Behind the scenes[]
The Bird Girl by Charles Zembillas.
Originally known as the Bird Girl during development, the Birdwatcher was conceived by character artist Charles Zembillas as a «sexy librarian type who would have a passion for birds and other animals». Art director Bob Rafei then produced a design with the signature bird hood, impressing Zembillas who felt «it was an instance where I wished I had thought of it myself».
The non-canon «Where Are They Now?» section of The Official Jak 3 Guide details the Birdwatcher’s post-The Precursor Legacy whereabouts. Supposedly named Tweetledov Perch, she opened an avian petting zoo for wayward and troubled birds, later becoming internationally famous when she used her bird suit to secretly live among wild birds for more than a decade. Her research was then documented in the film Chickens in the Misty Branches — My Life With the Great Eggs.
«Ого, вы делаете игры?»
В 1982 году в школе выходного дня при синагоге
встретились два молодых человека, которые
одинаково сильно любили видеоигры.
Энди Гэвин и Джейсон Рубин до мельчайших
подробностей изучали попадавшие к ним копии,
делились друг с другом секретами и кодами,
рисовали в тетрадках каких-то персонажей — в общем, вели себя как типичные одержимые компьютером школьники.
В 1984 году Рубин и Гэвин создали JAM Software
(Jason & Andy Magic, «Магия Джейсона и Энди»).
Первым проектом этого подвального дуэта стала
образовательная программа Math JAM, которая была
призвана простым языком объяснить пользователю
основы математики, и предназначалась для
начальных классов школы.
Хотя программа и произвела впечатление в
некоторых кругах, массового отклика этот продукт
не нашел. Следующим продуктом JAM должен был
стать симулятор лыжника для Apple II, но в процессе
разработки Гэвин случайно записал на дискету с
единственной копией игры посторонние файлы. Это
так подстегнуло Рубина, что искомая игра была
с нуля разработана им за выходные.
Ski Crazed для Apple II разошлась тиражом в 1500
копий и принесла авторам по 2 доллара с каждой.
Обоих разработчиков тогда содержали родители, и
деньги были вложены в следующий
Последней и самой популярной игрой JAM Software
стало сюрреалистическое приключение Dream Zone.
Получив хорошую критику и впоследствии
перебравшись с Apple II на другие платформы,
Dream Zone разлетелась немыслимым тиражом в 10
000 копий. После этого студия закончила отношения
с прежним издателем Baudville, решив, что теперь-то
пора играть по-взрослому. В 1989 году JAM Software
сменила вывеску на Naughty Dog, и уже под этой
маркой Рубин и Гэвин стали назойливо обрывать телефон
Electronic Arts.
- Annotations
- Referred to as such by Daxter and Keira, as well as in The Precursor Legacy credits, and in Prima’s Official Strategy Guide.
- Labeled as such in concept art, in the game’s Design Bible, in the game asset files, in the Jak 3 model viewer, and in The Official Jak 3 Guide.
- Citations
- ↑ The Precursor Legacy,
- The Precursor Legacy
- ↑ The Precursor Legacy
- , p. 15
- ↑ , Chapter 4: «Minor Characters» § «Supporting Characters Village 1»
- The Precursor Legacy, file:
- Jak 3, The Precursor Legacy Model Viewer
- ↑ , p. 187
- The Precursor Legacy
- The Precursor Legacy
- , Chapter 8: «Plot/Story» § «Story Synopsis»
- ↑ , set 25, page 479
- , set 25, page 483
Видишь эту гору? Вы можете подняться на него
Подумайте на секунду о своем любимом платформере . Это может быть игра Crash Bandicoot или что-то с Марио в ней. В любом случае, весьма вероятно, что любая игра, о которой вы думаете, имеет центральный мир, в котором игроки затем выбирают уровни, или какую-то карту, например Donkey Kong Country . Еще в 2001 году Naughty Dog отказались от этой идеи относительно платформеров и вместо этого сделали игру с открытым и взаимосвязанным миром.
Начиная с « Джака и Дакстера », игроки могут увидеть две другие области, в которые они отправятся позже, – Туманный остров и Запретные джунгли. Это не какая-то далекая часть мира, спрятанная от игрока за скайбоксом. Эти две области, как и многие другие, часто отображаются на горизонте. Этот простой выбор, который сводится к созданию полностью статичного изображения, придает игровому миру невероятное присутствие. Это как что-то прямо из Скайрима и печально известного Тодда Ховарда «Видишь ту гору? Вы можете взобраться на нее ».
Уровни Джака и Дакстера отражают такой открытый дизайн, каждый из которых дает игрокам небольшую территорию для бега, прыжков и избиения скрытней. Возьмем, к примеру, Snowy Mountain. Эта область, по которой, по общему признанию, может быть сложно ориентироваться, полностью переплетена. У него есть главный путь, по которому игроки могут следовать, который ведет к вершине горы, где Люркеры построили небольшую крепость. Но за пределами этого пути есть несколько более мелких маршрутов – пещеры, туннели и холмы, по которым катятся огромные снежные комы, – и все они возвращаются к основному пути.
Тот же дух открытого дизайна присутствует практически на всех уровнях Jak and Daxter , за несколькими линейными исключениями. Запретные джунгли представляют игрокам опасную фауну, с которой им приходится сражаться, чтобы собрать энергетические ячейки, мини-игру с рыбалкой с собственными наградами и целую подземную часть руин Предтеч для исследования. Также не существует определенного пути для изучения всех этих проблем, эта сила полностью оставлена в руках игроков.
In other media[]
- It can be seen in the beginning of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune that an ottsel head (possibly Daxter’s) on the arm of Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher, as well as the word «ottsel» across the chest.
- In Wipeout Pure, a ship called the Daxtinator was available as DLC. The ship is modeled after Daxter.
- Daxter is featured as a DLC character in the PlayStation 3 exclusive game PAIN.
- In Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, when Ratchet gains a gadget piece, Clank does the same dance as Daxter when a power cell is collected but is interrupted by Ratchet. A sign poster of Jak and Daxter can also be found occasionally in that game.
- In the game Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, the player can collect a treasure called «Lutrela nivadensis» which is Daxter wearing a leopard skin loincloth. Its description is, «The Lutrela Nivadensis is a rare hybrid species of the Carnivora family. It is known for its orange fur and loudmouth.«
- Daxter makes an appearance during Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception multiplayer.
- Daxter appears in the 2016 movie Ratchet & Clank when Clank is trying to identify Ratchet.
Concept art of Daxter
Before becoming an ottsel, Daxter appeared to be an ordinary, orange-haired, buck-toothed boy with red and white tunic with off-white trousers. He also appeared to be a few inches shorter than Jak. After the transformation, Daxter became a two-foot-ten-inch-tall mustelid with orange fur and a yellow underbelly. He often made remarks about his claws, whiskers, and paws, typical to a mustelid species.
Throughout the games Daxter makes various remarks about how he misses pants. In Jak 3, however, he is granted a pair of three-quarter length denim shorts with a small hole for his tail by the Ottsel Leader upon request after the Precursor granted him one wish.
Daxter also retains goggles and aviator’s gloves throughout the entire series as a constant aesthetic.
Concept art of Daxter as a human.
Daxter has provided comical relief throughout the series, and despite being a significant plot factor in The Precursor Legacy and Daxter, was not really present there for any purpose otherwise.
In an interview with Naughty Dog’s creative director, Dan Arey, it was stated that «Jak is the hero you want to be, Daxter is the hero you’re afraid you are. Daxter is just a little bit concerned, a little bit afraid, and he would rather take the easy way out.» He also stated that they used Daxter as a «secret weapon» for when scenes start to get boring, allowing the character to use witty but camp jokes, often using poor pickup lines and innuendo. Daxter also, despite being cowardly, attempts to paint himself in the hero’s light, exaggerating stories to make him out to be the «real» hero, with Jak merely as a sidekick, though when faced with danger aptly backs away.
Albeit, Daxter has shown some heroic and loyal traits, sending after Veger when he taunted Jak about his childhood and early separation from Damas, his father. Daxter also stayed behind with Jak when he was banished to the Wasteland, and also went on a two-year-long journey to free his friend from prison. Additionally, after being doused with dark eco for a second time, Dark Daxter appears to be braver and reckless, being a self-proclaimed «top-of-the-food-chain» predator.
Daxter as «Dark Daxter»
Daxter has very few notable abilities. He was playable in Jak II, Jak 3, and The Lost Frontier during a few sections when only Daxter could reach certain areas because of his size. His move-set is relatively similar to Jak’s, though simplified. He can spin kick and whack his enemies with a lunging strike forward using his tail. He is also capable of hanging on to netting, allowing him to climb and swing from place-to-place. He has also proven to be a very skilled driver despite his size, having placed first in the Class 2 race during Jak II. He is also a skilled combatant (usually when faced against creatures close to his size) as shown in Daxter for his ability to exterminate metal bug infestations, even taking on creatures of behemoth proportions such as Bug queens as well as Kor’s right hand, Kaeden.
It was not until The Lost Frontier when Dark Daxter became available, that he had any special abilities. Dark Daxter was dissimilar to Dark Jak and replaced many usual playable Daxter sections. Dark Daxter was a huge monster that could pick up and throw enemies, shoot dark eco bolts, and slam his fists on the ground. He could also use a powerful frenzy attack, which was an immensely fast spinning attack which used up dark eco quickly, but could break through several things such as doors, and quickly defeat enemies.
Daxter uses very little equipment throughout the series. In all games, he retains goggles and gloves. During Daxter, Osmo gave Daxter exterminator’s equipment which included an electric bug swatter, a spray gun, a flamethrower attachment for that spray gun, and an ultrasonic attachment as well, which was similar to the spray gun, but launched «ultrasonic» bombs at enemies. Daxter will also operate the Morph Gun while Jak is driving a zoomer.
5. Jak and Daxter Collection
Contraversially, I’m putting the Jak and Daxter Collection at Number 5 in this list of the best Jak and Daxter games of all time.
For anyone not in the know, this title is a remastered collection of the first three Jak and Daxter games. Thats Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II, and Jak 3. It features HD remakes of these classic titles for the PS3 and PS Vita and is a nice way for gamers who don’t own a PS2 to get to grips with the dynamic duo.
But you know what? I think Jak and Daxter’s adventures are best played on the PS2. They looked pretty good as they were in my opinion, and while the HD remakes look nice, the change isn’t as drastic as the Spyro Reignited Trilogy featured in our best Spyro games list.
The collection received rave reviews from critics and fans wishing for a new Jak and Daxter adventure. Still, as I said in the intro above, Naughty Dog were sadly moving onto bigger and better things and their love for this series kind of fizzled out.
A HD collection was as good as we were going to get, so I can’t complain too much. Still, it didn’t add enough for me. I much prefer picking up my PS2 and going old-school, playing the games on their intended home console and going back to a time where the duo felt unstoppable.
Damn you, Uncharted and The Last of Us; you killed Jak and Daxter off too early!
Следующая игра Naughty Dog
Независимо от того, является ли Джек и Дакстер Произойдет ли перезагрузка, еще неизвестно, но ясно одно: Naughty Dog работает над игрой для PS5. Является ли эта игра для PS5 продолжением одной из ее известных франшиз или новой интеллектуальной собственностью, обсуждается, и с Последний из нас 2 только выпущенный в прошлом году, вероятно, пройдут годы, прежде чем фанаты увидят его мельком.
Но помните, Sony владеет правами на Джек и Дакстер, и Naughty Dog не обязательно делать новую игру в этой серии. Фактически спин-офф PSP Дакстер был сделан Ready at Dawn и Джек и Дакстер: Затерянный рубеж была разработана High Impact Games, так что уже есть прецедент для других студий, делающих игры в этой серии.
Как бы там ни было, надеюсь Джек и Дакстер поклонники могут ожидать новую игру в серии раньше, чем позже.
Поклонник покемонов создал «библейски точного» голбата Похожие темы Об автореДалтон Купер (опубликовано 9312 статей)
Далтон Купер — редактор Game Rant, который профессионально пишет о видеоиграх с 2011 года.Написав за свою карьеру тысячи обзоров игр и статей, Далтон считает себя историком видеоигр и стремится сыграть в как можно больше игр. Далтон освещает последние новости для Game Rant, а также пишет обзоры, руководства и многое другое.
Haven City streets
- Posters depicting a guard: «Peace«
- Posters depicting a tall young man and a stout older man: «Doctors«
- Posters depicting Erol: «Erol«
- Blue posters depicting a skyscraper (green text): «Future«
- Posters depicting a bottle of liquor: «Happy Pirate«
- Signs depicting three women’s tops: «Fashion» (blue text) «Now» (white text)
- Red signs depicting the Baron’s coat of arms: «Praxis«
- Large signs with purple text on orange: «Onin Knows«
- White graffiti on the wall near the top of the Westside Hotel: «WG WG«
Westside Hotel
Green screen with green letters in reverse on the Concierge’s phone: «EXIT»
- Neon sign with yellow letters in the back of the bar room, behind the Barmaid: «The bar«
- Neon sign with green letters in reverse above the Brewery’s exit: «EXIT«
Transit system
Graffiti: «RAD», «PSP», «Jak rulez»
- Osmo and Ximon’s nametags: «OSMO» (upper text)
- Precursor Orbs: «Audrey» (bottom)
Aggregator | Score |
GameRankings | 72.84% (based on 35 reviews) |
Metacritic | 71/100 (based on 47 reviews) |
Game Informer | 7.75/10 |
GameSpot | 7.5/10 |
IGN | 7.4/10 |
While The Lost Frontier received generally positive review scores, it received the lowest review scores on average in the series. Critics reacted positively to the platforming segments, the puzzles, and the customization of both Jak and the ships. Most of the negative reception was directed towards the camera controls, and the Dark Daxter segments, which were considered unnecessary. GameSpot praised the «Solid gameplay, challenging platform puzzles wacky humour», concluding that despite the «disappointing Dark Daxter levels and the sometimes-troublesome camera», it was a «good addition to Sony’s much loved series».IGN argued that the camera made the game «frustrating when it didn’t need to be», and that while «the platforming was fun, the puzzles using powers were cool, and the upgrading of ships and Jak provided some depth», it was let down by the «empty environments, camera issues, and repetitive nature of some of the battles».Game Informer concluded that the game «doesn’t feel essential», but for fans of the series wanting more it «more or less delivers».
In retrospect, The Lost Frontier has received criticism by Naughty Dog. They claimed that despite holding no ill will towards the developers at High Impact Games, they were «not happy with it being Jak’s swan song», and «could have done a lot better».
Jak 3[]
An early form of Precursor writing found on a dark satellite.
- Veger’s book: «The Book» (both on the front cover and the binding)
- Dark satellite: after completing the minigame, the screen shows what Seem describes as «… an ancient dialect, the earliest Precursor forms». It is untranslatable. Nevertheless Seem establishes that it is «Something about re-claiming this unfinished world…». Jak thinks those are coordinates.
- Damas’ staff: «We» (inner orb) and «Pride» (outer part)
- Eco mine elevators: «Elevator» (mirrored)
Bomb train in the eco mine: «Explosives» (yellow text) and «Danger»
- Boxed explosives on bomb train: «Explosives» (yellow text) and «Danger«
- Blue tanks on bomb train: «Be careful«
- Red barrels on bomb train: «Be careful» and «Explosives«
- The poster of Erol from the Underground HQ in Jak II is duplicated on the inside right-hand wall of the Naughty Ottsel («Erol. Take out at first opportunity. Extremely dangerous. Enemy number…«)
- The Ottsel Leader Precursor headplate: «Sight«
- The Precursors themselves have Precursor letters on the trim of their robes.
- Air train: «Sophia«, «Krimzon«, «TGM» (sides), «Titus» and «GCL» (top)
- The cipher glyph has three reels, each repeating the same four letters, from top to bottom: «T«, «F«, «Q» and «K«.
- New Haven City signs:
- Large signs (orange and black striped backgrounds): «Haven City» (red text) and «A new tomorrow» (blue text)
- Medium signs (yellow text on black and blue design): «The New Haven City«
- Signs depicting a Freedom League soldier: «F L«
- Signs depicting Veger: «Veger«
- Yellow sign with red background letter and black text: The background letter is «B» and the text reads «Brutters«, as in Brutter’s trinket stand
- Blue sign with Freedom League insignia: «We Protect«
- New Haven City walls:
Power station and Freedom League computer screens: (repeated from Jak II)
- Eye-level computer screens: « is still missed even after a year has passed«
- Large computer screen (various lines in random order):
- «Morgan I miss you«
- «Morgan«
- «Thirteen years hard time«
- «There will never be another«
- «Good dog«
- «I will always love you«
Game | Developer | Platform | Release year |
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | Naughty Dog | PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, PlayStation 4 | 2001 |
Jak II | 2003 | ||
Jak 3 | 2004 | ||
Jak X: Combat Racing | PlayStation 2, PlayStation 4 | 2005 | |
Daxter | Ready at Dawn | PSP, PS Vita | 2006 |
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier | High Impact Games | PSP, PlayStation 2 | 2009 |
All games were published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Of the games, only The Precursor Legacy, Jak II and Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier were originally released in Japan, though all were released in North America and Europe. When all the games developed by Naughty Dog were made available on the PlayStation 4, they were also released on the japanese region (digital only). The original trilogy as well as The Lost Frontier were also released in Korea. Daxter and Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier were developed by Ready at Dawn and High Impact Games respectively, while the rest of the games were developed by Naughty Dog.
- Jak and Daxter Collection (2012)
- Jak and Daxter Bundle (2017)
The Jak and Daxter Collection was released in 2012 for the PlayStation 3. It was a port of the original three games, developed by Mass Media Inc. The Jak and Daxter Bundle (known as the Jak and Daxter Collection in Europe and Australia, not to be confused with the PS3 Collection), was released in 2017 for the PlayStation 4. It was an emulation of the original three games plus Jak X: Combat Racing, developed internally by Sony.
Other media
The Jak and Daxter series has not received any major releases in media outside of games, although there was a release of a movie DVD based on the cutscenes in the games. The Jak and Daxter Trilogy release was a bonus disc given out by Sony Computer Entertainment in a special promotion. The 90 minute features cutscenes and footage from the games, with cinematic narration provided by Daxter. It also features a behind-the-scenes look at Jak X: Combat Racing, a fully playable demo, developer interviews, and footage of Daxter game on the PSP.
3. Jak II
It’s time for the final three titles in this list of the best Jak and Daxter games, and Jak II takes the 3rd spot. Most of you will be able to guess what the next two games are going to be, but the order still remains a mystery for now!
Jak II was a cracking game, albeit. little harder than the first instalment in the series. It’s a darker game compared to Precursor Legacy and has more of a ‘Jet Force Gemini’ feel about it in the sense that guns play a bigger role in the game mechanic.
Jak II is the first game that introduces ‘dark’ alter-egos. Jak transforms into Dark Jak once enough Dark Eco is collected, giving him better skills for a limited time.
Riding around on a hoverboard, pumping enemies full of laser-charges, and carrying Daxter around insanely detailed levels. Yep, Jak II is a beaut of a game and still looks superb on the PS2 today.
Those using the best PS2 emulators, or the first one at any rate, will be able to see this game in glorious HD on their computer or laptop!
Like the change between the first Spyro games, gameplay revolves more around missions than collecting, and it works really well. The Jak and Daxter games have some cool missions and NPCs, and exploring for those non-essential Precursor Orbs is a real treat for ‘100% Completion’ nerds like me.
Concept art.
Krew is an uncommonly large human with acute obesity. Despite this, his legs are remarkably small and gaunt, revoking the possibility of walking or standing on his own, and therefore has to use a hoverchair-type device called a floating grav-basket, which supports his body and also shines some sort of light over his head, as well as a blaster. Krew is bald and has pig-like facial features, with stubby ears and an obese, vexed facial expression, as well as many piercings. He wears a light green tank shirt, and mentions the utilization of «silk suits».
In the Hip Hog Heaven Saloon, his bar, there are paintings of Krew in his «younger days» with him in a wrestling outfit, standing on his two legs without his hoverchair, and very muscular opposed to obese.
Krew said in the Jak II model viewer that he weighed 520 pounds and it took some time for him to arrive to that mass while he was trying to lose weight «for his part».
Krew is an English-accented crime lord and smuggler who does not value friendship or the well-being of others, and does not care if he is well-liked, as long as he receives what he desires. He was prepared to poison multiple people to force them to race on his team, and also when Jak expressed his horror at Krew saying some of his men were washed away, Krew states that he missed the statue of Mar they were smuggling, not giving second thought to his men.
Krew is perceived as very greedy and selfish. He has an unhealthy obsession with money, power, racing, and weapons above all else and is willing to make any deal with others to get what he wants. He had an obsession particularly with weapons, especially Mar’s gun, second only to the piercer bomb which he constructed during Jak II. He views his men, no matter how strong they are, as expendable to any ends, not caring for their well-being.
However, Krew is not completely callous, as he has been shown to care for his daughter, leaving her a secret message on how to avoid being poisoned unlike the rest, and expressed how he wished he was alive to give her a hug and how proud he was of her for following in his footsteps.
В трех елках
Уровни напичканы неоправданно мощными ловушками и скучными головоломками.
Игра очевидно разрабатывалась в первую очередь для PSP, поэтому уровни The Lost Frontier чрезвычайно коротки (а качество графики так низко, что, по ощущениям, и самая первая Jak & Daxter 2001 года выпуска была симпатичнее).
И это притом что серия всегда славилась в первую очередь огромными уровнями. Начиная с первой части Jak & Daxter была фактически open world игрой, а в TLF гигантские открытые пространства со множеством сюжетных и побочных заданий, секретов и тайников уступили место крошечным, однообразным и скучным картам, которые разработчики пытаются искусственно «удлинить» за счет несложных, но утомительных головоломок. В принципе здесь тоже есть открытые зоны, которые можно облететь на одном из нескольких доступных самолетов (друг от друга они отличаются разве что скоростью и количеством слотов для нового оружия и апгрейдов — взаимозаменяемых и необязательных к покупке). Но и они слишком малы, да и заняться в них по большому счету нечем — разве что поучаствовать в скучнейших аэрогонках или выполнить пару миссий для местных пиратов. Суть их заданий практически всегда заключается в том, чтобы растерзать вяло отбивающееся воздушное судно и получить либо новый апгрейд (абсолютно ненужный, помните?), либо пару тонн металлолома, на который опять-таки можно купить новое оружие или улучшения для самолета.