Heart of the alien

Heart of the alien


Heart of the Alien и графически, и своим геймплеем похож на предшественника. Мы снова видим друга-монстра, который помогает человеческому существу выбраться из переплета. События оригинальной игры упоминаются лишь в длинном вступлении. Сюжет точно следует за событиями первой части. Друг Лестера приземляет летающего динозавра на руины родной деревни, оставляет Лестера в лачуге отдохнуть и мчится по деревне, вспоминая при этом свое прошлое. Это место содержит много черно-белых видеовставок, описывающих прошлые события, приведшие к заключению и, позже, к освобождению инопланетянина. На протяжении всей игры пришелец разыскивает виновного в разрушении деревни и пленении всех жителей. После выздоровления Лестер помогает своему другу из параллельного мира восстановить справедливость.

Heart of the Alien[]


Once the player starts up a game of Heart of the Alien, it shows a cinematic sequence, starting where World left off, with Buddy and Chaykin on the pterodactyl-like creature, which lands in the ruins of Buddy’s village. The rest is a cross of a flashback of when The Warden and his men infiltrate the village, enslaving and killing various people, along with Buddy being imprisoned with Chaykin and how they escaped (which mirrors the gameplay from World), then ends at the present time.

Once the game starts after the sequence, the player must figure out how to maneuver Buddy throughout the alien landscape, which includes getting past beasts and various other dangerous areas, such as some kind of cactus-like plants that will expunge what appears to be acid and will kill Buddy upon contact, more acid dripping from a cavern ceiling (as well as an acid pool), some deadly mists, and getting past lethal bats so he can acquire his whip, which is his only means of defense.

Once getting past the natural death traps, Buddy will find himself in a prison, which he must figure out how to escape and defeat guards, deactivate electrical traps and enlist the help of Chaykin a couple of times in order to advance. Unfortunately — and as shown in another cinematic sequence — at one point during the game, Buddy is discovered and knocked around by The Warden, which Chaykin pulls him to safety, but ends up suffering a massive shock in the process when he is thrown into an electricified room when he attacks The Warden, trying to extract his revenge for harming Buddy.

After Buddy comes to, the game resumes with him further descending into the underground complex, overcoming more guards, deactivating more electrical traps, getting past or killing various creatures and using various devices to solve puzzles with (including two he has to collect and detonate in order to make his way further into the game) until he makes it near the end, which a box will fall on him in one of the last rooms, knocking out his whip in the process.

Right after that occurs, he runs into The Warden, which, if the player performs the correct actions to make it through the scene, Buddy will whip The Warden onto a trap door, which he will spring open, causing The Warden to fall through, triggering the last of the cinematic sequences. In the sequence, The Warden is horrified in being trapped in an area of the prison with angry inmates and one of the beasts that is seen several times throughout World and Heart of the Alien. He motions to fight it out one-on-one with Buddy, but Buddy throws a lever to release the beast, who, after a brief fight, drags The Warden away.

The freed inmates then set fire to the prison, and Buddy picks up Chaykin, who, as it turned out, was actually electrocuted to death, and he gets cremated. The sequence then forwards to a later time when Buddy’s village is rebuilt and he gazes out at Chaykin’s crematorium right outside his house (or office), which was left as a memorial, and the game ends with a bunch of pterodactyls flying off.


  • Move Buddy/aim whip—D-pad or joystick (left, right and up)
  • Run/shoot gun—button A
  • Use force field—hold button A
  • Super Blast—hold down button A for a few seconds
  • Use whip—button B
  • Jump forward—button C
  • Running jump—D-pad + A + C buttons
  • Collect explosive/detonation device—down on D-pad or joystick
  • Pause game—Start button
  • End game—all buttons (A-C) + Start


Out of This World (which was released earlier for the Sega Genesis, among several other platforms) was one of the earlier puzzle/cinematic games where the player controlled Dr. Lester Knight Chaykin, a physicist who, during an experiment gone very wrong, ended up being hurled to a distant planet. The player had to figure out what to do in order to make his way through the game, solving puzzles in various situations and working with an alien «Buddy» (real name unknown) at times in order to hopefully eventually escape.

Heart of the Alien is the Sega CD-exclusive sequel where the player this time around controls Buddy, which takes place right after the original left off. Buddy must make his way through his village (which he was the leader of) to confront and defeat a mysterious villain known as The Warden (that was introduced at the end of Out of This World) that attacked his village and to free the imprisoned members of the area. Like with World, the player must figure out how to get through certain scenes and situations (with a little help from Chaykin) in order to beat The Warden and the game.

Both games are on this release.


  • Chop was originally King Crimson Requiem’s Y ability, sharing the same voice line upon activation. This ability was given to TWAU on the 7th of September, 2020.
  • The Rage Mode audio is a sped-up version of Haseldan’s yell, a race in Rogue Lineage.
  • On February 2nd, 2021, due to the Stand’s name change, a major bug happened where TWAU players couldn’t join. This was quickly fixed.
  • When The World: Alternate Universe was being renamed, it was initially called «The Universe: Alternate Dimension», before being changed to «The Universe: Alternate Universe».
  • This is actually called «THE WORLD» in the Steel Ball Run manga. However, many games call it «The World: Alternate Universe» because it is generally easier, and to avoid any confusion with THE WORLD and The World.

Production credits

  • Design: Eric Chahi
  • Original Programmer: Eric Chahi
  • Genesis Programmer: Michael Burton
  • Exec. Producer: Stephen Clarke Willson
  • U.K. Producer: Matthew Spall
  • Virgin Games, Inc. Producer: Erik Yeo
  • Interplay Producer: Alan Pavlish
  • Music: Tommy Tallarico, Jean Francois Freitas
  • Sound: Tommy Tallarico, Jean Francois Freitas, Eric Chahi
  • Title Animation: Jason Magness
  • Q.A. Manager: Michael Gater
  • Quality Assurance Team: Noah Tool, Justin Norr, Danny Lewis, Mike Glosecki, Eugene Martin, Tommy Hulett, Joey Kuras, Tim Williams
  • Manual: Robin Kausch
  • Thanks to: Jesus Martinez, Daniel Morais, Frederic Savoir, Cecile Chahi, Philippe Delamarre, Philippe Ulrich, Sebastien Berthet, Pierre Gousseau, Bill Heineman, Jason Ferris

In-game credits


Главный герой игры — Лестер Найт Чайкин, молодой гений физик. В первом ролике Лестер во время грозы приходит в свою высокотехнологичную подземную лабораторию на своем Ferrari 288 GTO и приступает к работе над экспериментом, используя ускоритель частиц, пытаясь восстановить то, что произошло, когда родилась вселенная. Непосредственно перед тем, как частицы достигают цели намеченного места назначения, в лаборатории вызывается непредвиденное слияние частиц и взрыв, открывая дыру во времени и пространстве и телепортируя Лестера в бесплодие, чужая планета.

После уклонения от ряда опасных местных животных, Лестер был захвачен расой гуманоидов пришельцев и доставлен в подземный лагерь для военнопленных. Лестер сбегает вместе с инопланетным пленником, известным как «Бадди», и они избегают захвата, путешествуя по ряду опасностей, сражаясь с инопланетными солдатами и дикими существами, решая многочисленными головоломками, чтобы выжить. Дуэт проходит через тюремный комплекс, систему пещер и башню. В кульминации игры Лестер серьезно ранен одним из пришельцев, но с помощью своего друга-инопланетянина ему удается убить нападающего и сбежать. Достигнув вершины башни, Лестер падает, но вскоре к нему присоединяется Бадди, который поднимает Лестера, и они убегают на драконоподобном существе, летящем к горизонту.

Out of This World[]


The player is presented situations and they must figure out what to do and how to get out of the situation by using ingenuity and a certain control scheme.

For instance, a new game begins in an underwater area, which Chaykin and part of his work area is suddenly transported there. The player must figure out what to do (and rather quickly) to keep Chaykin from drowning and escape from the area.

Once that is accomplished, there are giant leech-like creatures that slither around in a couple of scenes immediately upon exiting from the water, which can kill Chaykin if the player does not dispose of them. The player will also have a run-in with a big beast that chases after them, which, upon escaping the beast, Chaykin will face a couple of locals (on whatever planet he is on) who will shoot him with a laser gun, which he will reawaken at some point in a cage with Buddy.

The game and story evolves from there, as Chaykin, once he is able to escape from the above, acquires a gun that can not only be used as a weapon, but also generates a force field and a super shot that can destroy walls and guards’ force fields. Unfortunately recharge stations for the gun need to be found to keep its energy up so the player can defend themselves.

Destroying circuits throughout the game also helps the player out with various circumstances, along with draining a reservoir, helping out Buddy a few times (without him, the game cannot be won), defeating guards and several other dangers in several more compounds, and even manipulating the controls of an escape pod (among other objects) near the end.

If the player is able to beat the game, the final scene shows Buddy picking up a wounded Chaykin, then mounting a pterodactyl, which then flies off.


  • Move Chaykin—D-pad or joystick (three directions—left, right and up to jump)
  • Crouch—D-pad or joystick down
  • Kick/fire gun—button A
  • Force field—hold down button A
  • Super shot—hold down button A for several seconds
  • Run—button B while pushing D-pad or joystick left or right
  • Jump—button C
  • Manipulate escape pod controls (one scene only)—joystick or D-pad + button B
  • Pause game—Start button
  • End game—all buttons (A-C) + Start


LMB — Punch: This short move with a short cooldown deals 8.9 damage at max destructive power and can be combo’ed 5 times, ultimately dealing 44.5 damage if all 5 hit.

E — Muda Barrage: TWAU performs a flurry of fast punches that deals about 1.5 damage per hit at maxed stats while yelling its stand cry, ‘MUDA-DA-MUDA!’

R — Stand Barrage Finisher: TWAU throws a heavy punch. This move ragdolls the player hit for a short time, dealing 17.7 damage with max stats while yelling «USSHAAA!».

T — Knife Throw: TWAU throws knives in the direction of the mouse cursor. It can be upgraded to throw 3 knives dealing 8.1 damage each at max destructive power. This move is not cancellable. You do not need to have your Stand equipped to use this move, but it does more damage with your stand out. The knives also stun the victim for a short time and have an extremely low cooldown if all the knife upgrades are applied. Though, the move can be blocked.

Y — Chop: TWAU will deliver a heavy chop, dealing 16.9 damage at max destructive power, stunning the player hit for about 1.5 seconds. This move can be blocked; however it is not perfect blockable. This also applies rapid ticks of 0.3 bleeding, similar to King Crimson’s chop. This move is not cancellable, has little to no end-lag and low start-up, which makes it a very useful move for combo breaking or immediately after breaking someone’s guard as a punish move.

U — Smoke Bomb: Throws a smoke-releasing bomb that covers a large area in mist, blinding people caught inside of it. You do not have to equip your stand to use this. You can also use it then shoot it with the Pocket Revolver to cause an explosion. Note: Other TWAU/D4C’s can also trigger your smoke bomb with their own Pocket Revolver.

X — Pocket Revolver: Shoots one bullet out of a revolver, using the mouse cursor to aim. Deals 24.2 damage at max destructive power. Breaks block and is not perfect blockable. This move is cancellable. You do not have to equip your Stand to use this.

U + X — Explosion: Shooting the smoke bomb with Pocket Revolver will cause a large explosion. This move does not stack damage with other Smoke Bombs and will ragdoll players caught in the explosion, dealing 32.2 damage. Bypasses blocks. Explosion is also like KQ bomb but bigger.

H — Rage Mode: Upon activation, all of TWAU’s melee moves damage will be increased by 25% and gain a 25% defense buff. The user can stop time temporarily when using Time Skip in this mode. The Time Stop length doesn’t depend on your rage bar.

Z — Time Skip: Teleports the user a short distance in the direction of their mouse cursor.

G — Time Stop (Rage Mode): TWAU and the user spread their arms out while yelling «Za Warudo! Ore dake no jikan daze! (It’s my time!)» before TWAU stops time for 5 seconds at max upgrade. Only other people with Stands that can stop time and have Time Stop Resistance in their skill tree can move; the player that activates the Time Stop can move until the Time Stop ends. Damage hits the enemy all at once when time resumes. Like all other Time Stops, Time Stop can be canceled by Gold Experience Requiem’s Return to Zero. This move’s length can’t be changed by the rage bar, as it will always be whatever length you upgraded it to. Using the Time Stop at 1/4 rage bar will still give you the full 5 seconds. TWAU’s time stop can be affected by made in heaven’s time acceleration (shorter time stop)

Опкоды виртуальной машины

В следующей таблице представлено 29 опкодов. Здесь можно найти опкоды по управлению потоками (THRD), управлению фреймбуферами (FB) и все операции управления регистрами. Большинство операций «просты» в реализации, за исключением «COPY FB», «FILL» и «DRAW_POLY*», которые сложны в плане производительности.

  0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F

Оба DRAW_POLY_* опкода охватывают более одной ячеки. DRAW_POLY_BACKGROUND занимает половину пространства опкодов — от до . Весьма расточительно, но это уловка для экономии места. Использование всех операций, начинающихся с бита «1», позволяет 7 другим битам переноситься в пространство опкодов в качестве параметров отрисовки. Поскольку этот опкод используется для фона и синиматиков, экономия места очень важна.

SPRITE версия использует все опкоды, начинающиеся с битов «01», в то время как остальные оставшиеся 6 битов предназначены для кодирования координат и зума для отрисовки «спрайтов» Лестера, друга и врагов.


Пульт управления циклотроном. На одну персону.

Сюжет вкратце такой: молодой рыжеволосый ученый-нерд по имени Лестер Чайкин темной грозовой ночкой подкатывает к своему циклотрону, чтобы поработать сверхурочно в спокойной обстановке

Как водится, такая подозрительная активность гоняемых по трубе частиц привлекает внимание тусующегося неподалеку грозового фронта. В циклотрон бьет молния, Эльвира окончательно сбивается с пути и выпиливает нашего экспериментатора прямо в другой конец вселенной

С этого и начинается основное веселье.

Нет, там не будет красных монтировок и хэдкрабов, Гордон Фримен был значительно позже и там все было наоборот — другой мир запилили к нам.


  • The version of Out of This World included with this package is identical to the Genesis version, except for the music, some sound effects, a minor detail or two during the introductory cutscene, and in-game voices were changed, plus the controls are a little looser.
  • Some of the passwords are glitchy, as, at some points when the player dies (particularly in the underground section where the player has to collect the explosives and detonator), guards will come back to life, and if the player dies again, the password will sometimes revert to an earlier one once the player presses a button on their controller.
  • When Heart of the Alien is beaten, after there are several credit screens and all, what seems to be a thank you screen lists Bolt Thrower for some reason. It is unknown if this is just a nickname of one of the team members who made the game (or just someone that had something to do with it) or a thanks for the death metal band’s music or what, as members of Bolt Thrower had been contacted in regards to this message, but none of them had ever heard about it.


Anna K

украинский дизайнер одежды

Ясухара, Хирокадзу

японский геймдизайнер и второй основатель компании Sonic Team

Ярмольник, Оксана Павловна

российский дизайнер и художник по костюмам для театра и кино, актриса

Эррера, Каролина

венесуэльско-американская дизайнер, модельер и предприниматель

Шэк, Бет

американский дизайнер обуви, общественный деятель и игрок в покер

Шинода, Лоуренс

американский автомобильный дизайнер

Шеридан, Роб

американский графический дизайнер, режиссёр и фотограф, наиболее известен работой с Nine Inch Nails

Чу, Джимми

малайзийский дизайнер обуви и основатель одноименной компании в Лондоне Jimmy Choo Ltd, известный благодаря высокому отзыву принцессы Дианы о его работе, а также по знаменитой линейке обуви «Daniel» и по сериалу «Секс в большом городе»

Описание игры

Игра в жанре action-adventure . разработчик Эри́к Шаи́. год издания 1991. Игру отличает чрезвычайно простое управление. Игроком задействуется лишь шесть клавиш: для стрельбы – пробел. для движения – стрелки и клавиша shift. чтобы бегать.
Легенда игры. Ученый-физик проводя физический эксперимент на аппарате под названием «синхротрон». переживает удар молнии.  В-общем молния ударила в установку. но ученому естественно тоже досталось. В результате этого он оказывается заброшенным на далекую планету. населенную кровожадными животными и опасными гуманоидами. Ученый каждую секунду подвергается опасностям. Помимо названных живых тварей ему противостоят различные технические ловушки. Опасным гуманоидам удается заточить героя в тюрьму. Но среди них он находит себе верного друга. Миссия героя – выжить в страшной битве. Попутно ему придется разгадывать хитроумные загадки.

В игре отсутствует функция сохранения на данном месте. Вместо этого игра имеет множество локаций. Если герой погибает – игра выдаст код последней локации для возможности повторения ее энное количество раз. Игра больше требует логики. чем быстроты реакции.

В результате неудачного физического эксперимента Лестер Найт, молодой учёный, оказывается на совершенно незнакомой ему планете. Он не знаком с опасными для него животными, его лишают свободы, у него хватает среди противников злобных гуманоидов, которые засунули его в клетку и попытались уничтожить. Технических сложносочинённых ловушек здесь тоже хватает.

Персонаж должен сражаться с чудовищами, разгадывать сложные загадки и находить выход из ловушек. Постепенно он завоёвывает признательность одного из неизвестных ему гуманоидов, стараясь выжить. Концовка довольно неоднозначна. С одной стороны у героя теперь есть долгожданная свобода. Но с другой он получил очень серьёзную травму, к тому же у учёного нет возможности вернуться назад, домой. Без Земли и специалистов он вынужден ожидать своего конца. Что не делает саму игру менее интересной.

Out of this World для Sega создавалась небольшой компанией разработчиков, фактически, одним художником. Только музыка была написана ещё одним человеком. Для своего времени при помощи крайне скромных технических средств она стала настоящим прорывом, совершенно невероятным для того времени. Управление здесь очень простое, всего лишь при помощи клавиш движения и действия.

Another World


Даже если бы Another World и не ждал грандиозный коммерческий успех, она наверняка заслужила бы в среде игроков особый почетный статус. Игра была одной из первых с полностью анимированными видеовставками между локациями и в начале игры.


Out of This World (which was released earlier for multiple platforms) was one of the earlier puzzle/cinematic games where the player controlled Dr. Lester Knight Chaykin, a physicist who, during an experiment gone very wrong, ended up being hurled to a distant planet. The player had to figure out what to do in order to make his way through the game, solving puzzles in various situations and working with an alien «Buddy» (real name unknown) at times in order to hopefully eventually escape.

Heart of the Alien is the Sega CD-exclusive sequel where the player this time around controls Buddy, which takes place right after the original left off. Buddy must make his way through his village (which he was the leader of) to confront and defeat a mysterious villain known as The Warden (that was introduced at the end of Out of This World) that attacked his village and to free the imprisoned members of the area. Like with World, the player must figure out how to get through certain scenes and situations (with a little help from Chaykin) in order to beat The Warden and the game.

Both games are on this release.

Fun facts[]

  • Out of This World was released for several platforms, including the 3D0, the PC (two versions; the original one in the 90s and an updated one in 2006), Amiga, Apple IIGS, Atari ST, SNES, GameBoy Advance, and mobile phones. The one included with this package is identical to the Genesis version, except for the music, some sound effects, a minor detail or two during the introductory cutscene, and in-game voices were changed, plus the controls are a little looser.
  • Some of the passwords are glitchy, as, at some points when the player dies (particularly in the underground section where the player has to collect the explosives and detonator), guards will come back to life, and if the player dies again, the password will sometimes revert to an earlier one once the player presses a button on their controller.
  • When Heart of the Alien is beaten, after there are several credit screens and all, and what seems to be a thank you screen lists Bolt Thrower for some reason. It is unknown if this is just a nickname of one of the team members who made the game (or just someone that had something to do with it) or a thanks for the death metal band’s music or what, as members of Bolt Thrower had been contacted in regards to this message, but none of them had ever heard about it.


Sega Genesis

Другой мир — это платформер , в котором используется схема управления, в которой используется клавиатура, джойстик или геймпад заставлять главного героя бегать, прыгать, атаковать и выполнять другие, зависящие от ситуации действия, такие как раскачивание клетки вперед и назад. В начальной части игры персонаж игрока Лестер безоружен. Он может пинать маленьких существ, но в остальном беззащитен.

Позже в игре игрок получает лазерный пистолет у упавшего врага. У пистолета есть три возможности: стандартный режим стрельбы, способность создавать силовые поля, блокирующие силы используются, мощный заряженный выстрел, который может пробивать силовые поля и некоторые стены. Враги также имеют возможности, что требует от игрока использования трех режимов оружия и окружающей среды для их преодоления.

Лестер и его инопланетный союзник не могут получить никаких повреждений, если любой из них получает удар снарядом или вступает в контакт с животным или опасностью окружающей среды. Однако в игре используются многочисленные контрольные точки, позволяющие игроку продолжать перезапуск с последней точки бесконечно. На консолях Amiga и более старых без возможности сохранения игры может записать цифровой код для этих контрольных точек и повторно его при перезапуске позже позже. В любой заданной сцене игра не дает подсказок относительно того, что игрок должен делать дальше, не содержит HUD, кроме кислородной панели во время плавания, и нет текста на экране; а персонажи, которых встречает игрок, говорят на непонятном инопланетном языке.


  • Out of This World was released for several platforms, including the 3D0, the PC (two versions; the original one in the 90s and an updated one in 2006), Amiga, Apple IIGS, Atari ST, SNES, GameBoy Advance, and mobile phones. The one included with this package is identical to the Genesis version, except for the music, some sound effects, a minor detail or two during the introductory cutscene, and in-game voices were changed, plus the controls are a little looser.
  • The passwords are a little messy, as at some points where guards are, they will respawn because the passwords don’t check for the states.
  • When Heart of the Alien is beaten, after there are several credit screens and all, what seems to be a thank you screen lists Bolt Thrower for some reason. It is unknown if this is just a nickname of one of the team members who made the game (or just someone that had something to do with it) or a thanks for the Death Metal band’s music, as members of Bolt Thrower had been contacted in regards to this message, but none of them had ever heard about it.


Heart of the Alien cover

Out of This World (which was released in 1992 for the Sega Genesis, among several other platforms) was one of the earlier puzzle/cinematic games where the player controlled Dr. Lester Knight Chaykin, a physicist who, during an experiment gone very wrong, ended up being hurled to a distant planet. The player had to figure out what to do in order to make his way through the game, solving puzzles in various situations and working with an alien «Buddy» (real name unknown) at times in order to hopefully eventually escape.

Heart of the Alien is the Sega CD-exclusive sequel where the player this time around controls Buddy, which takes place right after the original game left off. Buddy must make his way through his village (which he was the leader of) to confront and defeat a mysterious villain known as The Warden (that was introduced at the end of Out of This World) that attacked his village and to free the imprisoned members of the area. Like with World, the player must figure out how to get through certain scenes and situations (with a little help from Chaykin) in order to beat The Warden and the game.

Both games are on this release.

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