Why did napoleon lose the battle of waterloo?

Как открыть все фракции в napoleon total war: подробный гайд

Battle of Leipzig (October of 1813) —

The Battle of Leipzig involved a coalition of armies against the French army led by emperor Napoleon. The battle was fought from 16th to 19th of October 1813, in what was the largest battle in Europe preceding World War I. About 600,000 soldiers were involved in the war. The Russian, Prussian, Swedes and Austrian armies constituted about 370,000 troops against the 198,000 troops of Napoleon army. Reported casualties in the war were 73,000 French and 54,000 from the allies. The battle was the first defeat for Napoleon which forced him to return to France while the coalition army plotted the invasion of France. Later in May 1814, Napoleon was forced to exile in Elba.

Как открыть Османскую империю и Швецию?

Открытие Османской империи и Швеции в Napoleon Total War осуществляется через выполнение определенных условий в кампании.

Открытие Османской империи

Для открытия Османской империи нужно выполнить определенную миссию. Она доступна только в кампании за Великобританию. Называется она «Сражение за Константинополь» и требует от игрока захватить город Константинополь до 1775 года.

После выполнения этой миссии Османскую империю можно открыть для игры.

Открытие Швеции

Открытие Швеции в Napoleon Total War происходит при выполнении нескольких условий:

  • Нужно заключить договор с Швецией;
  • Нужно улучшить отношения с Швецией до хороших или отличных;
  • Нужно иметь доступ к морю, так как Швеция расположена на севере и добраться до нее можно только морем.

После выполнения всех этих условий Швецию можно открыть для игры и начать играть за нее в кампании.

Battle of Lübeck (November of 1806) —

The battle of Lübeck was fought on November 6, 1806, between the French army under the command of Joachim Murat and the Prussian army commanded by Gebhard von Blücher. The battle took place in Lübeck, Germany, and was a decisive victory for the French army during the Napoleonic wars. After a defeat by Napoleon at the battle of Jena, the Prussian army withdrew to the eastern bank of Elbe river and made an attempt in the northeast to reach Oder river. Their attempt to reach the Oder river was blocked by Napoleon’s army which forced them to turn around and head west. As the Prussian army headed west, they decided to face their enemies in the neutral city of Lübeck. The battle ensued when the French overwhelmed the Prussians and inflicted heavy losses on them. The French troops caused massive losses to the city by looting, raping and murdering civilians.

First and Second Sieges of Zaragoza (1808 and 1809) —

The first siege of Saragossa (Zaragoza) took place from June 15 to August 13, 1808, and illustrated the Spanish determination to defend their cities from French invasion. The Spanish were able to successfully defend their unfortified cities despite them being inferior to the French army at the time. At first, Napoleon had thought of the ongoing uprisings as small and isolated. But he learned later after dispatching a number of flying columns that the uprising was much more widespread than initially thought. The second siege of Zaragoza was an epic struggle which motivated the Spanish resistance against the French throughout the Peninsular war. This was after irregular Spanish troops had successfully defended their city from the French. As a result, Napoleon launched his campaign in Spain and the army that had retracted to the Ebro during the first siege headed to the north-eastern corner of Spain where they successfully fought the battle of Tudela and a second siege was unavoidable.


Утром 18 июня прибыли войска Наполеона.

Они насчитывали 70 тысяч солдат, из них

  • 15 тысяч кавалерии
  • 246 орудий.

У Веллингтона было примерно 65 тысяч человек, в том числе 12 тысяч кавалеристов и 156 пушек.

Оба полководца отправили гонцов к другим армиям с приказом двигаться к Ватерлоо.

На поле боя обрушился дождь, вынудив Наполеона задержать атаку, чтобы земля могла высохнуть и кавалерия с артиллерией не увязли в ней. Затем, проведя мощную артиллерийскую подготовку, Наполеон совершил отвлекающую атаку на правый фланг противника, надеясь, что Веллингтон использует свои резервы. Но защитники фланга удержались и после артобстрела встали навстречу наступающим французам. Веллингтон не ввел в бой резервы, и Наполеон решил атаковать по центру.

Битва развивалась, и Наполеон заметил пыль, поднятую приближающейся армией Блюхера. И все же французский полководец решил продолжать атаку, надеясь разбить Веллингтона раньше, чем подойдет Блюхер, и уповая на прибытие подмоги в лице армии, которую вел Эммануэль Груши.

На протяжении трех часов продолжалась битва, нередко переходившая врукопашную. Поздним утром подоспели войска Блюхера и заняли деревню в тылу у Наполеона, что вынудило французов отступить.

После жестокой драки на штыках прусские солдаты отступили, и Наполеон вернулся к битве с Веллингтоном. Самые опытные батальоны Наполеона были брошены в бой. Им почти удалось прорвать ряды противника, но Веллингтон ввел в битву резервы. Когда уцелевшие остатки элитных французских батальонов стали отступать, к ним присоединились и другие подразделения.

Перегруппировавшиеся войска Блюхера атаковали французов с флангов, и те в беспорядке бежали на юг. Используя свои последние резервы, Наполеон попытался перегруппировать армию, но все было бесполезно. Потерпевшие поражение французы отказывались сдаваться. Когда императорской гвардии было предложено сдаться, генерал Камбронн ответил, что гвардия умирает, но не сдается, и его полк был уничтожен артиллерией.

  • Всего погибло или было ранено 26 тысяч французов, 9 тысяч взято в плен.
  • Войска коалиции потеряли 22 тысячи человек.

Наполеон снова согласился на изгнание, Людовик вновь вернулся на трон. Бонапарта направили на остров Святой Елены, где он и умер в 1821 году.

Но даже если бы ему и удалось победить при Ватерлоо, у Франции было слишком много врагов и слишком мало друзей для того, чтобы вернуть себе прежнее величие или оставаться с Наполеоном у власти.

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Russia and France Had Actually Signed a Peace Treaty in 1807

A peace treaty between Russia and France only lasted two years.  

The Treaty of Tilsit occurred after Napoleon’s victory in Russia and was signed on a raft in the Neman river. Tsar Alexander II was convinced by Napoleon to enter into an unofficial alliance with France in order to upset the Ottoman Empire. In return, France pledged to continue working in opposition to British interests. Furthermore, Napoleon also gained back the Ionian Islands and Kotor, which the Tsar’s forces had managed to occupy. This agreement lasted almost two years before Russia set itself against Napoleon, once again.

Как открыть Британию и Францию?

Открытие Британии

Для того, чтобы открыть фракцию Британии в Napoleon Total War, необходимо выполнить следующие условия:

  • Сыграть в главную кампанию до 1805 года;
  • Победить французов или испанцев в морской битве.

Если вы выполните эти условия, вы откроете фракцию Британии и сможете играть за ее армию.

Открытие Франции

Открыть фракцию Франции в Napoleon Total War можно двумя способами:

  • Закончить главную кампанию за какую-либо другую фракцию;
  • Закончить кампанию за Наполеона.

Если вы сделаете это, фракция Франции станет доступна для игры, и вы сможете отправить свою армию под знамена Великой Французской империи.

The Napoleonic Wars Began on May 18, 1803

The events of the French Revolution were a motivating factor for Britain’s declaration of war on France. 

Despite Napoleon’s rapid rise to power between 1794 and 1799, the Napoleonic Wars began with Britain’s declaration of war on France in 1803, effectively ending the Treaty of Amiens. This event became known as the War of the Third Coalition and is often regarded as the first Napoleonic War. This event was shortly followed by the French invading Hanover on May 26th. Moreover, the United States had just agreed to the Louisiana Purchase that same year, effectively funding Napoleon’s campaign. 

Napoleon Had a Difficult Childhood

Napoleon was born on the island of Corsica, which had only recently become a territory of France. 

Napoleon was born into a family of minor Italian nobility in Corisca, an island in the Mediterranean Sea and a recently conquered territory of France. His first languages were Italian and Corsican, and he did not learn French until he was sent to military school in France. As a child, he was subjected to severe bullying in school because of his Corsican accent. At the age of 15, Napoleon was accepted into the prestigious and expensive L’École Militaire in Paris, but his father passed away unexpectantly, leaving his family faced with financial difficulty. The young Napoleon was forced to complete the military program in one year instead of two, ranking 42nd in a class of 58.

Moscow Intentionally Burned Itself Down

Napoleon incurred heavy losses following the Moscow Campaign.

In 1812, the Tsar of Russia, Alexander II, rivaled Napoleon with strategy. By employing a tactic of endless retreat, Russia drained French supplies while French forces attempted to invade. When Napoleon entered Moscow in 1812, the city had been lit on fire as a means of attrition. Shortly after, Napoleon was forced to retreat through a cold winter frontier, which proved deadly to the troops walking on foot. Staying in Moscow was not an option due to Russian forces surrounding the city and cutting off supplies and reinforcements.

Napoleon Preemptively Planned to Attack Britain

France sold Louisiana to the United States in preparation for war with Britain. 

France was in a vulnerable position following the French Revolution, which had left the country and its territories exposed to opportunistic powers. Historically, the relationship between France and Britain had always been strained. In fact, just days before Britain declared war, Napoleon had received sixty-eight million Francs for the sale of the Louisiana Purchase in preparation for war. This escalation was well timed and prepared for, leaving Britain wondering if their opponents were more organized than they originally estimated.

Poor Weather Delayed the Battle of Waterloo

Napoleon’s loss at Waterloo ended with his exile to the island of Saint Helena.

Napoleon’s defeat at the Battle of Waterloo officially ended the Napoleonic Wars in 1815. The war pitted Napoleon’s army against a coalition between Britain and Prussia and resulted in his final exile to Saint Helena, an island and British territory in the South Atlantic Ocean. The curious thing, is that the battle could have played out very differently, simply because of the weather. The Battle of Waterloo was close, and 47,000 soldiers lost their lives. Heavy rains the day before gave Britain and Prussia the time to regroup and present a more united front. Some scholars attribute the loss to Napoleon’s arrogance after the fact because he continued with the attack despite the obvious difficulties the weather had created.

Battle of Trafalgar (October of 1805) —

The Battle of Trafalgar was fought on October 21, 1805, in one of the greatest naval engagement between the British Royal Navy and a combined naval force of France and Spain. The Franco-Spanish navy consisted of thirty-three ships under the French Admiral Villeneuve and the Royal navy led by Admiral Lord Nelson had twenty-seven ships. The battle was significant in thwarting the plans of the French to invade England and confirmed the naval superiority of the British. Nelson’s naval tactics ensured a conclusive victory by approaching the Franco-Spanish fleet in a columnar line of battle rather than the orthodoxical parallel line. As a result, the British destroyed 19 French and Spanish vessels without losing one of their own. In the battle fought in the southwest coast of Spain off the Atlantic, there were about 1500 casualties as the British captured Villeneuve. Lord Nelson was shot and died a few moments later during the battle after being informed of the imminent victory. He became a national hero in England for preventing a French invasion.

Побег с Корсики

Менее чем через год он сбежал с Эльбы и приплыл во Францию, где за сто дней вновь сумел устрашить всю Европу.

Король Людовик XVIII, которого союзники вернули на трон, приказал армии арестовать Наполеона, но солдаты вместо этого перешли на сторону Бонапарта.

Людовик сбежал из страны, а Наполеон вновь стал императором.

Ветераны прежних войн и новобранцы в совокупности давали ему армию численностью в 250 тысяч человек.

Новости о возвращении Наполеона настигли лидеров союзников во время их встречи в Вене.

Уже 17 марта Россия, Австрия, Пруссия и Британия пришли к соглашению, что каждая из стран предоставит 150 тысяч солдат для того, чтобы расправиться с Наполеоном.

Узнав об их планах, он направил свою армию на север для того, чтобы разбить войска союзников раньше, чем они смогут организовать наступление.

По пути к Бельгии французская армия одержала несколько незначительных побед.

Герцог Веллингтонский, командовавший войсками выступившей против Наполеона коалиции, имел очень мало времени для подготовки.

Он начал собирать свою армию поблизости от Брюсселя, около деревни Ватерлоо. Здесь он организовал оборонительные порядки на высотах горы Святой Жанны.

Battle of Aboukir Bay (August of 1798) —

Also, known as the Battle of Nile, it was a naval engagement between the British Royal Navy and the Navy of the French Republic at Aboukir Bay. The battle was fought on August 1, 1798, and resulted in a key victory for British Admiral Horatio Nelson. Napoleon’s plan was not only to invade Egypt but also barricade the British trade routes which linked to India and by so doing, loosen the grip and power of Britain in India. The battle was fought a few hours until nightfall, and the British naval force maneuvered around the French line of battle and the fight ensued. The victory was key for the British as they regained Malta from the French and secured control of the Mediterranean.

The Holy Roman Empire was Abolished

The Battle of Austerlitz led to the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire.

After lasting a thousand years, through splinter factions and civil wars, the Holy Roman Empire finally kneeled to Napoleon in 1806. In a strange order of hierarchy, Austrian forces and German vassals represented the primary body of the political group, which was the Holy Roman Empire. Therefore, when these assembled at the Battle of Austerlitz and suffered defeat against Napoleon, the group decided to dissolve themselves to prevent Napoleon’s access to the accumulated power of their institutions. In 1810, following the War of the Fifth Coalition, Napoleon married his second wife, Marie Louise of Austria, the eldest daughter of the final emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Francis II.

Was Napoleon Sick During the Battle?

To make matters worse, Napoleon hadn’t slept due from some mysterious malady. Some bio-historians believe was a severe case of hemorrhoids, which may have made it excruciatingly painful for Napoleon to sit on horseback that day as he directed his forces. It also may have made it harder for him to think clearly at crucial moments.

According to Lentz’s essay, Napoleon’s plan was to pin down Wellington’s forces at the strongest point in their line, the right flank, and then turn them back at the left flank. Ideally that would have forced Wellington to retreat from the battlefield to the northwest, before the Prussian army led by Blücher could arrive and join forces with Wellington.


But Napoleon didn’t count on the tenacity of the force led by Wellington, who was an expert at defensive warfare. He took advantage of a ridge to shield his men from the French bombardment, and their line didn’t break. Without the ability to outmaneuver the allies, Napoleon’s elegant plan degenerated into a frontal assault. By the afternoon, Napoleon could see Blücher’s troops approaching in the distance. The French calvary desperately attacked Wellington’s line of soldiers, but they held.

«The battle was a tactical draw until late in the day when Blücher’s Prussian’s arrived tilting the balance decisively against the French,» Mockaitis says.

When the Prussians finally arrived, it was the French line that collapsed. Napoleon’s army of 72,000 suffered 26,000 killed or wounded, plus another 9,000 captured and 9,000 missing in action, according to David Eggenberger’s book «An Encyclopedia of Battles.» The emperor’s comeback was over. He abdicated for the second and final time four days later.

But even in defeat, Napoleon was still feared. This time, the allies exiled him to St. Helena, a remote island in the mid-Atlantic, 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers) from the coast of Africa. He lived there, under the watchful eye of Governor Sir Hudson Lowe, who refused to address him as emperor, though he did agree to build him a new house. Napoleon died there May 5, 1821.


Napoleon ultimately loses the Battle of Waterloo and wi exiled again, this time to St. Helena, an island in the mid-Atlantic ocean.

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

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Now That’s Interesting

The Battle of Waterloo got its name because Wellington wrote his official dispatch about the battle from his headquarters there, even though the fighting actually took place a few miles to the south, as this 2015 Wall Street Journal article details.


Открытие фракций в Napoleon Total War: гайд

1. Как открыть фракцию Франции:

Для того чтобы открыть фракцию Франции в Napoleon Total War, необходимо пройти кампанию за Англию или Испанию. После успешного завершения кампании вы получите доступ к фракции Франции.

2. Как открыть фракцию Пруссии:

Чтобы открыть фракцию Пруссии в Napoleon Total War, необходимо пройти кампанию за Австрию или Россию. После успешного завершения кампании вы получите доступ к фракции Пруссии.

3. Как открыть фракцию России:

Для того чтобы открыть фракцию России в Napoleon Total War, необходимо пройти кампанию за Австрию или Пруссию. После успешного завершения кампании вы получите доступ к фракции России.

4. Как открыть фракцию Испании:

Чтобы открыть фракцию Испании в Napoleon Total War, необходимо пройти кампанию за Францию. После успешного завершения кампании вы получите доступ к фракции Испании.

5. Как открыть фракцию Англии:

Для того чтобы открыть фракцию Англии в Napoleon Total War, необходимо пройти кампанию за Францию. После успешного завершения кампании вы получите доступ к фракции Англии.

6. Как открыть фракцию Австрии:

Чтобы открыть фракцию Австрии в Napoleon Total War, необходимо пройти кампанию за Россию или Пруссию. После успешного завершения кампании вы получите доступ к фракции Австрии.

Следуя указаниям выше, вы сможете успешно открыть новые фракции в Napoleon Total War и насладиться новыми героями, юнитами и стратегиями. Удачной игры!

Battle of Borodino (September of 1812) —

Regarded as the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic wars, the Battle of Borodino was a French invasion of Russia on September 7, 1812. About 250,000 troops were involved in the battle which left at least 70,000 fatalities (30,000-45,000 French casualties and 39,000-45,000 Russian casualties). Napoleon assembled La Grande Armée in eastern Poland and drove into Russian territory with the hope of gaining a decisive victory. This was however not achieved due to the political infighting among the Russians, and their lack of commitment to the war which made Napoleon change his decision on engaging in a large-scale battle that he had hoped for. In the battle aftermath, the Russians retreated towards Semolino. Napoleon was free to advance and capture Moscow on September 14, but they were short of supplies when they arrived in the city. This forced them to retreat in the friendly soils in October with only about 23,000 men. The French army suffered great losses from the Russian attack and never fully recovered from it.

Read more

For further discussion of “what if Napoleon won the Battle of Waterloo,” see Alternate History Weekly Update, the Alternate History Discussion Board, the AltHistory Wiki, the Total War Center, This Day in Alternate History and .

If you enjoy alternate history, see my posts about Napoleon in Alternate History and Alternate History by Napoleon, and check out Napoleon in America.

You might also enjoy:

  1. Evelyn C. Leeper, “Alternate History 101,” http://leepers.us/evelyn/ah101.htm accessed May 29, 2015.
  2. Thanks to Uchronia for the descriptions of the short stories referred to in this post.

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Battle of Embabeh (July of 1798) —

The Battle of Embabeh, also known as the Battle of the Pyramids, was fought on July 21, 1798, between the French under Napoleon Bonaparte and the Egyptian locals called Mamluks. The battle was a conclusive victory of the Napoleon army against the Egyptian army who incurred massive losses and casualties from the defeat. Also, Napoleon got to employ one of his most lethal military tactics in battle; the divisional square which became so significant thereafter in other battles. The battle of Embabeh was pivotal to the decline of the Ottoman empire and helped the French get enough supplies in the process.

Как открыть Россию и Австрию?

Открыть доступ к фракциям России и Австрии можно двумя способами:

1. Режим кампании

Выбрав режим кампании, вам будет доступна вся карта Европы и вы сможете выбрать любую из доступных фракций, включая Россию и Австрию.

Чтобы открыть эти фракции, нужно следовать логической последовательности игры и завоевывать постепенно территории. Сначала вам будут доступны фракции, находящиеся ближе к вашей стартовой территории, а затем, по мере продвижения на восток, открываются фракции России и Австрии.

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A Military Quagmire

As dawn broke on June 18, Wellington and Napoleon organized their forces. Wellington set up his headquarters in Mont-Saint-Jean on the road from Brussels, not far from the town of Waterloo. He had deployed the bulk of his 68,000 troops along a two-and-a-half-mile-long ridge. Three farms—Papelotte, La Haye Sainte, and Hougoumont—stood along it. The British commander stuck to his defensive tactic, knowing he needed to wait for Blücher’s detachments— some 50,000 men in total—to arrive. After the clash at Ligny, Blücher had withdrawn to Wavre, a few miles from Waterloo.

Napoleon’s camp was in the village of Maison du Roi. Because French forces totaled roughly 72,000 men, Napoleon hoped to take advantage of the separation of the Prussians from the British and destroy Wellington’s forces as soon as possible. The emperor was convinced that victory was within his grasp and that it would be quick and easy. “I tell you Wellington is a bad general,” he said: “he English are bad troops, and this affair is nothing more than eating breakfast.” But the emperor’s plan was thwarted by the muddy conditions and morning fog, which prevented an early start. The conditions forced him to delay his attack until late morning. Some historians believe that had it not rained, Napoleon would have defeated the allied army within a few hours, long before the Prussians arrived.

In the end, the battle began sometime after eleven in the morning. Always on the offensive, the French focused their forces on two key points on the front: The two farms that the allies had fortified, Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte. The battle to take these sites stretched on through the day, causing great losses among the French, who were able to launch successive attacks on the allies’ infantry. Cavalry charges struck terror into the forward allied marksmen, while superior French artillery pounded the Anglo-Dutch formations throughout the day. Disciplined French infantry attacks punched more and more gaps in the allied lines, so that by the afternoon some of Wellington’s officers, running out of munitions, feared the battle was lost.

None of the French attacks, however, achieved the aim of breaching the front. The allied infantry, in particular the British, showed determined resilience in facing the French onslaught. Some formations suffered unprecedented losses, such as the Inniskilling Regiment, which lost two-thirds of its men in 45 minutes.

The First Rise and Fall

Born on the island of Corsica in 1769, Napoleon Bonaparte possessed furious intelligence and relentless ambition. As a young soldier, he supported the radical ideals of the French Revolution and rose rapidly through the ranks of the French army. Proposing an aggressive approach by attacking Britain’s territories en route to India, Napoleon led the invasion of Egypt in 1798. By 1799 France was at war with most of Europe. Returning to France, Napoleon took part in a coup against the government and then became first consul in February 1800. His forces defeated Austria, and in 1804 Napoleon crowned himself emperor of France. (Why claiming the crown cost Napoleon a famous fan: Beethoven.)

The French Empire’s renewed hopes to break British naval power were dashed at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. But even as Napoleon abandoned hope of invading Britain, his Grand Army went on to occupy swaths of Europe in what is now Germany and Poland. To the west, he enforced a trade blockade on Britain by invading Portugal, its commercial ally, and brought much of Spain under his control in the process.

It was on the Iberian Peninsula that the future Duke of Wellington, born Arthur Wellesley, first defeated Napoleon. The Irish-born commander had chalked up military successes in India before being sent to Portugal in 1809 where he helped guerrillas resist Napoleon’s occupation. Despite initial setbacks, Wellesley managed with patience and skill to expel Napoleon from Portugal in 1811 and won decisive victories against the French in Spain in 1813, dealing a major blow to the emperor’s plans for European domination.

The French Empire was weakening. Following the French Grand Army’s ruinous attempt to invade Russia, allied forces invaded France from all sides. In April 1814 Napoleon was forced to abdicate and accepted banishment to Elba, a few miles off the Italian coast, where he was not exactly a prisoner. He was granted sovereignty of the island, as well as an armed guard. A flow of intelligence from the mainland helped him plan for his daring return to the continent in early 1815.

Какие преимущества и недостатки характеризуют каждую фракцию?



  • Сильная экономика и морская сила
  • Хорошо тренированные пехота и конница
  • Высокий уровень культуры и науки


  • Ограниченный доступ к кавалерии
  • Проблемы с религиозными конфликтами
  • Большое количество военных противников



  • Сильное флотилия и контроль морских путей
  • Высокого качества стрелковое оружие и пехота
  • Большой опыт в колониальных завоеваниях


  • Проблемы с экономикой и военными ресурсами
  • Медленная и ограниченная кавалерия
  • Низкий уровень культуры и науки



  • Качественная пехота и кавалерия
  • Высокий уровень дисциплины и организации
  • Сильная экономика


  • Ограниченный доступ к морскому транспорту и сырью
  • Медленное развитие культуры и науки
  • Ограниченный доступ к колониям



  • Обильные ресурсы и большие территории
  • Мощная кавалерия и артиллерия
  • Большое количество доступных солдат


  • Проблемы с экономикой и организацией
  • Низкий уровень культуры и науки
  • Проблемы с доступом к морскому транспорту и колониям

Османская империя


  • Сильная кавалерия и артиллерия
  • Большое количество доступных солдат
  • Высокий уровень культуры и науки


  • Проблемы с экономикой и организацией
  • Низкая морская сила и ограниченный доступ к морскому транспорту и ресурсам
  • Проблемы с религиозными конфликтами и культурными различиями
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: