Pandora saga

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Pandora Saga Classes

Starting Classes:

  • Warrior – Front line melee fighter, branches into melee DPS roles and Tank roles.
  • Scout – Sneaky class that branches into high-DPS long-ranged physical attackers and stealthy melee classes.
  • Acolyte – Basic healing class that branches into a straightforward, squishy supportive role or a more self-reliant, defensive and offensive support class.
  • Mage – Elemental ranged DPS attacker that branches into direct damaging roles and a damage-over-time attack style.

Level 20 Advancements:

  • Gladiator – Advances from Warrior, offers a more offensively-focused class that rushes into combat head-on.
  • Knight — Advances from Warrior, offers defensive skills that help protect fellow party members.
  • Archer — Advances from Scout, focuses on projectile weaponry and long-range techniques.
  • Provocateur — Advances from Scout, specializes in close combat, taking advantage of stealth abilities to surprise the enemy with traps and sneak attacks.
  • Priest — Advances from Acolyte, focuses on healing and support magic and is necessary in any party.
  • Ascetic — Advances from Acolyte, taking a more offensive approach combined with protective abilities.
  • Wizard — Advances from Mage, excels at direct magical attacks and powerful elemental abilities.
  • Sorcerer — Advances from Mage, focuses on arcane magic and negative status effects rather than direct damage.

Level 40 Advancements:

  • Juggernaut– Advances from Gladiator, excelling in heavy weapons such as two-handed axes and broadswords, crushing the enemy with deadly blows.
  • Dragoon — Advances from Gladiator, adding mounted horse combat with the use of powerful spears to quickly weave in and out of enemy blind spots.
  • Warlord — Advances from Knight, offering the highest defensive potential of any class as well as bringing a huge variety of defensive skills to the table, acting as a vital party member for any group.
  • Paladin — Advances from Knight, balancing defense and offense to create a versatile and adaptable class that excels in mounted combat and the use of magic.
  • Sniper — Advances from Archer, focusing on the bow in combat to utilize a variety of arrows and shots that make a versatile DPS class.
  • Hunter — Advances from Archer, excelling in mounted combat, mobility and crossbows.
  • Assassin — Advances from Provocateur, focusing on slipping past enemies in the darkness and delivering massive sneak attacks.
  • Saboteur— Advances from Provocateur, expert at lying traps and taking the enemy by surprising, offering a variety of tools for use in combat.
  • Cleric — Advances from Priest, gaining access to a wide array of healing abilities, and are an important part of any party composition.
  • Enchanter — Advances from Priest, focusing primarily on support skills that buff ally attack power and defense.
  • Monk — Advances from Ascetic, skilled at close-quarter combat and enemy control, as well as having a high resistance against debuffs.
  • Exorcist — Advances from Ascetic, focusing on defensive ability, interrupting magical attacks and nullifying negative status effects.
  • Warlock — Advances from Wizard, serving a glass cannon type role that offers massive damage potential with very low defensive capability.
  • Conjurer — Advances from Wizard, focusing on teleportation that allows the player great mobility and the ability to traverse great distances.
  • Corruptor — Advances from Sorcerer, acts as a hybrid magic-melee class that excels at taking down mounted units, weakening enemies with their sword before finishing with magic spells.
  • Shadowblade — Advances from Sorcerer, focusing on disruptive magic and confusing the enemy.

System requirements[]

Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
Operating System Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 2000 Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 2000
CPU 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD processor 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD processor
RAM 512MB 1GB or more
Graphics Card
  • Video RAM 64 MB or higher Direct X 9.0c compatible products
  • Nvidia GeForce MX or equivalent (Geforce 5000 series video card or better.)
  • Video RAM 128 MB or higher Direct X 9.0c compatible products
  • Nvidia GeForce TI or Radeon 9200(Geforce 6600 series video card or better.)
Hard Disk Space 1.5GB free space 2.0 GB free space
Internet Connection 56k modem Broadband (ADSL)
Sound Card DirectX 9.0c compatible DirectX 9.0c compatible


  • 300 player wars between 3 nations
  • Solo, group, and raid-based gameplay spans over 60 Levels
  • An established and welcoming community, divided into three nations
  • Easy-to-learn and difficult-to-master battle system, with melee, ranged, magical, and mounted combat
  • In-game community boards to help find groups, guilds, and glory
  • An abundance of endgame wars and dungeons, balanced for the greatest Pandora Saga heroes
  • Crafting system, supported by PvP and PvE rewards
  • Boothing system, designed for real-time trading
  • New patches and expansions bring never-ending action

In Pandora Saga your character will earn experience points (EXP) as you engage in combat and complete quests. Through gaining experience, your character gains levels. Each time a character «levels up,» it will gain Ability Points and Status Points. These points can be distributed to various attributes of your character. To assign these points you must open the «Character Menu.»


In ancient times, a Great Empire once dominated the whole world under the rule of one King. The King was granted this power due to his possession of the ancient artifact known as Pandora. He was beloved for his infinite kindness and presided over a long age of peace and harmony. One fateful night, peace was shattered as the night sky was lit ablaze with large balls of fire showering down upon the earth, turning everything they touched into ash. Overnight, the once great empire was reduced to rubble and any trace of Pandora was lost with it.

Years later after the destruction left by the Great Catastrophe, three new nations emerged from the ashes – The Kingdom of St. Pfelstein, The Latugan Empire, and the Varik Confederation. Peace did not last long however as war rapidly erupted out of the struggle for resources and control. Deaths came by the thousands and corpses polluted the land with blood flowing in the rivers. Using the war as a distraction, the leaders of the three nations were secretly conducting a search for the long forgotten artifact Pandora last used by the ancient king. Prophecy states that «Wherever Pandora resides is where the greatest honor, power, and riches shall live.» The truth of it, however, remains unclear.

The world suffered many centuries of endless warring since no one nation alone could dominate the other. However, an evil shaman named Brahm signed a contract with the devil and planned to start a war for his own desire to claim Pandora as his own. As the plague of war spread into the Neutral Territory of Astir, the armies of the three nations charged fiercely into what was supposed to be the decisive battle. At that moment, a lightning bolt came forth from the heavens and struck the center of the warzone, decimating the armies on all sides. The few who survived were left without their memories.

Pandora Saga Additional Information

Developer: Rosso IndexPublisher(s): Atlus Online, Marvelous USA

Open Beta Date: January 7, 2011Release Date: February 15, 2011Closure Date: February 28, 2014

Development History / Background:

Pandora Saga was developed by Japanese game developer Rosso Index, and published initially by Atlus Online through their international servers, alongside Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine and Knights of the Sky. The game began with a closed beta in 2010, with an international open beta available in early 2011. It released in February 2011 in English with shaky translations, which reflect its eventual closure of its international servers, staying open only in Japan. The game was released through Steam in 2012, which helped boost its American playbase. The game went through a change of publisher in 2013, as Atlus Online was acquired by XSEED and renamed to Marvelous USA, including Pandora Saga as well as a few other games that Atlus Online had been maintaining internationally. Marvelous USA closed its PC Online department a year later, deciding to focus on console gaming primarily, shutting down its servers for Pandora Saga and other games on February 28, 2014.

Pandora Saga is still available to play in Japan, which can be played by determined English-speaking players with knowledge of the Japanese language.


Crystal Fragments |




Max Stack

Selling Price

Obtain Method



White Crystal Fragment



Maggot, Rattlesnake, Aardwolf, Flesh Fly, Tarantula, Booming Fly, Slug, Desert Wolf

Need 40 to exchange for Silk Glove


Red Crystal Fragment



Cockatrice, Undead Recruit, Porcuhorn


Yellow Crystal Fragment



Imp, Ankylisk


Silver Crystal Fragment



Mobs from Uncivilized District Muildia


Gold Crystal Fragment


Dark Crystal Fragment





Light Crystal Fragment



Dyna Rat, Kobold Raider, Millenium Tree, Kobold Soldier, Kobold Swinger, Kobold Officer

Need 3 for Calamity


Rainbow Crystal Fragment




Small Crystals |




Max Stack

Selling Price

Obtain Method



Small White Crystal



Guardian Ant, Drone Ant


Small Red Crystal





Small Yellow Crystal



Wretch, Sand Troll, Ghost Soldier

Need 10 for Diligent Students


Small Silver Crystal



Phantom Warrior


Small Gold Crystal


Small Dark Crystal



Porcuhorn, Dakukonbatto, Belial


Small Light Crystal



Kobold Elite


Small Rainbow Crystal




Crystals |




Max Stack

Selling Price

Obtain Method



White Crystal



Giant Ant, Giant Spider, Plump Maggot, Kobold, Booming Fly, Luna Jackal, Thief Warrior, Bandit Leader, Head Bandit, Bandit Minion, Thief Hunter, Thief Healer, Cape Jackal, Flowing Ray, Drone Ant, Desert Wolf

Need 20 for Gathering CrystalsNeeded for Guild Buff Patriarch Gain Honor


Yellow Crystal



Sand Troll, Hellfighter, Uodeddo

Need 20 to exchange for AquamarineNeed 80 for Modify weapons and armorNeeded for Guild Buff Patriarch Healing


Red Crystal



Cocadrille, Porcuhorn, Larva, Marrow Slugger, Winged Ant

Need 20 to exchange for SpinelNeed 80 for Modify weapons and armorNeed 10 for Horse guard rail


Silver Crystal



Dark Guild Ranger, The Kingdom of Desolation

Need 20 to exchange for CrystalNeed 80 for Modify weapons and armorNeeded for Guild Buff Patriarch Combat


Gold Crystal



Ratling Warrior, Crawler, Ratling

Need 3 for Next Career QuestNeed 50 to exchange for Horsehad HelmNeed 10 for Mysterious Underground Ruins


Dark Crystal



Vampire Bat, Rabid Bat

Needed for Guild Buff Patriarch Arouse


Light Crystal




Need 50 to exchange for TearsNeed 10 for Legendary Blacksmith


Rainbow Crystal



Devil Argos, Bokuraggu, Wing Daemon

Pandora Saga Overview

Pandora Saga was a free-to-play MMORPG that focused largely on massive-scale PvP battles between the game’s three factions: the Kingdom of St. Pfelstein, the Empire of Latuga and the Confederation of Varik, chosen as a player alignment at level 20. The game also offered smaller-scale PvP that allowed players to grind for PvP points, which were arenas that pitted players against each other in duels. It featured a robust class system that began with four starting classes—Warrior, Scout, Acolyte, and Mage—and branched into new classes available at level 20 and 40, totaling 28 classes. Another character customization aspect of the game was its multiple playable races, offering players a chance to play as a Human, Elf, Myrine, Enkidu, Lapin or Dwarf, which all had racial abilities and unique body types. It is of note that the game’s first 20 levels were notoriously grindy, consisting only of solo starter quests and running from point to point. The game did not truly begin until players hit level 20 and gained access to the game’s many social features, which was viewed as the real game, similar to Final Fantasy XI.

Pandora Saga Key Features:

  • Six Playable Races – Pick from unique races (Human, Elf, Myrine, Enkidu, Lapin, Dwarf) each with their own racial abilities, equipment set, and weapon proficiencies.
  • Four Starting Classes – Pick from one of four classes (Warrior, Scout, Acolyte, Mage)  then pick a specialization at level 20 and level 40, totaling 28 classes available to play.
  • Massive-scale PvP – Battle over 300 players in the game’s massive faction vs. faction PvP, winning points and ranking from kills.
  • Highly Social Gameplay – On top of the game’s massive PvP battlegrounds, it offers open PvP, PvP arena, group questing, and guilds that are a requirement for progressing in the game, as it is difficult to play solo past level 20.
  • Crafting System – Imbue and craft your weapons with special attributes with the game’s extensive crafting system, using gems and raw materials to craft awesome equipment.
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: