Лучшие моды для portal 2

Недавно мы предоставили вам подборку лучших однопользовательских карт и кампаний Portal 2, доступных в мастерской Steam В этом списке есть несколько


1. 12 Angry Tests

12 Angry Tests – это оригинальная кампания из семи частей, с отдельной историей без ГЛаДОС, которая отражает структуру Portal 2. Вы начинаете в заброшенной и потрёпанной Aperture, решая головоломки с дьявольскими лазерами и кубом преломления. Оттуда вы попадаете в глубины старой Aperture, взаимодействуя с гелями и портальным ускорением, прежде чем в конце концов жесткий свет или экскурсионная воронка появятся среди длинных рядов заброшенных испытательных камер.

Карта полна загадочных штук, таких как одна комната в конце игры, которая полностью перестраивается, как только вы собираетесь ее пройти. Сюжет тоже присутствует. Как и в любой хорошей кампании Portal 2, есть удивительный антагонист, мешающий вашему прогрессу. В целом, это примерно час нового контента с непревзойденной сложностью и новым взглядом на большие портальные головоломки.

2. Decay

В Decay действия происходят после событий Portal 2 и показывают Aperture, которая была оставлена … Ну, вы знаете. Разрушающиеся тестовые камеры – не совсем новая идея для карт, созданных в Hammer – даже сам Portal 2 заполнен ими – но Decay действительно доводит ветхость до крайности. Коридоры шаткие, головоломки больше не выстраиваются должным образом и абсолютно всё разваливается.

Здешние головоломки являются одними из самых сложных в этом списке. Вторая из трех частей является особенно сложной, использующей каждую хитрость дизайна, чтобы ввести новые препятствия, которые разрушают ранее продуманные планы. В третьей части элементы разных испытательных камер перекрываются, вызывая сильную дезориентацию. Но лично наблюдать финальный подъем по обломкам – убедительная причина выдержать эти неприятности.

3. Designed for Danger

В одном из ранних концептов Portal 2 Челл была представлена с большим набором ядер личности, каждое со своими испытательными камерами. Designed for Danger даёт вам представление о том, как это могло бы закончиться. Вы начинаете на одном из ранних тестовых уровней основной игры, но когда вы начинаете его проходить, вас застаёт врасплох Рик, сфера приключений. Судя по всему, Нолан Норт не появляется в играх в достаточно количестве, поэтому мы должны вставить его в моды.

Рик разработал для вас кучу смертельных приключенческих камер. Ну, вроде как. Designed for Danger главным образом цепляет своим визуалом и межкамерными секциями. Для хорошо продуманных головоломок опасность означает лишь «содержит много лазеров». Вплоть до самой последней части, в которой вы отправитесь в недра Aperture.

4. Curious Chamber

Curious Chamber – это кампания из трех частей, которая использует гравитационное направление, создавая удивительную серию головоломок. Чтобы привести пример с наименьшим количеством спойлеров, в первой камере есть непреодолимая пропасть, белая стена, из которой нужно вылететь, но нет пространства для портального разгона. За исключением того, что, когда вы исследуете небольшой коридор с мишенью, нарисованной на торцевой стене, гравитация меняется на 90 градусов, и вы внезапно падаете в нее.

Эта кампания хороший пример того, на какие трюки способен редактор Hammer. Выъодит на совершенно новый уровень в последней части, в серии камер, которые сделаны весьма креативно, чтобы создать для вас незабываемый и забавный опыт, который со временем становится всё сложнее.

5. Moonbase Luna-C

Серия испытательных камер на Луне! Это нечто большее, чем просто наблюдение за акрами серовато-коричневых скал за окном, потому что на этих картах также используется уменьшенная гравитация. Казалось бы, такое небольшое изменение – вы можете прыгать выше и дальше, и что такого? Ничего, за исключением того, что это изменение очень сильно влияет на вашу способность перемещаться по уровням.

С этой кампанией вы переосмыслите свои пределы своих возможностей и интуитивного понимания того, как вы можете прыгнуть. Но в уровнях также свободно используются лазерные сетки, как под, так и над вами, чтобы создавать препятствия, которые были бы невозможны с нашей глупой, ограничивающей земной гравитацией. Тем не менее, независимо от того, где вы находитесь, турели всегда рады вас изрешетить.

And the Abyss Gazes Back

Sounds creepy right?

Location, location, location. A commonly used phrase for real estate but it conveniently applies to video games too.

And the Abyss Gazes Back is a masterpiece at setting the mood. It utilises atmosphere, environment and limited functionality to make Portal 2 feel as close to being a horror game as possible. The game definitely has a half-life 2 vibe.

Walking around the hellish backrooms with only a half working portal gun really makes the puzzles feel like they’re taking the backseat.

Why And the Abyss Gazes Back is great:

  • The Atmosphere – I said it above and I’ll say it again, this chamber is essentially all based around the creepy feeling that someone is watching you, Ratman, Wheatley, the abyss, who knows?
  • The Hidden Challenges – The puzzles themselves aren’t difficult, however, finding the puzzles can be. Though the solution is often obvious, plenty of times you don’t even realise that puzzle is right in front of you.
  • The underlying story – Many of the comments to this game, theorise that you are playing as another test subject that wakes up during the events of the main storyline in the original game. Theory Fodder and secrets are truly one of the best features of Portal 2 as a whole.

Одиночная игра

Часть 1 (Глава 1)

  • sp_a1_intro1
  • sp_a1_intro2
  • sp_a1_intro3
  • sp_a1_intro4
  • sp_a1_intro5
  • sp_a1_intro6
  • sp_a1_intro7
  • sp_a1_wakeup

Часть 2 (Главы 2-5)

  • sp_a2_bts1
  • sp_a2_bts2
  • sp_a2_bts3
  • sp_a2_bts4
  • sp_a2_bts5
  • sp_a2_bts6
  • sp_a2_catapult_intro
  • sp_a2_column_blocker
  • sp_a2_core
  • sp_a2_dual_lasers
  • sp_a2_fizzler_intro
  • sp_a2_intro
  • sp_a2_laser_chaining
  • sp_a2_laser_intro
  • sp_a2_laser_over_goo
  • sp_a2_laser_relays
  • sp_a2_laser_stairs
  • sp_a2_laser_vs_turret
  • sp_a2_pit_flings
  • sp_a2_pull_the_rug
  • sp_a2_ricochet
  • sp_a2_sphere_peek
  • sp_a2_triple_laser
  • sp_a2_trust_fling
  • sp_a2_turret_blocker
  • sp_a2_turret_intro

Часть 3 (Главы 6-7)

  • sp_a3_00
  • sp_a3_01
  • sp_a3_03
  • sp_a3_bomb_flings
  • sp_a3_crazy_box
  • sp_a3_end
  • sp_a3_jump_intro
  • sp_a3_portal_intro
  • sp_a3_speed_flings
  • sp_a3_speed_ramp
  • sp_a3_transition01

Часть 4 (Главы 8-9)

  • sp_a4_finale1
  • sp_a4_finale2
  • sp_a4_finale3
  • sp_a4_finale4
  • sp_a4_jump_polarity
  • sp_a4_laser_catapult
  • sp_a4_laser_platform
  • sp_a4_stop_the_box
  • sp_a4_speed_tb_catch
  • sp_a4_tb_catch
  • sp_a4_tb_intro
  • sp_a4_tb_polarity
  • sp_a4_tb_trust_drop
  • sp_a4_tb_wall_button

Часть 5 (Глава 10)


Diverse Remastered

It says it in the name…

Portal 2 with vacuums.

Ok, ok, it’s not that quite simple, but it’s definitely the best part of it.

Diverse consists of three tests, all of which utilise the mechanism of a Pneumatic Diversity Vent. Simply getting over the amusement of watching turrets being sucked away out of nowhere is enough of a challenge.

The map is simple and not one for the sadist gamers who love to restart levels over and over again but it is a hell of a lot of easy and different fun. Furthermore, you can make a lot of sucking jokes!

Why Diverse is great:

  • It sucks – And not in a bad way, the map is full of high-powered vacuums that add a little spice to the already varied game.
  • Easy Fun – Unlike some community chambers that make you want to rip your hair out, Diverse is a quick snack-sized chamber that just gives you a little boost of joy.
  • It’s rare – The mechanics used in Diverse are seen in very few community maps, making this one quirky and fresh map.

2 – Wall Repulsion (Course 5, Test Chamber 04)

Bounce between walls with your buddy in ‘Wall Repulsion’

For the walkthrough to this one, check out this video at 1:07:33 in

Like ‘Double Bounce’, this entry also makes great use of the repulsion gel. Where you might be used to making one or two big gel jumps to get up to towering heights, in ‘Wall Repulsion’ you ‘pinball’ yourself between two gelled walls to get up to where you need to go. There’s something really funny about watching your friend get repeatedly slammed between two walls and slowly make their way up to the next sections of the chamber. This wall bouncing concept is taken to another step further when the puzzle requires you to place repulsion gel on a light bridge, combining two mechanics that have never met before in the base game. Not too difficult of a test, but certainly memorable. 

Why is this map so good?

  • Combines two previously un-mixed Portal 2 mechanics.
  • So much fun bouncing between gelled walls.
  • An interesting but funny incorporation of physics needs to be applied for the solutions to this multi-step puzzle.

Quantum Entanglement 1&2

Two Companion Cubes Intwined 

Two cubes in love, forever destined to be apart, but will they ever be able to touch? No that isn’t a Minecraft version of Romeo & Juliet, it’s this awesome community maps premise.

The objective is simple, you have to progress two cubes through the various creatively structured chambers. The twist? When you move one cube, the other moves too. In my expert opinion, this is a fantastic use of the mechanics gifted to us by the chamber-creating tools, it’s imaginative, unique and simply fun to play with.

Why Quantum Entanglement is Great:

  • It’s unique – There are plenty of fun yet frankly basic community chambers that just rinse and repeat the main game, but Quantum Entanglement is inventive enough to be its own game.
  • It’s simple – The challenges may stump you but the premise is so wonderfully simple and easy to follow.
  • The varied chambers – Within Quantum Entanglement 1&2 you traverse through multiple rooms and what’s great about them is that they are all so different!


It’s simple really…

This map is simple. I mean it has to be right it says it in the name? That’s what you would think before loading this challenging puzzle up or even after a few minutes, however, once you start questioning if the game is even possible then that’s when you realise the true beauty of this map.

Trust me you wouldn’t be alone in that thinking; this chamber is so simple yet frustrating that many of the comments were arguing that the creator made it as a joke and that its not possible. Trust me, it is.

Simplified can only be compared to a video game version of completing a Rubik’s cube, give it a go yourself…

Why Simplified is great:

  • The trickery – The simple fact that name completely juxtaposes the chamber makes for one awesome trick.
  • The satisfaction – Once you move a slight bit further in the right direction you get such a rush of pride that the whole game feels worth it.
  • The size – The map may be confusing but its not overwhelming. Where some maps can be so big that by the time you reach one end you’ve forgotten what was on the other, Simplified isn’t that. It’s condensed, challenging and a fun time killer.


«You must never break the chain»

Cave Johnson; The man, the myth, the legend.

This level is difficult and intuitive but none of that really matters.

The map is so highly rated for one thing and one thing only – the hilarious feature by Portal 2’s Cave Johnson.

The humour is enough to lift this entry all the way to spot 4 and that’s about it. The level is really cleverly designed though and is a good minimalistic level.

Why Chainbuilder is great:

  • Cave Johnson – That’s all I really need to say
  • The minimalist design – The whole puzzle takes place in one open area, meaning you spawn in surrounded by different sections of the puzzle and you have to decide where to start.
  • Intricate – Chainbuilder is so intricately designed that you need to hit everything at just the right time, for it to work. You can’t just spray and pray here; you need to time every movement with precision.

Бонус: Geolocity Stage 2

  Как и в случае с картами для одиночной игры, некоторые авторы предпочитают использовать Hammer, редактор уровней движка Source, для создания более детальных работ. В Hammer выбор кооперативных уровней менее ориентирован на создание пользовательских кампаний, чем в одиночной игре, однако его использование позволяет создавать такие удобные дополнения, как визуальные вариации и контрольные точки игроков. Кроме того, с его помощью можно переосмыслить Portal 2 как нечто совершенно иное. Что-то вроде гоночной игры. В Geolocity Stage 2 от головоломок отказались ради трассы, покрытой оранжевой скоростной жижей. Вам предстоит бежать, прыгать и перемещаться по трассе с помощью порталов, избегая множества препятствий и думая на ходу, чтобы как можно быстрее пройти сложные участки. Хотя первая Geolocity тоже доставляет немало удовольствия, в Stage 2 появилась возможность поиздеваться над противником с помощью мишеней, которые при активации инструментом ping могут разворачивать воронки, создавать барьеры или активировать дробилки. Скачать Geolocity Stage 2 можно здесь . Текущая страница:Page 2 Prev Page Page 1 Подпишитесь, чтобы получать лучшие материалы недели и выгодные игровые предложения, отобранные редакторами. Фил пишет для PC Gamer уже почти десять лет, начав свою карьеру в качестве внештатного автора, освещающего самые разные темы – от бесплатных игр до MMO. В итоге он стал штатным сотрудником журнала в качестве автора новостей, а затем перешел в журнал для написания обзоров иммерсивных симуляторов, ролевых игр и игр серии Hitman. Сейчас он возглавляет британскую команду PC Gamer, но все же иногда находит время, чтобы написать о своей постоянной увлеченности Destiny 2, GTA Online и Apex Legends. Когда он не занимается повышением уровня боевых пропусков, он проверяет последнюю тактическую игру или снова погружается в Guild Wars 2. Он в значительной степени ответственен за всю эту историю с Табом Геральтом, но до сих пор не сожалеет об этом.

3 – Turret Assassin (Course 3, Test Chamber 07)

Take down a series of turret with your puzzling partner in ‘Turret Assassin’


This tricky puzzle can be seen at 38:40 in the video

Although it’s easy to fall in love with their dysfunctional counterparts, those trigger-happy turrets are a real pest. If you so much as poke your little robot head out in a turret’s view, it’ll open fire without a second thought. Well, as the name suggests, now is your chance to exact revenge on the pale, spherical things full of bullets. This chamber gives you plenty of creative opportunities to take down the small army of tripod robots however you see fit. Think fast with a protective light bridge shield, speed through a portal to tackle down a turret like you’re protecting the president or fling trash at them through a portal, knocking them into deadly goo. The only issue with this test is that there aren’t enough turrets to take out!

Why is this map so good?

  • Take out Turrets in increasingly creative and satisfying ways.
  • Protect your puzzling partner from the turrets with quick thinking.
  • Deceptively simple, this chamber actually provides tricky problems to solve.

Enigma Protocol

If you only play one, make it this one.

Probably the biggest in terms of size, content and ratings this titan of community chambers was always going to be in first place.

Set shortly after the events of the Cooperative Testing Initiative, a test subject wakes to Glados’ newest testing track. Make your way through 22 brand-new test chambers in this map pack.

You heard that right, 22 test chambers. That is nearly another full game, excluding Portal stories-Mel, Enigma Protocol is probably the nearest thing we will get to a Portal 3 and I for one love it.

22 unique chambers with an overarching story, humour and atmosphere; The Enigma Protocol encompasses a brilliant section of every entry before on this list and combines them for one epic thrill of a community map.

Why Enigma Protocol is great:

  • The story – Perhaps one of the best things about Valves games are the mysterious and fully developed storylines and Enigma Protocol is no exception. It continues from where Cooperative Testing Initiative ends, meaning we get just a little more Portal goodness.
  • The difficulty – The comments seem to be unanimous with this one. It requires deep thinking but it isn’t too difficult as to make it frustrating. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.
  • A creative use of original mechanics – Unlike some others on this list, Enigma Protocol mostly uses tools that the original game gave us. This may sound negative but its quite the contrary, it makes the game feel authentic and legitimate. A fantastic map that all Portal 2 lovers should definitely give a go.

1 – Funnel Maze (Course 4, Test Chamber 08)

Teamwork is absolutely essential for the impressively designed ‘Funnel Maze’

Although its deceptively simple, check out 54:37 in the video for the walkthrough to ‘Funnel Maze’

Similar to an earlier test, ‘Rat Maze’, this number one entry greatly expands on the maze premise. One robot tester must be the ‘rat’ that hops into a tractor beam, while the other must control where the beam is placed and what direction it goes in. The player that controls the tractor beam must do so with portals and by standing on the button that determines what direction the beam moves in. This is such a perfect co-op puzzle because the life of the ‘rat’ player is totally in the hands (and feet) of the other. ‘Mashy spike plates’ as Wheatley famously referred to them, act as deadly hazards in this huge maze. Time the tractor beam correctly or risk starting all over again with a newly manufactured buddy! The roles between the two players are well split in this puzzle, because although the ‘rat’ player is kind of left just dangling there while their partner dictates where they go, they still get the thrill of having the point of view of being levitated through a deadly and elaborate Aperture maze. ‘Funnel Maze’ is an excellent example of how essential teamwork is, and acts as the epitome of the fantastic and underrated co-op mode in Portal 2.

Why is this map so good?

  • Provides a real challenge with many steps to figure out between you and your partner.
  • Makes a greater use of the tractor beams than the single player chambers do.
  • A much more expanded upon idea from the ‘Rat Maze’ from earlier on in the game mode.


  Rampage в значительной степени исследует возможности головоломок, основанных на жестких легких мостах. В трех комнатах используется смесь пандусов, мостов и решеток освобождения для создания интересных и уникальных задач, требующих серьезной координации портала. И еще одна особенность: она позволяет возрождающимся игрокам легко возвращаться к месту своей гибели. На некоторых картах это является проблемой благодаря редактору уровней, который не позволяет размещать контрольные точки. Скачать Rampage можно здесь . Заметки от партнера по тестированию: “Стоп, СТОП! Еще нет! *splash* DAMN IT!”

5 – Industrial Fan (Course 2, Test Chamber 08)

Work around a giant fan with your friend in this huge puzzle area

Check out the playthrough of ‘Industrial fan’ at 25:25 in this full co-op demonstration video

On this mid-stage puzzle, you and a friend will have to navigate your way through an industrial-sized Aperture fan. You, or your trusty portal pal will have to figure out a way to disable the fan for the other player to fling themselves through the now-safe passageway. The novelty of seeing some of the giant mechanics in the depths of Aperture facility is overwhelming and awe-inspiring, much like the humongous hatch doors that can be seen in the single player story. Visually, this map is gloomily beautiful. Seemingly set in a giant cave portion of the facility, you and your friend flying around this vast space is a total joy. Seamlessly go from the huge, damp chute that the fan sits in, to an abandoned Aperture office space for the last part of the chamber. It’s the thought that the Valve team puts into even a secondary section of the game that still enriches and expands on the world that they’re constantly building.

Why is this map so good?

  • Work around a ginormous Aperture fan that will smash you to pieces unless your partner disables it.
  • One of the first real challenges that’s posed to you and your partner in co-op mode.
  • Being an earlier puzzle, this map is a good introduction into the way you will need to think in co-op mode.

Fancy portaling with a friend? Here are the best co-op maps in Portal 2

Perhaps because it’s over-shadowed by the fantastic main storyline, the co-op option is a criminally underrated game mode in Portal 2. Where the single player narrative leaves you to figure out the puzzles in solitude (you might have Wheatley or GLaDOS with you but they aren’t exactly much help) in co-op, you get to work with a friend to figure out puzzles that typically have twice the amount of steps. Play as the loveable droids, P-body and Atlas as you test yourselves to pieces, literally. Think with not just your own portals, but your partner’s as well for these excellently put together maps. Here are some of the best Portal 2 co-op mode maps.


A brief adventure outside the labs

The environment and atmosphere are everything in Actinium. Have you ever played Portal 2 and thought, I wish there was more shrubbery? Well now there is, in Actinium!

Personally, my favourite section of the main game was when you break free and have to journey through the ‘Behind the scenes’ areas, through the ominous and eery back rooms and flooded rooms.

In Actinium, you start of going through a test chamber before moving on to the main section of scary studios.

Plus, there is a great yet tricky bit of bounce gel manipulation where some control and skill is required.

Why Actinium is Great:

  • It’s tense – There is something indescribably creepy about Portal 2. It’s the dark atmosphere that spawned secrets like Ratman and his crazy rooms and that’s the exact material that Actinium utilises.
  • The difficulty – Actinium is for the most part, medium difficulty. This makes it awesome as it allows for a large range of skilled players to join in. Fun for experts and fun for amateurs, who could ask for more?
  • The sequels – Due to Actinium’s success, multiple more chapters were created for it, making it a great little franchise.

Top 20 GD Veterans

Games Rated XP
1 MaxwellDenton35 comments
Reputation: +16
264 88,080
2 TrueInfinity0 comments
Reputation: 0
266 85,860
3 M.Nikolic6 comments
Reputation: +16
263 80,430
4 mike254908 comments
Reputation: +18
240 76,990
5 AlexS0 comments
Reputation: 0
235 71,820
6 MrM0rg0th8 comments
Reputation: +21
212 69,510
7 rwisenor9 comments
Reputation: +1
225 68,940
8 James Lightning126 comments
Reputation: +113
23 58,260
9 Isaia2 comments
Reputation: +20
163 52,870
10 MrsDeadpool0 comments
Reputation: 0
136 41,280
11 AntLong352 comments
Reputation: +5
94 36,250
12 Phoenix24970 comments
Reputation: +3
107 36,060
13 Rafiul8 comments
Reputation: +13
116 35,830
14 RKChauhan46 comments
Reputation: +26
96 34,580
15 dennis33071 comments
Reputation: +3
84 30,710
16 Anikgee0 comments
Reputation: 0
95 30,120
17 mnmalone0 comments
Reputation: 0
96 29,490
18 Media10 comments
Reputation: 0
93 28,640
19 Jamie_Hall19 comments
Reputation: +30
72 27,410
20 TheRedFlames0 comments
Reputation: 0
89 27,300

Top 20 GD Veterans

Games Rated XP
1 MaxwellDenton35 comments
Reputation: +16
264 88,080
2 TrueInfinity0 comments
Reputation: 0
266 85,860
3 M.Nikolic6 comments
Reputation: +16
263 80,430
4 mike254908 comments
Reputation: +18
240 76,990
5 AlexS0 comments
Reputation: 0
235 71,820
6 MrM0rg0th8 comments
Reputation: +21
212 69,510
7 rwisenor9 comments
Reputation: +1
225 68,940
8 James Lightning126 comments
Reputation: +113
23 58,260
9 Isaia2 comments
Reputation: +20
163 52,870
10 MrsDeadpool0 comments
Reputation: 0
136 41,280
11 AntLong352 comments
Reputation: +5
94 36,250
12 Phoenix24970 comments
Reputation: +3
107 36,060
13 Rafiul8 comments
Reputation: +13
116 35,830
14 RKChauhan46 comments
Reputation: +26
96 34,580
15 dennis33071 comments
Reputation: +3
84 30,710
16 Anikgee0 comments
Reputation: 0
95 30,120
17 mnmalone0 comments
Reputation: 0
96 29,490
18 Media10 comments
Reputation: 0
93 28,640
19 Jamie_Hall19 comments
Reputation: +30
72 27,410
20 TheRedFlames0 comments
Reputation: 0
89 27,300

Кооперативный режим

Калибровочный тест



  • mp_coop_lobby_2
  • mp_coop_lobby_3 (новый распределитель, включающий дополнение DLC1)

Серия 1: Командная игра

  • mp_coop_doors
  • mp_coop_laser_2
  • mp_coop_laser_crusher
  • mp_coop_race_2
  • mp_coop_rat_maze
  • mp_coop_teambts

Серия 2: Масса и скорость

  • mp_coop_catapult_1
  • mp_coop_come_along
  • mp_coop_fan
  • mp_coop_fling_1
  • mp_coop_fling_3
  • mp_coop_fling_crushers
  • mp_coop_infinifling_train
  • mp_coop_multifling_1

Серия 3: Мосты плотного света

  • mp_coop_catapult_2
  • mp_coop_catapult_wall_intro
  • mp_coop_turret_ball
  • mp_coop_turret_walls
  • mp_coop_wall_2
  • mp_coop_wall_5
  • mp_coop_wall_block
  • mp_coop_wall_intro

Серия 4: Экскурсионные воронки

  • mp_coop_tbeam_catch_grind_1
  • mp_coop_tbeam_drill
  • mp_coop_tbeam_end
  • mp_coop_tbeam_laser_1
  • mp_coop_tbeam_maze
  • mp_coop_tbeam_polarity
  • mp_coop_tbeam_polarity2
  • mp_coop_tbeam_polarity3
  • mp_coop_tbeam_redirect

Серия 5: Ускоряющие гели

  • mp_coop_paint_bridge
  • mp_coop_paint_come_along
  • mp_coop_paint_longjump_intro
  • mp_coop_paint_redirect
  • mp_coop_paint_red_racer
  • mp_coop_paint_speed_catch
  • mp_coop_paint_speed_fling
  • mp_coop_paint_walljumps
  • mp_coop_credits

Дополнительная серия: Арт-терапия (DLC1)

  • mp_coop_2paints_1bridge
  • mp_coop_bridge_catch
  • mp_coop_catapult_catch
  • mp_coop_laser_tbeam
  • mp_coop_paint_conversion
  • mp_coop_paint_crazy_box
  • mp_coop_paint_rat_maze
  • mp_coop_separation_1
  • mp_coop_tripleaxis

Pinball Portal 2

Arcade classic anyone?

I’m hesitant to even call this entry Portal at this point. This genius use of the physics provided combines retro arcade fun with modern video games and futuristic technology.

Pinball 2 is wonderful for a quick injection of high-speed fun. To be overly critical, I would say that it does grow old fairly quickly, but it’s perfect as a quick burst of energy between two larger more simplistic maps.

In Pinball you literally spawn in and position yourself in front of a gigantic Portal-based pinball machine and you jump to flick the toggles.

Your goal, destroy Glados. That will teach her for lying about that cake…

Why Pinball is great:

  • Incredibly different – I’ve said it before for other entries, but no other map is as creatively unique as Pinball Portal 2. With a few more maps it could be a standalone game.
  • Fun for everyone – One button fun. As you really only need to press the jump button, pinball is easily accessible for any player regardless of skill. Easy to play; difficult to master.
  • Revenge – You, Glados, an epic pinball match to the death. Need I say more?
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: