Conflict of nations world war 3 как играть

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Rising Tides Map

Strategic Sites

Strategic Sites house technologies and research that are vital to the survival of future generations, and should be your highest priority.

  • Each site grants the owning player 500 Victory Points
  • Indestructible building
  • Oil refineries produce fuel and Mining sites produce Rares

Rising Tides features ten fixed Strategic Sites in total. Every Strategic Site is identifiable on the map by a unique building and highlight animation.


Complexes are safe cities that allow humanity to flourish in the new world.

  • A Radiation Dome automatically starts to charge if the city is uncontaminated and has a minimum population of 4.
  • Indestructible building
  • Speeds up building construction by 5%

A Shielded Complex, i.e. a Complex with a fully charged Radiation Dome, protects the population and infrastructure from environmental hazards and, to a certain degree, nuclear and chemical attacks.

  • Grants 50 Victory Points when dome is fully charged.
  • Radiation Dome shields buildings and population from unit damage while it is intact.
    • Agents can still sabotage buildings however.
    • Armies are not protected by the dome.
  • Radiation Dome goes offline and needs to fully recharge when conquered by another player.
  • Radiation Dome automatically fully recharges over 24 hours.
  • Speeds up building construction by 20%

Complexes are fixed structures that cannot be built by players.

The Chosen

“No longer shall we remain silent in the face of neglect. No longer shall we abide by the words of our impotent governments.» — Eshaton

Led by their visionary leader, Eshaton, The Chosen stop at nothing pursuing their divine charge. Stealth and subterfuge are their weapons of choice. They blend into the unbounded streams of refugees pouring across the fractured continents. And strike when least expected.

New Unit: Enforcer

  • Superior damage to:
    • Anti Fixed Wing
    • Anti Rotary Wing
    • Anti Armor damage
  • Stealth

Additional Features

  • Rising Tides & Sea channels/Inland seas — New Sea channels and shores change the way you plan and strategize in your local area
  • Dead zones — Quarantined zones which cannot be traversed and do not offer resources
  • Antarctic continent — The Antarctic serves as a potential base of operations, out of reach in the early game
  • 100 Playable nations — New potential hotspots in North America, South America and the East


Tutorial Maps

Map name Coalition size
Battleground USA 3
Flashpoint 3
Global Conflict 5

Newly created accounts will be placed in one of these tutorial maps and start off with the game tutorial. A common design theme between all tutorial maps is the great number of small AI countries.

Event Maps

Map name Coalition size
Western Theater 3
Overkill 3
Blood & Oil 3
Cold War 3
Middle East 3
Apocalypse 3

There are usually one or two event maps available for a limited time, until they rotate out for other maps. Many of them present different gameplay styles and design, according to the map. Details can be found in their respective sections.

Exclusive Maps

Map name Team size
Able Archer 2 vs 2
Malta Civil War 4 vs 4
Mediterranean Theatre 7 vs 7
World Redux 16 vs 16

Featured only in alliance vs alliance game.

If you want to join a public game, Conflict of Nations spawns these maps under particular criteria which are required for the server:

  • If the particular game map/scenario is full, the server will spawn a new one shortly after
  • If a map is no longer full (through abandoned players), and less than Day 5, the map will reappear as a joinable game in the new game list
  • If the map is an event map, it may not be spawned again for some weeks or even months, but they still follow the same criteria to spawn

Otherwise, if you have an Alliance and are looking for a challenge, you can:

  • Or else, challenge an another Alliance yourself! head to the Ranking Tab, Alliances Tab, click on an Alliance you wish to challenge and click the challenge button there!

Blood & Oil

Blood lust is rampant, and the smell of sulfur-ridden smog permeates the lands of the Middle East beside oil rich Crescent.
Nations clash in the ultimate race for domination over the war torn land in a desperate attempt to fuel the raging fires of eternal war.
This map features:

  • 50 Players across Europe, Middle East, North Africa and parts of Asia. Including ex-territorial bases and Territories (US in the Middle East, China in Africa, Russia in Syria, Turkey in Libya)
  • Coalition Sizes of 3
  • 10 Strategic Sites
  • Specific cities occupied as homeland by two opposing nations

Strategic Sites

The Strategic Sites in Blood and Oil host the most valuable Oil refineries, Mining Sites and the Suez Canal, making them your highest priority when viable for conquering.

  • Oil Refineries offer a boost of production on Fuel and 100VP
  • The Canal Gate will provide the sole owner a flat resource bonus of 16,000 Money
  • Mining Facilities will provide 1,000 Rares

New Caliphate

The Enforcers featured in Rising Tides and Cyber Black maps make a comeback, intent on striking down thee with great vengeance.
This time, they have recruited trained mercenaries, officials, military personnel and anyone invested in fighting for their beliefs and future.
Military Intel reports that the Chosen are supplying Insurgents with the equipment and not directly involved, but this may be misinformation being spread from infiltration within the upper echelons.

  • Superior damage to:
    • Anti Fixed Wing
    • Anti Rotary Wing
    • Anti Armor damage
  • Stealth

Where Do I Start?

Basic Commands

We put together a video to help you familiarise yourself with CON’s basic unit commands.

Be sure to also check out the keyboard Shortcuts.

Research And Production

Before you can produce, or mobilise, units, you have to unlock them in the research tree of your . CON currently features three distinct doctrines that favour different types of units. In addition to research, every unit requires certain buildings before they can be mobilised. You can see these requirements in the info box of a unit in the research tree.

Finally, units require certain for mobilisation. Every mobilised unit will also cost daily upkeep. Build up your economy early so you don’t suddenly face a shortage of resources in the middle of a conflict.


One feature that sets Conflict of Nations apart is the aspect of national . Maintaining a healthy, national morale is vital as it affects your production, troop mobilization, and reduces the risk of insurgency. While every province has its own morale indicator, several factors, such as , can influence all your provinces’ morale at the same time.


Use diplomacy to your advantage to foster mutually beneficial relationships with other players, for example:

It would be advisable to maintain a good diplomatic standing with your neighbouring countries, especially in the beginning of the game. This will allow you to engage in theatres of war, further away from your capital, without the threat of invasion by one of your neighbours. Use caution, however, and try to anticipate your allies’ motives before you gauge their trustworthiness. Deception is an essential and common tactic as well.

Keep an eye on the News for hourly updates about recent events in the campaign, as well as official statements by other players.

What Happens When I Log Out?

Every CON campaign is a persistent online game which means it will continue normally while you are away. However, units are balanced in favour of defence, which means even if another player attacks your nation while you are gone, chances are your units will hold their own just fine. Just don’t leave your undefended and take advantage of the before you log off!

Join and meet the community!

Aside from being able to meet like-minded players, we post announcements for new updates, post teasers about coming updates, and staff regularly pop in to talk with our players in these channels.

Combat Mechanics

When two armies are engaged, combat rounds are calculated every hour. We differentiate between four possible scenarios:

  1. Meeting engagements
  2. Attack/Defense engagements
  3. Edge cases
  4. Cases where two armies are in movement

Meeting Engagement

Army A and B engaged in combat, outside the province’s center-point

Scenario: Army A attacks army B in the open — where army B is stationed outside of the province’s center-point.

First Combat Tick (immediately):

  • Army A attacks army B using its offensive stats
  • Army B defends against army A using its defensive stats
  • Army B counter-attacks army A using its offensive stats
  • Army A defends against army B using its defensive stats

Second Combat Tick (after 1 hour has passed):

  • Army A attacks Army B using its offensive stats
  • Army B defends against Army A using its defensive stats
  • Army B counter-attacks Army A using its offensive stats
  • Army A defends against Army B using its defensive stats
  • and so on…

Attack/Defense Engagement

Army B on province’s center-point, defending against army A

Scenario: Army A attacks army B — where B is stationed on the province’s center-point.
When army B is on a province’s center-point, it is not performing offensive actions. Only army A conducts attack rounds, while army B is just defending.

First Combat Tick in chronological order — first exchange between the two armies, happens immediately:

  • Army A attacks army B using its offensive stats
  • Army B defends against army A using its defensive stats

Subsequent Combat Ticks in chronological order — hourly after FCT:

  • Army A attacks army B using its offensive stats
  • Army B defends against army A using its defensive stats
  • Army A attacks army B using its offensive stats
  • and so on…

Edge Cases

When you give a unit the order to move, and it has to pass through a hostile unit, it will engage in combat before it continues onward to its final destination.

Cases Where Two Armies are in Movement

Army A and army B run across each other while moving on the map. If army A and army B are both moving without an attack order and are within combat range, they will engage.

What Is The Game About?

Conflict of Nations: Word War 3 is a real-time based approach on modern strategy. Competing against up to 100 players, you assume the role of a commander during a military campaign. Manage economy, diplomacy, weapons research, and troop mobilisation in order to lead your nation to victory. Each game, or campaign, can last anywhere from days to weeks. Careful strategic planning will be vital to your success, as you must anticipate your opponents’ movements hours, if not even days, ahead.

Goal Of The Game

Your goal in any CON campaign is straightforward: Conquer as much territory as you can before the enemy does.

Your success in a campaign is measured in Victory Points. The first player to reach the Victory Point limit wins the campaign. If you are part of a coalition, you must work together with your team to reach your shared Victory Point limit, as each member’s points count toward the goal.
Victory Points are earned by conquering provinces and cities. At the end of the campaign, each player is awarded Gold, CON’s premium currency, equivalent to their number of Victory Points at the end of the campaign.


In a modern world gone mad, even the smallest countries prepare for all-out war. Diplomatic relations will have a rippling effect throughout the world, potentially spelling disaster for some. Differences must be set aside to find common ground for the song and dance that is modern war — unlikely alliances have made themselves known to the world to defend their place in the world.

Overkill inherits many of the design of WW3 but amplifies it tenfold and uses special features to cater to the changes made, including Victory Sites and alliances between nations such as the Koreas or Mesoamerican nations uniting under 1 flag.
This map features:

  • 100 Players
  • Coalition Sizes of 3
  • 12 Strategic Sites

Strategic Sites

The Strategic Sites in Overkill will be a great contributing factor to your resources and local strategic decisions.

  • Oil Refineries will provide 1,000 Fuel resources and 500VP
  • Seed Vaults, Fusion Reactors, Wind Farms, Mining Facilities and Marine Research Facilities will all provide 500 Rares materials and 500 VP

Acts of War

Declaring War through the Diplomatic Panel

The Diplomacy Screen from where you set your status towards a nation

To declare war, click the Diplomacy button and select the target player. Then, from the drop-down menu, change your status from Peace to War. You could even be diplomatic about the process and send a note stating your justifications for doing so, but most commanders won’t be so kind.

Declaring War through Invasion

Popup — You are about to declare war

You declare war by default, when you trespass on the province of a nation with which you do not share a special diplomatic relationship. You will receive a pop-up warning whenever your move order would constitute an act of war.

If you want to move units through another nation’s territory, you both must be members of the same coalition, or your diplomatic relation with that country needs to be one of the following:

Combat at a Glance

Combat aims to establish total dominance over an opposing force. To succeed, you must hone your tactical awareness. As commander of an entire nation, you need a deep understanding of the intricate details of modern war. Study the mechanics of close-combat attack and defense, as well as how combat might play out in different scenarios. Victory goes to the prepared.

  1. Diligence — Anticipate diplomatic interference and counter attacks, as well as growing insurgent areas.
  2. Effective strategy — Think ahead and don’t waste resources. Every decision counts, especially when you are investing real-time.
  3. Resources — Keep an eye on your resource production. Consider provinces and cities that you require for further Arms Industries construction. If new territory is hard to acquire on your own, ally with someone.
  4. Diplomacy — Diplomatic relations will make or break the game and must not be under-valued.


Zombie Units

These ruthless units may be brain-dead, but don’t let that lull you into a false sense of safety. They shuffle in droves with no sense of humanity, and all that comes with it.

Public Service Announcement

  • Do not have diplomatic skills and thus cannot use diplomatic relations
  • Do not show up as Radar signals
  • Deal moderate damage against soft targets, and low damage against hard targets
  • Relatively low Health Points
  • Have terrain bonuses in Urban and Suburban, Mountain and Jungle areas
  • Ignores Bunkers


Hives are organic growths that can cause catastrophic damage if left unchecked. It is important to tackle infected cities and areas with utmost urgency, otherwise Hives will start to grow in the following hours.

  • Has a 4 hour construction time which starts as soon as Zombies take over a City
  • Critically degrades a cities’ Morale
  • Halts population growth
  • Provides an entrenchment bonus to Zombies
  • Is a destructible construction
  • Allows for more Zombie Units to be spawned at one go ( 6 — 10 instead of the default 1 — 3)

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: