмблем триумфа нужно обменивать их проходя по вендорам вот в таком виде

По механике игры обмен надо подтверждать и можно покупать только по одной.

А теперь посчитаем сколько кликов надо совершить для для фамильной трини (50 эмблем):

Идём к первому вендору и совершаем 100 кликов (покупка+подтверждение), идём ко второму и совершаем ещё 100 кликов, идём к третьему и совершаем ЕЩЁ 100 кликов.

Итого 300 кликов для обычной покупки одной(!) вещи, если сложить на полный комплект то думаю выйдет больше 1500.

Есть ли какой-нибудь способ это ускорить? Макросы, аддоны и прочее такое.

Сообщение отредактировал 82bipaze: 31 Март 2019 — 12:51


Quick Self-Bandage (by Domandred)[]

Post-Patch 2.0
Consult .

Pre-Patch 2.0

/script UseContainerItem(#, #);
/script TargetLastEnemy();

Use: Really nice macro for duels or 1v1 pvp. You can stun/fear your enemy, press this and it’ll automatically bandage you without losing your target.

Problem with macro above is losing combo points for rogues. This one will do the same thing without making you lose your combo points

/script UseContainerItem(#, #)
/script SpellTargetUnit("player")

Another quick self-bandage from me, Kingoomie. Remember, one line.

/script if (not GetContainerItemLink(x,x)) then OpenBag(); else
TargetUnit("player");UseContainerItem(3,15);TargetUnit("playertarget");if (UnitIsPlayer("target"))
then ClearTarget() end end

Checks for an item in the slot, opens the bag if there isn’t one, uses the item (bandage, in this case) on you, targets your last target, or targets nothing if you either didn’t have a target or were targeting yourself.

Фамильный шмот в Катаклизме

Q: Что станет с фамильным шмотом в катаклизме? Скажем, если я насобираю только, чтобы прокачать гоблина, не исчезнет ли он в новом дополнении?

A: На данный момент мы планируем оставить ныне существующие фамильные вещи в игре. Те фамильные вещи, которые вы сейчас используете, вполне подойдут и вашим новым персонажам.
Тем не менее, когда вы перейдете в новые игровые зоны Cataclysm, скорее всего, будет иметь смысл сменить их на награды за выполненные задания для 81-85 уровней. А на 85 уровне появятся новые фамильные вещи, которые, возможно, гораздо лучше подойдут для персонажей высших уровней.
Однако имейте в виду, что это пока предварительный план — все может измениться!

Casting Buffs[]

Adapted from the above code, this is designed to cast buffs. If an enemy is selected, you will cast the buff on yourself, if nothing is selected, you will cast the buff on yourself, if you are selected, you will cast the buff on yourself but if your ally is selected they will be buffed.


This macro will cast buffs on you unless an ally is selected (Mark of the Wild):

/script if UnitIsFriend("player", "target") then CastSpellByName("Blessing of Might"); else CastSpellByName("Blessing of Might", 1); end

Forgot the «;» before «else» command: so script doesn’t work. I added one that fixed it with «Blessing of Might», so just replace spell to change buff.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: